Development within MU3 form shall be regulated in conformance with the applicable provisions of:
(a) § 160.480 (Fences).
(b) §§ 160.485 et seq. (Landscape and Buffer Yard).
(c) §§ 160.550 et seq. (Parking, Loading, and Stacking Regulations).
(d) §§ 160.570 et seq. (On-Premises Sign Regulations).
(e) § 160.491 (Standards for Outdoor Lighting).
(Ord. 30-23, passed 5-2-2023)
The following uses shall be a principal use when a building or premises is the primary or predominant use of any lot: Permitted special. The following principal uses include the same additional restrictions for all listed uses below. A conditional use with standards within § 160.616 (Conditional Use Standards) may be obtained when the standards for a permitted special use cannot be obtained.
(a) Permitted special: Light manufacturing, process, and assembly.
(1) Submittal of a site management plan outlining litter, odor, and product control measures, which is approved by the planning and health departments.
(2) Locate in an area where traffic to and from the site is not on a local or residential street.
(3) Outdoor storage shall be screened with a six-foot opaque fence or berm with no outdoor storage allowed in the front yard.
(4) Operations must be fully enclosed within the building (only in I-1 districts).
(5) Unscreened storage only allowed by alternative landscape plan § 160.599.
(b) Permitted special: Light warehouse and freight movement.
(1) Locate in areas where traffic to and from site is not on residential streets.
(2) Outdoor storage shall be screened with a six-foot opaque fence or berm with no outdoor storage allowed in the required front yard.
(3) Operations must be fully enclosed within the building (only in I-1 districts).
(4) Unscreened storage only allowed by alternative landscape plan § 160.599.
(5) Paved parking is required for any operational vehicle storage.
(c) Permitted special: Crematory, so long as such use placed beyond 300 feet of any DD, AD, and MD form.
(d) Permitted special: Campground. Campgrounds shall conform to the South Dakota Department of Health requirements for campgrounds. Campgrounds for camping units within the urbanized area of the Sioux Falls city limits should be sited with consideration for vehicular access. The campground should be designed to minimize the impact from adjacent major streets and highways.
(1) There shall not be less than 1,500 square feet for each camping site provided in the campgrounds. Camping sites shall be located to provide for convenient vehicular ingress and egress and appropriate maneuvering room. Each camping site will be provided with a number or letter to facilitate location by emergency vehicles.
(2) The campgrounds shall be supplied with a water supply and sewage disposal facilities that conform to Appendix E—Manufactured/Mobile Home Parks and Recreational Vehicle Parks of the Uniform Plumbing Code.
(3) Electrically equipped camping sites shall provide electrical connections, which meet Article 55—Recreational Vehicle and Recreational Vehicle Parks—of the National Electrical Code.
(4) LP tanks for camping units shall be secured against overturning and not have a capacity of greater than 100 pounds.
(5) Yards adjacent to a public street shall be a minimum of 20 feet in depth. Side yards shall be a minimum of 10 feet and rear yards shall be a minimum of 25 feet. Camping sites may be located in the rear yard when a screen fence or wall is provided.
(6) The access to public roads and highways shall be paved or surfaced in a similar manner to the adjacent public roads and shall be approved by the city.
(e) Permitted special: Cannabis testing facility.
(1) Placed beyond 1,000 feet from sensitive uses.
(2) One thousand feet separation of medical cannabis dispensary from each other.
(3) Posting a sign at the entrance that shall state the nature of the business.
(Ord. 30-23, passed 5-2-2023)
A use shall be accessory to a building or premises that is customarily incidental and subordinate to any principal use allowed as a WM1 form. Permitted special. The following accessory uses include additional restrictions for each specific use. A conditional use permit with standards within § 160.616 (Conditional Use Standards) shall be obtained when the standards for a permitted special accessory use cannot be obtained.
(a) Accessory off-site parking.
(1) The accessory off-site parking must be within 250 feet of the application's principal use.
(2) The accessory off-site parking must be no closer than 250 feet to any DD or AD forms.
(3) If the off-site parking lot is across an arterial street, a pedestrian safety plan must be approved by the planning director.
(b) Heliport.
(1) Hard-surfaced site—landing site.
(2) Landing pad must be constructed in a way that the public may not be able to access the site.
(c) Recreation facility, private.
(1) The use must be contained within a building.
(2) The floor area of the principal use is clearly identified on a floor plan drawn to scale.
(3) The floor area of the private recreation facility is clearly subordinate to the principal use of the building.
(4) Additional on-site parking spaces are provided for the floor area of the accessory use per the parking calculations table.
(Ord. 30-23, passed 5-2-2023)