Upon appointment the planning commission shall be called together by the mayor and shall organize by electing a chairperson from among its members for a term of one year with eligibility for reelection, and may fill the other of its offices as it may create in a manner prescribed by the rules of the planning commission.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 2.907; 1992 Code, § 32-24) (Ord. 1992, passed 8-3-1959)
The planning commission shall hold at least one regular meeting each month. Subject to the approval of the city council, it shall adopt those rules for transaction of its business and shall keep a record of its resolutions, transactions, findings and determinations which shall be a public record.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 2.908; 1992 Code, § 32-25) (Ord. 1992, passed 8-3-1959)
The planning commission shall each year distribute a report to the city council of its proceedings with a statement of its receipts and disbursements and the progress of its work during the preceding year.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 2.909; 1992 Code, § 32-26) (Ord. 1992, passed 8-3-1959)
Subject to the approval of the city council, the planning commission may employ technical, engineering, clerical and other assistance as may be deemed essential to carry on the work of the planning commission. Persons so employed shall not be under the civil service except as otherwise determined by the city council. The compensation of all employees shall be fixed by the city council.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 2.910; 1992 Code, § 32-27) (Ord. 1992, passed 8-3-1959)
(a) The planning commission shall have all powers granted to zoning commissions and shall also be the zoning commission of the city.
(b) The planning commission may make reports and recommendations relating to the plan and development of the city to public officials and agencies, public utility companies, civic, educational, professional and other organizations, and citizens. It may recommend to the executive or legislative officials of the city programs for public improvements and the financing thereof. All public officials shall, upon request, furnish to the planning commission, within a reasonable time, available information as it may require for its work.
(c) The planning commission, its members and employees, in the performance of its functions, may enter upon any land, make examinations and surveys and place and maintain necessary monuments and marks thereon. In general, the planning commission shall have all powers as may be necessary to enable it to fulfill and perform its functions, promote city planning or carry out all the purposes of this chapter.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 2.915; 1992 Code, § 32-29) (Ord. 1992, passed 8-3-1959)
(a) It shall be a function and duty of the planning commission to propose a plan for the physical development of the city, including any areas outside the boundary and within its planning jurisdiction which, in the planning commission’s judgment, bear relation to the planning of the city.
(b) The comprehensive plan, with the accompanying maps, plats, charts and descriptive and explanatory matter, shall show the planning commission’s recommendations for the physical development and may include, among other things, the general location, character and extent of streets, bridges, viaducts, parks, parkways, waterways and waterfront developments, playgrounds, airports and other public ways, grounds, places and spaces; the general location of public schools, of public buildings and other public property; a zoning ordinance for the regulation of the height, area, bulk, location and use of private and public structures and premises, and of population density as may be provided by law may be included as an adjunct to the comprehensive plan; the general location and extent of public utilities and terminals, whether publicly or privately owned, for water, light, power, heat, sanitation, transportation, communication and other purposes; the acceptance, widening, removal, extension, relocation, narrowing, vacation, abandonment, or change of use of any of the public ways, grounds, places, spaces, buildings, properties, utilities or terminals; the general location, character, layout and extent of community centers and neighborhood units and the general character, extent and layout of the replanning of blighted districts and slum areas.
(c) The planning commission may from time to time propose amendments, extensions or additions to the comprehensive plan or carry any of the subject matter into greater detail. The planning director shall be responsible for preparing the master plan and amendments and extensions thereof and for submitting with recommendations the plans and modifications to the city planning commission for its consideration and adoption.
(d) Types of amendments.
(1) Comprehensive plan amendments. The planning director shall be responsible for preparing the master plan and amendments to the city planning commission for its consideration and adoption.
(2) Future land use plan [comprehensive plan] amendments. Property owners and/or the planning director may be responsible for preparing amendments to future land use map for city planning commission consideration and adoption.
(e) The public should be notified of proposed amendments and allowed an opportunity to be informed of the amendments and provide comment. The planning director and planning commission will consider neighborhood opinions in evaluating proposed amendments. A proposed amendment shall be considered on its own merits using the following criteria as a guide:
(1) Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with the goals, policies and overall intent of the text within the comprehensive plan;
(2) Whether the proposed amendment is warranted by changed conditions within the neighborhood surrounding and including the subject property;
(3) Whether the proposed amendment achieves an arrangement of activities which promote harmonious interaction and minimizes land use conflicts surrounding the subject property;
(4) Whether the proposed amendment would adversely affect the environment, historic resources, natural resources, urban services, public facilities and transportation system;
(5) Whether the proposed amendment is warranted by an approved engineering analysis, including, but not limited to, adopted city-initiated master plans;
(6) Whether the proposed amendment would result in a logical and orderly development pattern;
(7) Whether the proposed amendment adversely affects any other part of the city, or creates any direct or indirect adverse effects; and
(8) In conclusion, whether the proposed amendment creates an undue impact on surrounding neighborhoods; whereas proposed developments should be consistent with the physical characteristics of the surrounding neighborhoods or improves their living environment and quality of life.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 2.912; 1992 Code, § 32-30) (Ord. 1992, passed 8-3-1959; Ord. 06-06, passed 1-3-2006)