The planning commission shall each year distribute a report to the city council of its proceedings with a statement of its receipts and disbursements and the progress of its work during the preceding year.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 2.909; 1992 Code, § 32-26) (Ord. 1992, passed 8-3-1959)
Subject to the approval of the city council, the planning commission may employ technical, engineering, clerical and other assistance as may be deemed essential to carry on the work of the planning commission. Persons so employed shall not be under the civil service except as otherwise determined by the city council. The compensation of all employees shall be fixed by the city council.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 2.910; 1992 Code, § 32-27) (Ord. 1992, passed 8-3-1959)