   76.001   General restrictions
   76.002   Establishment of speed zones
   76.003   Maximum limits generally
   76.004   Emergency vehicles
   76.005   Slow speed
   76.020   Position of vehicle; safety
   76.021   Right-turning vehicle required to keep right
   76.022   Turning left
   76.023   Limitations on turning around
   76.024   Authority to modify method of turning; posting signs
   76.025   Prohibited turns at intersections
Turning and Stopping Signals
   76.040   Signals
   76.041   Required
   76.042   Arm signals, mechanical signals and electrical signals
   76.043   Method of giving hand and arm signals
Required Stop, Yield Intersections
   76.055   Designation of through streets
   76.056   Signs required at through streets
   76.057   Other intersections where stop or yield required
   76.058   Obedience to signs
   76.059   Vehicle entering stop intersection
   76.060   Duty when approaching yield sign; pedestrians; collision prima facie evidence of failure to yield
   76.061   Alley, private driveway
   76.062   Stop when traffic obstructed
   76.063   Stop required when grade crossing signal operating
   76.064   Vehicles required to stop at all grade crossings; shifting gears while crossing
Miscellaneous Driving Rules
   76.075   Reckless driving
   76.076   Careless driving
   76.077   Exhibition driving
   76.078   Unsafe backing
   76.079   Maximum passengers
   76.080   Interference with view, mechanism
   76.081   Following too closely
   76.082   Vehicles on parkways, cycle tracks, sidepaths, or sidewalks
   76.083   Following fire apparatus; minimum following or parking distance
   76.084   Driving over fire hose prohibited
   76.085   Driving through procession
   76.086   Corner cutting
   76.087   Backing into intersections or around corners prohibited
   76.088   Unsealed containers of alcoholic beverage in vehicle
   76.089   Parking on private property
   76.090   Obstructed windows
   76.091   Prohibition on use of electronic message
   76.092   Exceptions on use of electronic communication devices and electronic message
   76.105   Declaration of purpose
   76.106   Definitions
   76.107   Cruising prohibited
   76.108   Exceptions
Statutory reference:
   Required stops, see SDCL ch. 32-29
   It shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle on a street or highway at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing or at a speed in excess of those fixed by this subchapter.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.157; 1992 Code, § 40-137) Penalty, see § 10.999
   (a)    The city traffic engineer, unless otherwise determined by the city council, is authorized and empowered to determine and establish upon any street or highway within the city, or any part thereof, limited speed zones which speed limit shall constitute the maximum speed at which any person may drive or operate any vehicle upon the zoned street or highway or portion thereof so zoned, and on which street or highway the maximum speed permissible in the zone has been conspicuously posted by signs adopted by the city council.
   (b)   The beginning of the limited speed zones shall be indicated by signs showing the speed limits.
   (c)    The city traffic engineer may establish limited speed zones through street or highway work areas. The beginning and end of the immediate work area shall be conspicuously posted with signs showing the maximum speed permissible. Any fine for a violation of these speed limits while workers are present shall be double the usual fine for speeding, but may not exceed the maximum fine for violation of a city ordinance. Signs showing that any fine will be double the usual speeding fine shall be erected in advance of the regulatory speed limit signs.
(1992 Code, § 40-138) (Ord. 64-75, passed 9-29-1975; Ord. 69-96, passed 6-3-1996; Ord. 73-12, passed 9-4-2012)
   Except as may otherwise be provided by this subchapter, it shall be unlawful for any person to operate or drive any vehicle at a rate of speed greater than the following:
   (a)   Fifteen miles per hour when approaching within 50 feet of a grade crossing of any railway when the driver’s view is obstructed. A driver’s view shall be deemed to be obstructed when at any time during the last 200 feet of his or her approach to the crossing, he or she does not have a clear and uninterrupted view of any traffic on the railway for a distance of 400 feet in each direction;
   (b)   Fifteen miles per hour when approaching within 50 feet and in traversing an uncontrolled intersection of highways when the driver’s view is obstructed. A driver’s view shall be deemed to be obstructed when at any time during the last 50 feet of his or her approach to the intersection, he or she does not have a clear and uninterrupted view of the intersection and of the traffic upon all of the highways entering the intersection for a distance of 200 feet from the intersection;
   (c)   Fifteen miles per hour when passing a school during school recess or while children are going to or leaving school during opening or closing hours for the school;
   (d)   Fifteen miles per hour on streets adjacent to schools while children are present on school property, streets adjacent to school property or in zones near school property established and posted by the city engineer;
   (e)   Fifteen miles per hour when approaching within 50 feet and in traversing a school crossing when the school crossing is properly established and posted by the city engineer;
   (f)   Twenty miles per hour on any highway in a business district, unless a different speed is posted by the city engineer;
   (g)   Fifteen miles per hour in public parks, on any of the flood protection levees, and on recreation trails unless a different speed is posted by the city engineer;
   (h)   Twenty-five miles per hour in a residential district unless a different speed is posted by the city engineer;
   (i)   Thirty miles per hour on all highways and through streets in a residential district unless a different speed is posted by the city engineer and except as provided in division (c) above; and
   (j)   Fifteen miles per hour in any public alley.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.157; 1992 Code, § 40-139) (Ord. 2255, passed 3-23-1964; Ord. 2303, passed 12-7-1964; Ord. 2423, passed 6-13-1966; Ord. 2668, passed 2-24-1970; Ord. 64-75, passed 9-29-1975; Ord. 118-18, passed 12-18-2018; Ord. 18-24, passed 3-5-2024)
Statutory reference:
   Related subject matter, see SDCL 32-25-13, 32-25-15
   The speed limit set out in this subchapter does not apply to authorized emergency vehicles when responding to emergency calls provided the drivers thereof sound audible signals by siren or horn and two lighted red lights are displayed to the front, or one beacon light visible 360 degrees, or to authorized emergency vehicles operated by peace officers who are measuring the speed of other vehicles by use of the emergency vehicle speedometer. This section shall not relieve the driver of any authorized emergency vehicle from the duty to driver with due regard for the safety of all persons using the street nor shall it protect the driver of any vehicle from the consequence of a reckless disregard of the safety of others.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.158; 1992 Code, § 40-142)