Upon the application of a member, or by the department head of the fire department on behalf of a member who becomes totally and permanently incapacitated for duty as a firefighter in the service of the city, a firefighter, by reason of a personal injury or disease, may be retired by the board of trustees, provided, that after a medical examination of the member made by or under the direction of the medical committee, the medical committee certifies to the board of trustees, by majority opinion in writing, that:
   (a)   The member is mentally or physically totally incapacitated to perform the duties of the member’s fire department classification;
   (b)   The incapacity will probably be permanent; and
   (c)   The member should be retired.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 2.1119; 1992 Code, § 35-99) (Ord. 108-85, passed 12-2-1985; Ord. 36-95, passed 3-6-1995)