All final grades established pursuant to the major use permit plot plan or reclamation plan shall comply with the "Design Standards -- Performance Requirements" contained in Chapter 4 of this Division; except that the requirement of 90% compaction of fills and the requirements of Section 87.425 "Completion of Work -- Final Reports" may be waived by the County Official. All soil engineer's reports relative to the grading of the property shall be maintained and be made available to the County Official prior to placement of any permanent structure on the property.
(Added by Ord. No. 9547 (N.S.), effective 5-9-03)
An idle mine (as defined by SMARA) must meet all of the following requirements:
(a) Obtain County approval of an Interim Management Plan, pursuant to Section 2770(h) of SMARA and Section 87.714 of this Division. Costs of review of Interim Management Plans shall be charged to the annual inspection deposit;
(b) Comply with the requirements for financial assurance;
(c) Submit the annual report required by Section 2207 of SMARA; and
(d) Submit to an annual inspection, pursuant to Section 2774 of SMARA.
(Added by Ord. No. 9547 (N.S.), effective 5-9-03)
An Interim Management Plan (required to be submitted pursuant to Section 2770(h) of SMARA) shall include or be accompanied by all of the following:
(a) A cover sheet, or sheets, describing:
(1) The name and address of the person responsible for the mining operation while it is idle;
(2) The date the operation became idle and, if known, the date the operation is expected to resume active status;
(3) A statement outlining reasons for the change in operational status;
(4) A description of the equipment, structures, and other facilities that will remain on the site while the operation is idle; and
(5) A description of expected activity on the site, if any, that will be conducted while the operation is idle, including the estimated annual production from overburden, stockpiles, mining waste, and ore.
(b) A map, or maps, of the site subject to the approved reclamation plan, depicting:
(1) Areas not reclaimed in accordance with the approved reclamation plan, including the location of existing pit slopes and cross-sections of the highest and steepest slopes;
(2) Areas reclaimed in accordance with the approved reclamation plan;
(3) Areas and facilities that will be utilized while the operation is idle; and
(4) The location of all sedimentation ponds, stockpiles, plant facilities, tailings, utilities, and other facilities associated with the surface mining operation.
(c) A drainage plan or description of how erosion and sedimentation will be controlled, including maintenance of sedimentation basins and culverts.
(d) A revegetation plan, if necessary for erosion control or aesthetics, for those areas that will be temporarily replanted. The plan shall explain planting techniques, describe soil amendments to be used, list species to be planted, and include a map delineating areas to be revegetated.
(e) A monitoring maintenance plan, including a description of safety measures, and schedule of activities (such as repairing fences, removing garbage, posting signs, repairing roads, as applicable) that will be followed while the operation is idle to ensure public health and safety and to ensure that the operation is in an environmentally safe and stable condition.
(Added by Ord. No. 9547 (N.S.), effective 5-9-03)