No person shall travel on the airport property other than on the roads, walks, and places appropriate to the type of travel, nor shall any person use said roads, walks, or other places in such a manner so as to hinder or obstruct the property usage thereof by others.
No person shall enter the terminal building or landing area of the airport with a dog or other animal, except a seeing-eye dog, unless such dogs or other animals are restrained by a leash and kept under complete control. Dogs and other animals are permitted in other areas of the airport if they are restrained by a leash or otherwise confined so as to be under the complete control of the person accompanying such animal.
Every flight school operator and independent flight instructor that trains foreign flight students and is based at a County Airport shall annually certify to the Director its compliance with all foreign flight student screening, vetting, and/or monitoring requirements, including, without limitation, the requirements of the Alien Flight Student Program, the Student and Exchange Visitors Program, and their successor programs, statutes, rules, and regulations, as applicable.
(Added by Ord. No. 10329 (N.S.), effective 3-28-14)
No person shall navigate, land, takeoff or fly any aircraft, or service, maintain or repair any aircraft, or conduct any aircraft operations or activities on, from or about the airport other than in conformity with current Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Federal Air Regulations (FAR), and Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) rules and regulations and with applicable laws of the State of California.