*Note—Amended by Ord. No. 9970 (N.S.), effective 3-12-09, as Chapter 6, SOLICITING PERSONS IN VEHICLES. (Provisions previously codified at § 38.101 et seq.)
It shall be unlawful for any person to distribute any printed or advertising matter to another person who is riding in or on a vehicle while the vehicle is in motion on a public highway in the unincorporated area of the County.
(Amended by Ord. No. 9970 (N.S.), effective 3-12-09)
It shall be unlawful for any person to attempt to stop or to stop another person who is riding in or on any vehicle while the vehicle is in motion on a public highway in the unincorporated area of the County for the purpose of soliciting business or for the purpose of distributing any printed or advertising matter.
(Amended by Ord. No. 9970 (N.S.), effective 3-12-09)