Other than in the defense of person or property, it shall be unlawful for any person to shoot, fire or discharge any pistol, revolver, rifle or any other firearm or device (other than a shotgun) fired or discharged by explosives in any portion of the unincorporated territory of the County within that portion of the County of San Diego described as follows (All references to sections, townships and ranges are based on the San Bernardino Base and Meridian):
All of that portion of the County of San Diego lying northerly of the center line of State Highway Route 78 and the westerly projection of said center line to the Pacific Ocean and westerly and southerly of the following described line:
BEGINNING at a point on center line of said State Highway Route 78 distant thereof 600 feet easterly of the intersection of said center line with the easterly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 395; thence northerly from said point of beginning along a line that is 600 feet easterly of and parallel with the easterly right-of-way line of said U.S. Highway 395 to a point (hereinafter referred to as Point "D") which is due east of a point 450 feet (measured along the center line U.S. Highway 395) northerly of the intersection of the center line of Mission Road (County Road S-13) and the center line of said U.S. Highway 395; thence said Point "D" westerly along a straight line crossing U.S. Highway 395 and continuing westerly to that certain point designated Point "A" in the description of Parcel N-1 described in Section 33.104 of this Code (said point being approximately 600 feet easterly of the intersection of Gird Road and Mission Road (County Road S-13); thence due west in a straight line to the Pacific Ocean.
EXCEPTING THEREFROM all of that portion of the County of San Diego lying within the boundaries of Camp Joseph H. Pendleton Marine Corps Reservation and all of those portions of the County of San Diego lying within those certain parcels described and designated Parcel N-1, N-2 and N-4 in Section 33.104 of this Code.
That portion of said County of San Diego lying southerly of the center line of State Highway 78 and its westerly prolongation to the Pacific Ocean; lying northerly of the center line of U.S. Highway Interstate 8 and its westerly prolongation to the Pacific Ocean and lying westerly of the following described line:
BEGINNING at the intersection of the center line of State Highway Route 78 with the center line of San Pasqual Road; thence in a straight line southeasterly to the intersection of the easterly boundary of Section 4, Township 13 South, Range 1 West with the city boundary of the City of San Diego; thence south along the easterly boundary of said Section 4 and the easterly boundary of Section 9, Township 13 South, Range 1 West to the intersection of said easterly boundary with a line 600 feet northeasterly of and parallel with the center line of Highland Valley Road (County Road D-4); thence from said intersection southeasterly and southerly along a line 600 feet northeasterly and easterly of and parallel with the center line of Highland Valley Road (County Road D-4) to a point 600 feet northeast of the intersection of Highland Valley Road (County Road D-4) with the County Road known as Archie Moore Road (County Road Survey No. 1501); thence southerly from said point along a line 600 feet east of and parallel with the center line of said road known as Archie Moore Road (County Road Survey No. 1501) to its intersection with State Highway Route 67 and continuing along the southerly prolongation of said parallel line to a point 600 feet southeast of State Highway Route 67; thence from said point southerly along a line 600 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of State Highway Route 67 to a point 600 feet north of the center line of Vigilante Road; thence easterly and southerly along a line that is 600 feet northerly and easterly of and parallel with the center line of Vigilante Road to its intersection with Morena Avenue and continuing southerly along a line that is 600 feet easterly of and parallel with the center line of Morena Avenue to its intersection with a line 600 feet northerly of and parallel with Willow Road; thence easterly along a line that is 600 feet northerly of and parallel with the center line of Willow Road to its intersection with a line 600 feet easterly of and parallel with the center lines of Wildcat Canyon Road and Ashwood Street; thence from said intersection southerly along a line that is 600 feet easterly of and parallel with the center line of Wildcat Canyon Road and Ashwood Street to its intersection with a line 600 feet northerly of and parallel with the center line of Mapleview Street; thence easterly along said line 600 feet line of Mapleview Street; thence easterly along said line 600 feet northerly and easterly of and parallel with the center line of Mapleview Street and continuing along a line 600 feet northerly and easterly of and parallel with Lake Jennings Park Road to its intersection with a line 600 feet northerly of and parallel with Blossom Valley Road; thence easterly along a line that is 600 feet northerly of and parallel with the center line of Blossom Valley Road (approximately 6,000 feet) to its intersection with a line that is 600 feet northerly of and parallel with the northerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway Interstate 8; thence easterly along said line of 600 feet northerly of and parallel with the northerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway Interstate 8 to and easterly along a line 600 feet northerly of and parallel with the northerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 80 to and easterly along a line 600 feet northerly of and parallel with the northerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway Interstate 8 to a point 600 feet easterly of the intersection of said parallel line with a line projected due north from the intersection of the center line of South Grade Road and U.S. Highway 80; thence from said point due south to the center line of U.S. Highway Interstate 8.
EXCEPTING THEREFROM all those portions of the County of San Diego described and designated Parcels N-2, N-3, N-4, N-5, N-6, N-7, N-8, N-9 and N-18 in Section 33.104 of this code.
That portion of County of San Diego lying southerly of the center line of U.S. Highway Interstate 8 and its westerly prolongation to the Pacific Ocean lying northerly of the southerly boundary of the County of San Diego (International Boundary between the United States and Mexico) and lying westerly of the following described line:
BEGINNING at a point on the southerly boundary of the County of San Diego, said point being the southeast corner of Section 6, Township 19 South, Range 1 East; thence northerly along the east line of said Section 6, Township 19 South, Range 1 East, and along the east line of Sections 31 and 30, Township 18 South, Range 1 East, to the northeast corner of Section 30, Township 18 South, Range 1 East; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the southwesterly end of the "Savage Dam" at the southerly end of the Lower Otay Reservoir; thence westerly and northerly along the westerly shore line of the Lower Otay Reservoir, i.e., along a contour line at elevation 500 feet above mean sea level, to and across Otay Reservoir; thence continuing northerly along said dam and the westerly shoreline of the Upper Otay Reservoir, i.e., along a contour line at elevation 550 feet above mean sea level, to a point 600 feet southerly of the center line of Proctor Valley Road; thence northeasterly and easterly along a line 600 feet southeasterly and southerly of and parallel with the center line of Proctor Valley Road to a point 600 feet south of the intersection of Proctor Valley Road and Melody Road; thence easterly along a line 600 feet southerly of and parallel with the center line of Melody Road to a point 600 feet west of the center line of State Highway Route 94 (Campo Road); thence southeasterly along a line 600 feet southwesterly of and parallel with the center line of State Highway Route 94, a distance of 12,000 feet; thence northeasterly along a straight line 4,000 feet more or less to the south 1/4 corner of Section 11; Township 17 South, Range 1 East; thence due east 2,600 feet more or less to the southeast corner of said Section 11; thence due north along the east line of said Section 11 and 2, 10,600 feet more or less to the intersection of said line with a line 600 feet southerly of and parallel to Lyons Valley Road (said intersection being approximately the northeast corner of Section 2, Township 17 South, Range 1 East); thence easterly along a line 600 feet south of and parallel to Lyons Valley Road and Lawson Valley Road; thence northerly along a line 600 feet easterly of and parallel with Lawson Valley Road to a point 600 feet northeast of the intersection of Lawson Valley Road and Beaver Hollow Road; thence northwesterly and northeasterly along a line 600 feet northeasterly and southeasterly of and parallel with Beaver Hollow Road until said line intersects the easterly boundary of Section 23, Township 16 South, Range 1 East; thence northerly 2,600 feet more or less along the east line of Section 23 to the southwest corner of Section 13, Township 16 South, Range 1 East, and Section 13 being the Sequan Indian Reservation; thence continuing northerly along the west boundary of said Section 13 and Section 12, Township 16 South, Range 1 East a distance of 6,000 feet more or less to a point 600 feet south of the center line of Dehesa Road; thence easterly along a line 600 feet southerly of and parallel with Dehesa Road and the easterly prolongation of said line to a point 600 feet east of the intersection of said line and the southerly projection of the center line of Tavern Road; thence northwesterly and northeasterly along a line that is 600 feet northeasterly and southeasterly of and parallel with Tavern Road to a point 600 feet southeasterly of the center line of South Grade Road; thence easterly and northerly along a line that is 600 feet southerly and easterly of and parallel with the center line of South Grade Road and the northerly projection of said center line to the intersection of said parallel line with the center line of U.S. Highway Interstate 8.
EXCEPTING THEREFROM all of those portions of the County of San Diego described and designated Parcels N-9, N-10, N-11 and N-17 in Section 33.104 of this Code.
This section shall not prohibit an owner or tenant of land from shooting, firing or discharging a firearm upon land owned or occupied by such owner or tenant or to any other person shooting, firing or discharging a firearm upon and in accordance with the written permission obtained by such person from the owner or tenant of such land and carried by such person while shooting, firing or discharging a firearm upon such land. Such written permission shall be presented for examination upon demand of any peace officer.
(Amended by Ord. No. 4693 (N.S.), effective 5-13-76; amended by Ord. 7115 (N.S.), effective 5-22-86; amended by Ord. No. 7267 (N.S.), effective 2-26-87)
No such written permission as is required by Section 33.105 shall be required of a person shooting on public lands owned by the United States or the State of California when permission to hunt game on said lands has been granted to or reserved to the public.
(Added by Ord. No. 3308 (N.S.), effective 3-12-69)
Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit or prevent the use of firing a weapon at a ceremonial gathering in which the purpose is to honor and salute members of the United States military. Not less than 72 hours prior to any discharge of firearms under this section, the County Sheriff's Office shall be notified in writing of the activity, purpose, weaponry used, location and estimated attendance. The Sheriff's Office shall have the discretion to request additional information and documentation and deny any use that may present a risk to the public safety and welfare. All ceremonies under this section shall be operated in accordance with local, state and federal laws.
(Added by Ord. No. 10313 (N.S.), effective 2-6-14; amended by Ord. No. 10926 (N.S.), effective 1-9-25)
Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the issuance of depredation orders or depredation permits by the United Stated Fish & Wildlife Service or the California Department of Fish & Game to protect property. Prior to any discharge of firearms in accordance with any such depredation order or permit, the County Sheriff's office shall be notified by the permittee.
(Added by Ord. No. 4153 (N.S.), effective 9-27-73)
(Sec. 33.109 added by Ord. No. 4805 (N.S.), effective 12-22-76; amended by Ord. No. 4805A (N.S.), effective 1-28-77; amended by Ord. No. 5200 (N.S.), effective 8-10-78; amended by Ord. No. 7826 (N.S.), effective 11-22-90; amended by Ord. No. 7834 (N.S.), effective 11-20-90; repealed by Ord. No. 10508 (N.S.), effective 1-4-18)