For the purposes of this chapter the following definitions shall apply:
(a) "Fixed place of business" means the building from which a business is continuously conducted from day to day and regularly kept open for the purposes of the business.
(b) "Pawnbroker" has the same definition as the term "pawnbroker" in Financial Code section 21000.
(c) "Secondhand dealer" has the same definition as the term "secondhand dealer" in Business and Professions Code section 21626 and 21626.5.
(d) "Tangible personal property" has the same definition as the term "tangible personal property" in Business and Professions Code section 21627.
(Ord. No. 8466 (N.S.), effective 11-25-94; amended by Ord. No. 8711 (N.S.), effective 8-29-96; amended by Ord. No. 9155 (N.S.), effective 7-13-00; amended by Ord. No. 9889 (N.S.), effective 10-26-07)
No person shall conduct business as a pawnbroker or secondhand dealer in the unincorporated area of the County without obtaining a license from the Issuing Officer. The Sheriff shall be the Issuing Officer for any license required by this chapter. A pawnbroker's license and a secondhand dealer's license are subject to sections 21.101-21.117 of this code and this chapter.
(Ord. No. 8466 (N.S.), effective 11-25-94; amended by Ord. No. 8711 (N.S.), effective 8-29-96; amended by Ord. No. 9889 (N.S.), effective 10-26-07)
Cross reference(s)--Sheriff's regulatory fees, § 21.1901.
The Sheriff shall require all dealers to retain one copy of the daily reports pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers are required to provide pursuant to Business and Professions Codes sections 21628, 21629 and 21630 for three years. Any peace officer of this State and any Sheriff's license specialist shall have the right to inspect the reports.
(Ord. No. 8466 (N.S.), effective 11-25-94; amended by Ord. No. 8711 (N.S.), effective 8-29-96; amended by Ord. No. 9889 (N.S.), effective 10-26-07; amended by Ord. No. 10312 (N.S.), effective 2-6-14)
A pawnbroker or secondhand dealer shall hold all tangible personal property it acquires in the course of business for seven days from the date the pawnbroker or secondhand dealer reports acquiring the property to the Sheriff under Business and Professions Code sections 21629 and 21636.1. During the holding period any peace officer and any Sheriff's license specialist shall have the right to inspect the tangible personal property reported to the Sheriff. If the property subject to inspection is not held on the business premises during the holding period the pawnbroker or secondhand dealer shall make it available within one business day of any request to inspect.
(Added by Ord. No. 9889 (N.S.), effective 10-26-07; amended by Ord. No. 10698 (N.S.), effective 1-7-21)