No person or public agency shall use water from any source of quality suitable for potable domestic use for non-potable uses, including the irrigation of greenbelt areas, highway landscaped areas, flushing of toilets and urinals in non-residential structures and industrial uses if suitable recycled water is available as provided in Water Code Section 13550 through 13554. This prohibition shall only apply to discretionary land use permits as defined in Section 67.502(c) approved by the County after the effective date of this ordinance.
(Repealed and added by Ord. No. 8222 (N.S.), effective 4-29-93; amended by Ord. No. 9273 (N.S.), effective 12-15-00; amended by Ord. 10927 (N.S.), effective 1-10-25)
a) Upon application for a subdivision map, major and minor use permits, administrative permit, site plan, density bonus program, specific plan or specific plan amendment, the Director and affected special purpose district shall review the application and the Water Recycling Plan for the area. Within 20 calendar days of receipt of the application the Director shall transmit to the Department of Planning and Development Services a preliminary determination whether the proposed use of the subject property will be required to be served with recycled water, and/or will be required to include facilities designed to accommodate the use of recycled water. Will serve letters for recycled water service shall be requested from the applicable special purpose district by the applicant. Based upon the Director's determination and the availability of recycled water to the project, use of recycled water and provision of recycled water distribution systems or other facilities for the use of reclaimed water may be required as a condition of approval of the requested permit, plan or amendment.
b) NOTICE OF DETERMINATION. A notice of the basis for the preliminary determination, proposed conditions of approval and schedule for compliance shall be provided to the applicant from the Director or special purpose district prior to approval of the development application.
c) CONDITIONS OF USE. The design and operational requirements for the project's recycled water distribution system and schedule for compliance shall be based on the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to Section 67.512, and shall require compliance with both the State Water Resources Control Board adopted Water Recycling Criteria in California Code of Regulations, Title 22 and requirements of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board.
d) PLAN APPROVAL. Plans for the recycled and potable water distribution systems for the project shall be reviewed and approved by the Administrator and the appropriate special purpose district.
(Repealed and added by Ord. No. 8222 (N.S.), effective 4-29-93; amended by Ord. No. 9273 (N.S.), effective 12-15-00; amended by Ord. No. 10224 (N.S.), effective 10-25-12; amended by Ord. 10927 (N.S.), effective 1-10-25)
Prior to commencement of recycled water service, an inspection of on-site facilities will be conducted by the Administrator to verify that the facilities are in good working order and in compliance with recycled water use regulations and current requirements for service. Upon verification of compliance, recycled water shall be served to the parcel for the intended use. If the facilities are not in compliance the applicant shall be notified of the corrective actions necessary, and shall have at least thirty (30) days to take such actions prior to initiation of enforcement proceedings.
(Repealed and added by Ord. No. 8222 (N.S.), effective 4-29-93; amended by Ord. No. 9273 (N.S.), effective 12-15-00; amended by Ord. 10927 (N.S.), effective 1-10-25)
There shall be no physical connection between the potable water supply and the recycled water supply, whereby the potable supply could become contaminated. Each special purpose district may appoint a water supervisor, knowledgeable about plumbing and cross connection control, to monitor construction and operation of the on-site and off-site facility distribution system(s). If the special purpose district serving a facility has no water supervisor, the owner or operator of the facility shall appoint a water supervisor to monitor construction and operation of the on-site facility distribution system(s). The Administrator shall review recycled water distribution system plans and recycled water irrigation system plans for cross-connections. This includes an initial cross-connection control site inspection and any required cross-connection control inspection of sites having both recycled and potable water systems.
(Added by Ord. No. 7737 (N.S.), effective 4-26-90; repealed and added by Ord. No. 8222 (N.S.), effective 4-29-93; amended by Ord. No. 9273 (N.S.), effective 12-15-00; amended by Ord. 10927 (N.S.), effective 1-10-25)