(a) Any person owning property which is substantially damaged or destroyed following a disaster may transfer, subject to the conditions and limitations provided in Section 69.3 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, the base year value of that property, provided that the property is located in the state of California, to any replacement dwelling of equal or lesser value which is located within San Diego County and is purchased or newly constructed by that person within three years after the date of the loss by that person of the original property.
(b) All claims for transfers of base year value from original property located in another county in California shall be granted, if the claims meet the applicable requirements of both subdivision (e) of Section 2 of Article XIIIA of the California Constitution and Section 69.3 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. All claims for transfers of base year value shall be filed with the assessor, on forms prescribed by the State Board of Equalization for this purpose.
(c) In determining the base year valuation of original property located in another county, the base year valuation as determined by the assessor of such other county shall be accepted by the assessor of this county, in connection with the granting of claims for transfers of base year value.
(d) The provisions of this Section shall be applicable to all replacement dwellings which are purchased or newly constructed on or after October 9, 2017.
(e) If a court determines that this Section is unlawful or invalid in that it is applicable to replacement dwellings which are purchased or newly constructed prior to the effective date of this Section, those persons who own replacement dwellings purchased or newly constructed prior to the effective date and have paid a reduced property tax as a result of this Section, shall pay to the County of San Diego for every tax year that they paid said reduced property tax the difference between the amount of property tax they would have paid had they not been allowed to transfer their base value pursuant to this Section, and the amount they actually paid.
(f) If any subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Section, or the application thereof to any person, is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Section or its application to other persons. The Board of Supervisors hereby declares that it would have adopted this Section, and each subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions, or the application thereof to any person, be declared invalid or unconstitutional.
(Added by Ord. No. 10538 (N.S.), effective 6-7-18)
Pursuant to subdivision (f) of California Revenue & Taxation Code Section 69, the base year value of property that is substantially damaged or destroyed by the Cedar Fire that commenced in October of 2003, as declared by the Governor, may be transferred to comparable property within this county that is acquired or newly constructed as a replacement for the substantially damaged or destroyed property within seven years after the Cedar Fire.
(Added by Ord. No. 10155 (N.S.), effective 7-28-11)
The following fees and charges shall be collected by the Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk for fictitious business name statement filings:
(a) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT (ORIGINAL OR RENEWAL): A fee of $54 for filing each fictitious business name statement pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 17929 and Government Code section 54985.
(b) STATEMENT OF WITHDRAWAL FROM PARTNERSHIP: A fee of $48 for each statement of withdrawal from partnership operating under a fictitious business name pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 17929 and Government Code section 54985.
(c) STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT: A fee of $48 for each statement of abandonment of use of a fictitious business name pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 17929 and Government Code section 54985.
(d) EACH ADDITIONAL FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILED ON THE SAME STATEMENT: A fee of $5 for each additional fictitious business name filed on the same statement and doing business at the same location pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 17929 and Government Code section 54985.
(e) EACH ADDITIONAL OWNER FILED ON THE SAME STATEMENT: A fee of $5 for each additional owner filed on the same statement and doing business at the same location pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 17929 and Government Code section 54985.
(f) COPY OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME DOCUMENT PROVIDED BY ELECTRONIC MAIL: A fee of $0.45 for each uncertified copy of a fictitious business name document delivered by electronic mail pursuant to Government Code section 26831.
(Added by Ord. No. 9710 (N.S.), effective 5-12-05; amended by Ord. No. 9862 (N.S.), effective 6-21-07; amended by Ord. No. 9899 (N.S.), effective 1-3-08; amended by Ord. No. 10183 (N.S.), effective 1-5-12; amended by Ord. No. 10634 (N.S.), effective 12-19-19; amended by Ord. No. 10723 (N.S.), effective 6-3-21; amended by Ord. No. 10824 (N.S.), effective 2-9-23)
The following fees and charges shall be collected by the Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk for County Clerk marriage services:
(a) MARRIAGE LICENSE: A fee o f$129 for each public marriage license pursuant to Government Code sections 26840 and 54985.
(b) CONFIDENTIAL MARRIAGE LICENSE: A fee of $144 for each confidential marriage license pursuant to Government Code sections 26840.1 and 54985.
(c) CIVIL CEREMONY: A fee of $107 for each civil ceremony performed pursuant to Government Code sections 26861 and 54985.
(d) WITNESS FOR CIVIL CEREMONY: A fee of $58 for each witness provided for a civil ceremony pursuant to the California Constitution, Article 11, Section 7.
(e) DEPUTY MARRIAGE COMMISSIONER APPLICATION: A fee of $115 for each deputy marriage commissioner application pursuant to the California Constitution, Article 11, Section 7.
(f) CONFIDENTIAL MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE AMENDMENT: A fee of $79 for each amendment to a confidential marriage certificate registered by the County Clerk, one year or more after the date of the marriage, pursuant to the California Constitution, Article 11, Section 7.
(g) DUPLICATE MARRIAGE LICENSE: A fee of $79 for each duplicate public or confidential marriage license issued within one year of the date of the marriage that is not registered or recorded pursuant to Family Code sections 360 and 510.
(h) APPLICATION OR RENEWAL OF APPROVAL TO AUTHORIZE CONFIDENTIAL MARRIAGES: A fee of $300 for each application or renewal of approval to authorize confidential marriages pursuant to Family Code section 536.
(i) MARRIAGE PHOTO WITH FRAME: A fee of $10 for each marriage photo with frame purchased pursuant to California Constitution, Article 11, Section 7.
(j) DECORATIVE MARRIAGE KEEPSAKE: A fee of $4 plus the cost of each decorative marriage keepsake purchased in a single transaction from the County Clerk pursuant to California Constitution, Article 11, Section 7.
(k) WEDDING RING: A fee of $8 plus the cost of each wedding ring purchased in a single transaction pursuant to California Constitution, Article 11, Section 7.
(Added by Ord. No. 10183 (N.S.), effective 1-5-12; amended by Ord. No. 10634 (N.S.), effective 12-19-19; amended by Ord. No. 10824 (N.S.), effective 2-9-23)
The following fees and charges shall be collected by the Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk for professional registrations and notary public filings:
(a) BOND FILING: A fee of $35 for each bond filing, cancellation, revocation, or withdrawal for professional registrations such as legal document assistants, unlawful detainer assistants, process servers, and professional photocopiers pursuant to Business and Professions Code sections 6405, 22353, and 22455, and Government Code section 54985.
(b) LEGAL DOCUMENT ASSISTANT REGISTRATION: The fee for each legal document assistant registration pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 6404.
(c) PROCESS SERVER REGISTRATION: The fee for each process server registration pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 22352.
(d) PROFESSIONAL PHOTOCOPIER REGISTRATION: The fee for each professional photocopier registration pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 22453.
(e) PROFESSIONAL PHOTOCOPIER REGISTRATION - ACTIVE PROCESS SERVER: The fee for each professional photocopier registration where the person registering is also registered as a process server pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 22453.1.
(f) UNLAWFUL DETAINER ASSISTANT REGISTRATION: The fee for each unlawful detainer assistant registration pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 6404.
(g) PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION IDENTIFICATION CARD: A fee of $32 for each identification card issued for legal document assistants, unlawful detainer assistants, process servers, and professional photocopiers where the initial or renewal registration fee does not include the cost of the identification card or an additional card beyond the first is requested pursuant to Business and Professions Code sections 6404, 22352, 22453, and 22457, and Government Code section 54985.
(h) PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION IDENTIFICATION CARD PHOTO: A fee of $11 for each identification card photo issued for legal document assistants, unlawful detainer assistants, process servers, and professional photocopiers where the initial or renewal registration fee does not include the cost of the identification card or an additional card beyond the first is requested pursuant to Business and Professions Code sections 6407, 22355, and 22457, and the California Constitution, Article 11, Section 7.
(i) NOTARY PUBLIC OATH AND BOND FILING: A fee of $64 for each notary oath and bond filing pursuant to Government Code sections 8213, 26849.1, and 54985.
(j) CERTIFICATE TO OFFICIAL CAPACITY OF PUBLIC OFFICIAL (SIGNATURE AUTHENTICATION): A fee of $21 for each certificate to the official capacity of any public official, such as a notary public or public health officer, pursuant to Government Code sections 26852 and 54985.
(Added by Ord. No. 10634 (N.S.), effective 12-19-19; amended by Ord. No. 10824 (N.S.), effective 2-9-23)
The following fees and charges for Fish and Wildlife filings shall be collected by the Assessor/ Recorder/County Clerk:
(a) DOCUMENTARY HANDLING FEE: A $50 documentary handling fee for each environmental document filed with the County Clerk pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 711.4.
(b) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT: A fee set annually by the Department of Fish and Wildlife for filing an environmental impact report pursuant to Fish and Game Code sections 711.4 and 713.
(c) NEGATIVE DECLARATION OR MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION: A fee set annually by the Department of Fish and Wildlife for filing a negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration pursuant to Fish and Game Code sections 711.4 and 713.
(d) SUBSTITUTE ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: A fee set annually by the Department of Fish and Wildlife for filing an environmental document for a project that is subject to a certified regulatory program pursuant to Fish and Game Code sections 711.4 and 713.
(Added by Ord. No. 10634 (N.S.), effective 12-19-19)
The following fees and charges shall be collected by the Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk for County Clerk services:
(a) POWER OF ATTORNEY FILING: A fee of $20 for each power of attorney filing for an admitted surety insurer, or a notice of cancellation, revocation, or withdrawal of a power of attorney for an admitted surety insurer pursuant to Government Code sections 26855.1 and 54985.
(b) POWER OF ATTORNEY FILING - EACH ADDITIONAL NAME: A fee for each additional name beyond the first on a power of attorney filed for an admitted surety insurer, or on a notice of cancellation, revocation, or withdrawal of a power of attorney for an admitted surety pursuant to Government Code section 26855.1.
(c) CERTIFICATE OF ADMITTED SURETY INSURER (CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY): A fee o f$15 for each certificate regarding an admitted surety insurer pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 995.640 and Government Code sections 26855.3 and 54985.
(d) HUMANE OFFICER FILING: A fee of $22 for the filing of each order confirming the appointment of a humane officer pursuant to Corporations Code section 14502 and Government Code section 54985.
(e) DOCKED HORSE REGISTRATION: A fee for each docked horse registration pursuant to Penal Code section 597p.
(f) FOREIGN LANGUAGE TRANSLATION CERTIFICATE: A fee of $21 per document for each translation certificate to certify the translation of a document to English from a language other than English pursuant to Government Code sections 27293 and 54985.
(g) ACKNOWLEDGMENT: A fee of $13 for each signature acknowledged pursuant to Government Code sections 26855 and 54985.
(h) RECORD SEARCH: A fee of $8 for each search of a record or a file pursuant to Government Code sections 26854 and 54985.
(i) DOCUMENT COPY OR SYSTEM GENERATED REPORT UP TO AND INCLUDING 11" x 17" - FIRST PAGE: A fee of $2 for the first page of each copy of any system generated report, record, proceeding, or paper on file with the County Clerk up to 11" x 17" in size pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 17928 and Government Code section 26831.
(j) DOCUMENT COPY OR SYSTEM GENERATED REPORT UP TO AND INCLUDING 11" x 17" - EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE: A fee of $0.05 for each additional page beyond the first page of each copy of any system generated report, record, proceeding, or paper on file with the County Clerk up to 11" x 17" in size pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 17928 and Government Code section 26831.
(k) CERTIFICATION: A fee of $1 for each certification certifying to a copy of any paper, record, or proceeding on file in the office of the County Clerk pursuant to Government Code sections 26833 and 54985.
(l) DOCUMENT COPY OR SYSTEM GENERATED REPORT PROVIDED BY ELECTRONIC MAIL: A fee of $0.45 for each uncertified copy of an electronically available document or system generated report delivered by electronic mail pursuant to Government Code section 26831.
(Added by Ord. No. 10634 (N.S.), effective 12-19-19; amended by Ord. No. 10723 (N.S.), effective 6-3-21; amended by Ord. No. 10824 (N.S.), effective 2-9-23)
Unless otherwise specified, all fees and deposits and time and material rates for the County Clerk shall be calculated and will be charged using the following standard hourly billing rates listed below for the actual costs incurred for services provided including, but not limited to: meetings, preparation of reports, review of reports or documents, and/or research.
Administrative Analyst II | $126.00 |
Administrative Secretary III | $106.00 |
Assessment Clerk | $77.00 |
Assistant Division Chief, Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk | $141.00 |
Chief Deputy, Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk | $288.00 |
County Records Manager | $142.00 |
Division Chief I, Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk | $190.00 |
Imaging Technician II | $95.00 |
Information Technology Analyst | $177.00 |
Information Technology Specialist | $123.00 |
Manager, Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk | $174.00 |
Records Management Coordinator | $83.00 |
(Added by Ord. No. 10634 (N.S.), effective 12-19-19; amended by Ord. No. 10824 (N.S.), effective 2-9-23)
The following fees and charges shall be collected by the Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk for functions performed by the Recorder:
(a) RECORDING - FIRST PAGE (BASE FEE): A fee of $10 for recording the first page of each instrument, paper, or notice pursuant to Government Code section 27361.
(b) MICROGRAPHICS: A fee of $1 for recording the first page of each instrument, paper, or notice pursuant to Government Code section 27361.4(a).
(c) DAYS OF OPERATION: A fee of $1 for recording the first page of each instrument, paper, or notice pursuant to Government Code section 27361.4(b).
(d) INDEXING: A fee of $1 for recording the first page of each instrument, paper, or notice pursuant to Government Code section 27361.4(c).
(e) ELECTRONIC RECORDING: A fee of $1 for recording the first page of each instrument, paper, or notice pursuant to Government Code section 27397(c)(1).
(f) REAL ESTATE FRAUD: A fee of $3 for recording the first page of each real estate instrument pursuant to Government Code section 27388 as enacted in Statutes 2009, Chapter 35 (S.B.174), section 4.
(g) BUILDING HOMES AND JOBS (SB-2 ATKINS): The fee for recording every real estate instrument, paper, or notice pursuant to Government Code section 27388.1.
(h) RECORDING - EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE: The fee for recording each additional page beyond the first page of each instrument, paper, or notice pursuant to Government Code section 27361(a).
(i) GOVERNMENT RELEASE: The fee for recording every release of lien, encumbrance, or notice executed by the state, or any municipality, county, city, district or other political subdivision pursuant to Government Code section 27361.3.
(j) NON-STANDARD PRINTING: The fee per page for recording each page that contains non-standard printing pursuant to Government Code section 27361(a)(1).
(k) NON-STANDARD SIZE PAGE: The fee per page for recording each page or sheet of a document that does not conform to standard dimensions pursuant to Government Code section 27361(a)(2).
(l) ADDITIONAL INDEXING - PRIOR RECORDING REFERENCE: A fee of $1 for each reference in a document to a previously recorded document, other than the first such reference, requiring additional indexing pursuant to Government Code section 27361.2.
(m) ADDITIONAL INDEXING - MORE THAN TEN NAMES: A fee of $7 for indexing each group of 10 names or fractional portion thereof after the initial group of 10 names pursuant to Government Code sections 27361.8 and 54985.
(n) MONUMENT PRESERVATION: A fee of $10 for each non-exempt grant deed recorded pursuant to Government Code section 27585.
(o) NOTIFICATION OF INVOLUNTARY LIEN - FIRST NOTICE: A fee of $13 for the first notification of involuntary lien provided for each recorded involuntary lien pursuant to Government Code section 27387.
(p) NOTIFICATION OF INVOLUNTARY LIEN - EACH ADDITIONAL NOTICE: A fee of $6 for each additional notification of involuntary lien provided beyond the first for a recorded involuntary lien pursuant to Government Code section 27387.
(Added by Ord. No. 10634 (N.S.), effective 12-19-19; amended by Ord. No. 10845 (N.S.), effective 6-22-23)