(Amended by Ord. No. 3102 (N.S.), adopted 8-8-67; amended by Ord. No. 3413 (N.S.), adopted 9-15-69; amended by Ord. No. 3434 (N.S.), adopted 11-23-69, effective 1-1-70; amended by Ord. No. 5229 (N.S.), effective 9-21-78; amended by Ord. No. 5543 (N.S.), effective 7-5-79; amended by Ord. No. 6605 (N.S.), effective 7-15-83; amended by Ord. No. 6715 (N.S.), effective 2-17-84; amended by Ord. No. 7986 (N.S.), effective 11-7-91; amended by Ord. No. 9074 (N.S.), effective 9-10-99; amended by Ord. No. 9290 (N.S.), effective 2-11-01; amended by Ord. No. 9533 (N.S.), effective 5-4-03; repealed by Ord. No. 10237 (N.S.), effective 1-4-13)
(Amended by Ord. No. 3102 (N.S.), adopted 8-8-67; amended by Ord. No. 3413 (N.S.), adopted 9-15-69; amended by Ord. No. 3434 (N.S.), adopted 11-24-69, effective 1-1-70; amended by Ord. No. 5229 (N.S.), effective 9-21-78; amended by Ord. No. 5543 (N.S.), effective 7-5-79; amended by Ord. No. 6715 (N.S.), effective 2-17-84; amended by Ord. No. 7986 (N.S.), effective 11-7-91; amended by Ord. No. 9074 (N.S.), effective 9-10-99; amended by Ord. No. 9533 (N.S.), effective 5-4-03; amended by Ord. No. 10223 (N.S.), effective 10-25-12; amended by Ord. No. 10645 (N.S.), effective 2-14-20; repealed by Ord. No. 10726 (N.S.), effective 6-4-21)
(a) The Department shall prepare agreements for reimbursement of sewer construction and drainage improvement costs and agreements for encroachment upon dedicated drainage, flowage, and utility easements, subject to approval by the Board, upon written application by the property owners or their agents, and deposit of the prescribed fees. The prescribed fees are refundable until the agreement is approved by the Board.
(b) The Department shall prepare certification letters for public sewer availability upon written application by the property owners or their agents and payment of the prescribed fees. Separate letters shall be prepared for each parcel, except for contiguous parcels under one ownership.
(c) The Department is authorized to issue, without fee, certification letters requested by public agencies and public utilities for their exclusive use.
(d) The fees established by this section are as follows:
(1) Encroachment Agreements - $100
(2) Certification Letters - $15
(Added by Ord. No. 5918 (N.S.), effective 12-4-80; amended by Ord. No. 6577 (N.S.), effective 6-9-83; amended by Ord. No. 9074 (N.S.), effective 9-10-99; amended by Ord. No. 10645 (N.S.), effective 2-14-20; amended by Ord. No. 10726 (N.S.), effective 6-4-21)