(a) Officers. The Review Board shall select annually from its membership a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary.
(b) Rules. The Review Board shall prepare and adopt necessary rules and regulations for the conduct of its business, subject to approval of the Board of Supervisors. A current copy of the rules and regulations shall be filed with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
(c) Quorum. A majority of members currently appointed to the Review Board shall constitute a quorum. A majority of members currently appointed to the Review Board shall be required to carry any motion or proposal.
(d) Minutes. The Review Board shall keep written minutes of its meetings, a copy of which shall be filed with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
(e) Meetings. The Review Board shall establish a regular meeting schedule and shall give public notice of the time and place of meetings. All meetings shall be held in accordance with the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code, section 54950 et seq.).
(Added by Ord. No. 7880 (N.S.), effective 5-2-91)
Members of the Review Board shall serve without compensation, except they shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in performing their duties in accordance with provisions of the County Administrative Code regulating reimbursement to County officers and employees.
(Added by Ord. No. 7880 (N.S.), effective 5-2-91)
The Review Board shall have the authority to:
(a) Receive, review and investigate citizen complaints filed against peace officers or custodial officers employed by the County in the Sheriff's Department or the Probation Department which allege: (A) use of excessive force; (B) discrimination or sexual harassment in respect to members of the public; (C) the improper discharge of firearms; (D) illegal search or seizure; (E) false arrest; (F) false reporting; (G) criminal conduct; or (H) misconduct. The Review Board shall have jurisdiction in respect to all citizen complaints arising out of incidents occurring on or after November 7, 1990; provided, however, that the Review Board shall not have jurisdiction to take any action in respect to complaints received more than one year after the date of the incident giving rise to the complaint, except that if the person filing the complaint was incarcerated or physically or mentally incapacitated from filing a complaint following the incident giving rise to the complaint, the time duration of such incarceration or physical or mental incapacity shall not be counted in determining whether the one year period for filing the complaint has expired. All action complaints shall be in writing and the truth thereof shall be attested under penalty of perjury. "Citizen complaints" shall include complaints received from any person whatsoever without regard to age, citizenship, residence, criminal record, incarceration, or any other characteristic of the complainant. "Misconduct" is defined to mean and include any alleged improper or illegal acts, omissions or decisions directly affecting the person or property of a specific citizen by reason of:
(1) An alleged violation of any general, standing or special orders or guidelines of the Sheriff's Department or the Probation Department; or
(2) An alleged violation of any state or federal law; or
(3) Any act otherwise evidencing improper or unbecoming conduct by a peace officer or custodial officer employed by the Sheriff's Department or the Probation Department.
The Review Board shall have no authority pursuant to this subdivision to take action in regard to incidents for which no citizen complaint has been filed with the Review Board.
(b) Investigate the following incidents regardless of whether a citizen complaint regarding such incident has been filed:
(1) The death of any individual arising out of or in connection with actions of peace officers or custodial officers employed by the County in the Sheriff's Department or the Probation Department. The Review Board shall have jurisdiction in respect to all deaths of individuals coming within the provisions of this subdivision occurring on or after November 7, 1990; provided, however, that the Review Board may not commence review or investigation of any death of an individual coming within the provisions of this subdivision more than one year after the date of the death, unless the review and investigation is commenced in response to a complaint filed within the time limits set forth in subdivision (a) of this section.
(2) Incidents involving the discharge of a firearm by peace officers or custodial officers employed by the County Sheriff's Department or the Probation Department.
(3) The use of force by peace officers or custodial officers employed by the County Sheriff's Department or the Probation Department resulting in great bodily injury.
(4) The use of force by peace officers or custodial officers employed by the County Sheriff's Department or the Probation Department at protests or other events protected by the First Amendment.
(c) Prepare reports, including at least the Sheriff or the Probation Officer as recipients, on the results of any investigations conducted by the Review Board in respect to the activities of peace officers or custodial officers, including recommendations relating to the imposition of discipline, including the facts relied on in making such recommendations, and recommendations relating to any trends in regard to employees involved in citizen complaints. The Review Board is not established to determine criminal guilt or innocence.
(d) Prepare an annual report to the Board of Supervisors, the Chief Administrative Officer, the Sheriff and the Probation Officer summarizing the activities and recommendations of the Review Board including the tracking and identification of trends in respect to all complaints received and investigated during the reporting period and present the annual report to the Board of Supervisors within 60 days of its adoption by the Review Board.
(e) Notify in writing any citizen having filed a complaint with the Review Board of the disposition of his or her complaint. The Chief Administrative Officer shall also receive appropriate notification of the disposition of citizen complaints. Such notifications shall be in writing and shall contain the following statement: "In accordance with Penal Code section 832.7, this notification shall not be conclusive or binding or admissible as evidence in any separate or subsequent action or proceeding brought before an arbitrator, court, or judge of California or the United States."
(f) Establish necessary rules and regulations for the conduct of its business, subject to approval of the Board of Supervisors.
(g) Review and make recommendations on policies and procedures of the Sheriff's Department and the Probation Departments to the Board of Supervisors, the Sheriff, and the Chief Probation Officers.
(h) Annually inspect County adult detention facilities and annually file a report of such visitations together with pertinent recommendations with the Board of Supervisors.
(Added by Ord. No. 7880 (N.S.), effective 5-2-91; amended by Ord. No. 7914 (N.S.), effective 6-27-91; amended by Ord. No. 9737 (N.S.), effective 10-27-05; amended by Ord. No. 9782 (N.S.), effective 7-20-06; amended by Ord. No. 10585 (N.S.), effective 2-7-19; amended by Ord. No. 10690 (N.S.), effective 12-17-20)
Cross reference(s) -- Powers and duties of officers, boards, and commissions, § 51.
The Review Board shall, pursuant to the Charter of the County of San Diego, section 606(d), have the power to subpoena and require attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers pertinent to its investigations and to administer oaths.
(Added by Ord. No. 7880 (N.S.), effective 5-2-91)
All members shall attend and satisfactorily complete a training course within three months of the beginning of the member’s term or of the member‘s appointment to fill a vacancy. The training requirements shall be established by the Chief Administrative Officer. Failure to attend and satisfactorily complete the training course within the prescribed time shall result in the member’s removal from the Review Board and shall automatically create a vacancy on the Review Board.
(Added by Ord. No. 7880 (N.S.), effective 5-2-91)
Any personnel records, citizen complaints against County personnel in the Sheriff‘s Department or the Probation Department, and information obtained from these records, which are in the possession of the Review Board or its staff, shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed to any member of the public, except in accordance with applicable law. Copies of records and complaints of the Review Board shall be made available to the Sheriff or the Probation Officer upon completion of the investigation of the Review Board unless prohibited by applicable law.
(Added by Ord. No. 7880 (N.S.), effective 5-2-91)
In the discharge of its duties, the Review Board shall receive complete and prompt cooperation from all officers and employees of the County. The Review Board and other public officers, including the Sheriff, the District Attorney, and the Grand Jury, shall coordinate their activities so that the other public officers and the Review Board can fully and properly perform their respective duties.
(Added by Ord. No. 7880 (N.S.), effective 5-2-91)