A.   Specific Intent of Configuration and Design Standards:
      1.   Design Related Standards: The design related standards are intended to do the following:
         a.   Implement applicable master plans;
         b.   Continue the existing physical character of residential streets while allowing an increase in building scale along arterials and near transit stations;
         c.   Focus development and future growth in the city along arterials and near transit stations;
         d.   Arrange buildings so they are oriented toward the street in a manner that promotes pedestrian activity, safety, and community;
         e.   Provide human scaled buildings that emphasize design and placement of the main entrance/exit on street facing facades;
         f.   Provide connections to transit through public walkways;
         g.   Provide areas for appropriate land uses that encourage use of public transit and are compatible with the neighborhood;
         h.   Promote pedestrian and bicycle amenities near transit facilities to maximize alternative forms of transportation; and
         i.   Rehabilitate and reuse existing residential structures in the Form Based Zoning Districts when possible to efficiently use infrastructure and natural resources, and preserve neighborhood character.
   B.   Building Entry: Refer to the building entrance standards in Subsection 21A.37.050.D of this title.
      1.   Entry Feature: The following building entries are permitted as indicated:
TABLE 21A.27.030.B
Entry Feature Permitted Based on Building Form Type
Urban House
Cottage Development
Two-Family Dwelling
Row House
Vertical Mixed Use
Porch and fence: A planted front yard where the street facing building facade is set back from the front property line with an attached porch that is permitted to encroach into the required yard. The porch shall be minimum of 6' in depth. The front yard may include a fence no taller than 3' in height
Entry Feature Permitted Based on Building Form Type
Urban House
Cottage Development
Two-Family Dwelling
Row House
Vertical Mixed Use
Terrance or lightwell: An entry feature where the street facing facade is set back from the front property line by an elevated terrace or sunken lightwell. may include a canopy or roof
Entry Feature Permitted Based on Building Form Type
Urban House
Cottage Development
Two-Family Dwelling
Row House
Vertical Mixed Use
Forecourt: An entry feature wherein a portion of the street facing facade is close to the property line and the central portion is set back. The court created must be landscaped, contain outdoor plazas, outdoor dining areas, private yards, or other similar features that encourage use and seating
Entry Feature Permitted Based on Building Form Type
Urban House
Cottage Development
Two-Family Dwelling
Row House
Vertical Mixed Use
Stoop: An entry feature wherein the street facing facade is close to the front property line and the first story is elevated from the sidewalk sufficiently to secure privacy for the windows. The entrance contains an exterior stair and landing that is either parallel or perpendicular to the street. Recommended for ground floor residential uses
Entry Feature Permitted Based on Building Form Type
Urban House
Cottage Development
Two-Family Dwelling
Row House
Vertical Mixed Use
Shopfront: An entry feature where the street facing facade is close to the property line and building entrance is at sidewalk grade. Building entry is covered with an awning, canopy, or is recessed from the front building facade, which defines the entry and provides protection for customers
Entry Feature Permitted Based on Building Form Type
Urban House
Cottage Development
Two-Family Dwelling
Row House
Vertical Mixed Use
Gallery: A building entry where the ground floor is no more than 10' from the front property line and the upper levels or roofline cantilevers from the ground floor facade up to the front property line
   C.    Additional Design Standards Required for Form Based Districts:
      1.    Open Space Area: A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the lot area shall be provided for open space area, unless a different requirement is specified in the building form regulation. Individual districts may require additional open space area requirements. Open space area may include landscaped yards, patio, dining areas, common balconies, rooftop gardens, and other similar outdoor living spaces. Private balconies shall not be counted toward the minimum open space area requirement. Required parking lot landscaping or perimeter parking lot landscaping shall also not count toward the minimum open space area requirement.
         a.   At least one open space area shall include a minimum dimension of at least fifteen feet (15') by fifteen feet (15').
         b.   Open space areas that are greater than five hundred (500) square feet must contain at least one useable element, accessible to all building occupants, from the following list.
         (1)   A bench for every two hundred fifty (250) square feet of open space area;
         (2)   A table for outdoor eating for every five hundred (500) square feet of open space area;
         (3)   An outdoor amenity. This is defined as an amenity that intends to provide outdoor recreation and leisure opportunities including, but not limited to, walking paths, playgrounds, seating areas, gardens, sport court or similar amenity intended to promote outdoor activity;
         (4)   Trees with a minimum spread of twenty feet (20') at mature height to shade a minimum of thirty three percent (33%) of the open space area; and/or
         (5)   landscaping that equals at least thirty three percent (33%) of the landscaped area.
      2.   Residential Balconies: All street facing residential units above the ground floor or level shall contain a usable balcony facing the street that is a minimum of four feet in depth. Balconies may overhang any required yard.
      3.   Design Standards Alternatives:
         a.   Alternatives to Required Build-To Line: Where a "required build-to" standard applies, the following alternatives may count toward the minimum build-to requirement as indicated:
         (1)   Landscaping Walls: Landscaping walls between twenty four inches (24") and forty two inches (42") high may count up to twenty five percent (25%) toward the minimum requirement provided the following:
            (A)   The wall incorporates seating areas.
            (B)   The wall is constructed of masonry, concrete, stone or ornamental metal.
            (C)   The wall maintains clear view sightlines where sidewalks and pedestrian connections intersect vehicle drive aisles or streets.
         (2)   Pergolas and Trellises: Pergolas and trellises may count up to twenty five percent (25%) toward the minimum build-to requirement provided the following:
            (A)   The structure is at least forty eight inches (48") deep as measured perpendicular to the property line.
            (B)   A vertical clearance of at least eight feet (8') is maintained above the walking path of pedestrians.
            (C)   Vertical supports are constructed of wood, stone, concrete or metal with a minimum of six inches (6") by six inches (6") or a radius of at least four inches (4").
            (D)   The structure maintains clear view sightlines where sidewalks and pedestrian connections intersect vehicle drive aisles or streets.
         (3)   Arcades: Arcades may count up to one hundred percent (100%) toward the minimum requirement provided the following:
            (A)   The arcade extends no more than two (2) stories in height.
            (B)   No portion of the arcade structure encroaches onto public property.
            (C)   The arcade maintains a minimum pedestrian walkway of five feet (5').
            (D)   The interior wall of the arcade complies with the building configuration standards.
         (4)   Plazas and Outdoor Dining: Plazas and outdoor dining areas may count up to fifty percent (50%) toward the minimum requirement, and have a maximum front setback of up to fifteen feet (15') provided the following:
            (A)   The plaza or outdoor dining is between the property line adjacent to the street and the street facing building facade.
            (B)   Shall be within two feet (2') of grade with the public sidewalk.
            (C)   The building entry shall be clearly visible through the courtyard or plaza.
            (D)   The building facades along the courtyard or plaza shall comply with the ground floor transparency requirement.
         b.   Alternatives to Ground Floor Transparency Requirement: The planning director may modify the ground floor transparency requirement in the following instances:
         (1)   The requirement would negatively impact the historical character of a building within the H Historic Preservation Overlay District; or
         (2)   The requirement conflicts with the structural integrity of the building and the structure would comply with the standard to the extent possible.
      4.   Permitted Encroachments and Height Exceptions: Obstructions and height exceptions are permitted as listed in this section or in Section 21A.36.020 of this title or as indicated in this subsection.
         a.   Building Height: In order to promote a varied skyline and other roof shapes in the area, structures with a sloped roof may exceed the maximum building height in the form based districts by five feet provided:
         (1)   The additional height does not include additional living space. Vaulted ceilings, storage spaces, and utility spaces are permitted.
         (2)   The slope of the roof is a minimum of a twelve-four pitch or a quarter barrel shape.
         b.    Roof Top Gardens: Building height encroachments for rooftop uses are permitted to encroach up to six feet (6') to accommodate rooftop gardens and/or outdoor living space provided:
         (1)   The rooftop garden includes vegetation that covers a minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the outdoor living space on the roof. The vegetation coverage shall be calculated by utilizing the spread of any trees, shrubs, or ground cover at maturity.
         (2)   If the rooftop is used for non-residential land uses allowed in the zone and located adjacent to the FB-UN1 Form Based Urban Neighborhood District, single-family district, or two-family district, a six foot (6') wall shall be installed along the entire length of the outdoor space facing such zones.
      5.   Pedestrian Connections: Where required, the following pedestrian connection standards apply:
         a.   The connection shall provide direct access from any building entry to the public sidewalk or walkway.
         b.   The connection shall comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) standards for accessibility.
         c.   The connection shall be fully paved and have a minimum width of four feet (4').
         d.   The connection shall be separated from vehicle drive approaches and drive lanes by a change in grade and a wheel stop if the walkway is less than eight feet (8') wide.
         e.   Pedestrian connections that lead directly from the sidewalk to the primary building entrance may contain wing walls, no taller than two feet (2') in height for seating, landscaping, etc.
   D.   Other Applicable Development Standards: All uses in the form based districts shall comply with the standards set in Part IV, Regulations of General Applicability, of this title, including the appliable standards in the following chapters:
      1.   21A.33 Land Use Tables
      2.   21A.36 General Provisions
      3.   21A.37 Design Standards
      4.   21A.38 Nonconforming Uses and Noncomplying Structures
      5.   21A.40 Accessory Uses, Buildings, and Structures
      6.   21A.42 Temporary Uses
      7.   21A.44 Off Street Parking, Mobility, and Loading
      8.   21A.46 Signs
      9.   21A.48 Landscaping and Buffers
      10.   Any other applicable chapter of this title that may include applicable provisions.
   E.   Form Based Special Purpose Corridor District specific standards for detached or accessory parking garages or structures:
      1.   Detached or accessory multilevel parking garages or structures shall have the same setback requirements for principal structures.
      2.   When a required setback abuts a residential district, the minimum setback required shall be a landscape yard to provide a buffer to the abutting residential district. No structure (primary or accessory) shall be permitted within this landscaped buffer. (Ord. 24B-23, 2023: Ord. 24-23, 2023: Ord. 13-19, 2019: Ord. 69-17, 2017: Ord. 23-16, 2016)