If a vacancy occurs for any reason before the member's term expires, the mayor, in exercising his or her discretion in making appointments, shall, when advisable, take into consideration the geographic diversity of the city and the bipartisan nature of the commission. (Ord. 67-13, 2013)
A. The commission shall make recommendations to the mayor and the council regarding the commission's:
1. Ongoing review of ordinances or policies;
2. Use of educational resources on issues of discrimination and equal treatment;
3. Review of complaints of discrimination involving city departments or city services for the purpose of identifying the possible systemic or institutional sources of such instances of discrimination;
4. Review of legislation, policies, or other action by the city designed to further the elimination of prejudice and discrimination;
5. Review of any pending legislation, policy changes, or other city action that may impact human rights and relations;
6. Research conducted or factual data obtained, within budgetary constraints, on the status and treatment of diverse populations and the best ways to improve human relations, to eliminate discrimination and to secure full and equal participation;
7. Investigation of opportunities to collaborate with other groups to foster nondiscrimination education;
8. Work in partnership to foster positive intergroup relations by instituting and conducting educational programs;
9. Actions as a resource at the request of community councils; and
B. In addition to the powers and duties set forth in Subsection 10.02.110.A, the commission may review recommendations brought by the racial equity in policing commission and the accessibility and disability commission and issue a position of opposition or support of those recommendation.
C. The commission shall report to the council and the mayor no less than once each year on its activities, recommendations, and findings concerning matters on human rights and nondiscrimination policies. The report shall be in writing and made accessible to the public.