The net proceeds of the sale of all animals, as herein provided, shall be paid into the city treasury, subject to the order of the owners of said animals, if applied for within six (6) months from date of sale. If not applied for within that time, the city treasurer shall transfer the amount into the general fund. (Ord. 24-89 § 1, 1989)
No cattle, horses, mules, sheep, goats or swine shall be allowed to run at large, or be herded, picketed, or staked out upon any street, sidewalk or any other public place within the limits of the city, and all such animals so found may be taken up and driven to the animal shelter; provided that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent any person from driving milk cows, work cattle, horses, mules or other animals from outside the city limits to any enclosure within the city limits, or from any enclosure in the city to a place outside the city or from any enclosure to another within the limits of the city. (Ord. 24-89 § 1, 1989)
It shall be the duty of the director of animal services to make monthly, a statement of the business transacted by him/her in connection with the animal shelter, showing in detail all animals received, sold, advertised or handled by such director, together with a detailed statement of all monies expended and received. (Ord. 69-99 § 9, 1999: Ord. 24-89 § 1, 1989)
The owner, occupant or lessor of any property used to confine, keep or pasture any cattle, horses, asses, mules, sheep, goats, swine or other types of livestock or large animals shall install and maintain in good repair a fence around the perimeter of said property sufficient to ensure that no such animal contained therein shall be able to escape such property to run at large. All gates installed shall be locked and shall be of such a type that no animal contained within shall be able to escape and run at large by any means. (Ord. 24-89 § 1, 1989)