If such animals are not claimed and taken away by the owner, the director of animal services shall, at the time and place set forth in the notice of sale, proceed to sell such animals, one at a time, to the highest cash bidder. If the owner of any lot of animals to be sold is known, the director of animal services shall sell only enough of said animals to pay the damages and costs, and the remainder may be turned over to the owner at any time thereafter; but if the owner be not known, the director of animal services shall proceed to sell all of said animals so advertised for sale. The director shall execute and deliver a bill of sale therefor, and file a copy with the county clerk as hereinbefore provided. Said copies shall be preserved for a period of two (2) years and shall be open for inspection at all reasonable hours, free of charge. (Ord. 69-99 § 9, 1999: Ord. 24-89 § 1, 1989)
The director of animal services shall keep an accurate record of all trespassing animals received by him/her, which shall contain all the items required by this title, together with the names of the injured party and the owner of the animals, the amount of the damages claimed, and all other matters necessary to a complete account of the transaction. Such record shall be open for inspection at all reasonable hours without charge. (Ord. 69-99 § 9, 1999: Ord. 24-89 § 1, 1989)
It is unlawful for anyone to take an animal out of the possession of anyone lawfully holding the same under the provisions of this chapter, either by stealth, force, fraud, or to intercept or hinder any person lawfully taking up or attempting to take up such animals. (Ord. 24-89 § 1, 1989)
The director of animal services shall furnish suitable premises to be used as the animal shelter, and it shall be the duty of the director of animal services to take charge of the premises, which shall be designated as the animal shelter and keep said premises in a clean and orderly condition. It shall be said director's duty to receive and care for all animals committed to his/her charge; to examine records, marks and brands; and to exercise diligence in locating the owners of such animals and to notify them if found. (Ord. 69-99 § 9, 1999: Ord. 24-89 § 1, 1989)
The director of animal services shall receive and file all bills of damage duly presented, and enter the amounts in his/her books, which shall be open to the inspection of the public. The director shall not deliver any animal to the owner until all costs and damages are paid. (Ord. 69-99 § 9, 1999: Ord. 24-89 § 1, 1989)