It is made the duty of the director of animal services to take into his/her possession and impound all estrays running at large, and to dispose of the same as hereinafter provided. Whenever the word "estray" appears in this chapter, it is defined to mean any valuable animal, except dogs or cats, not wild, found wandering from its owner. (Ord. 69-99 § 9, 1999: Ord. 24-89 § 1, 1989)
Within five (5) business days after an estray shall come into the possession of the director of animal services, the director may advertise the same in a newspaper published in the county, having general circulation in the county, by publishing a notice in at least one issue of said paper, at least five (5) days before the sale, and by posting notices for a period of ten (10) days in three (3) public places in the city, one of which places shall be at or near the post office. The director shall immediately deliver a copy of such notice to the county clerk, or mail the same to him/her by registered letter. The notice so filed with the clerk shall be available during reasonable hours for inspection by the public free of charge. The notice herein provided for shall contain a description of the animals, including all makes and brands, when taken, the day, hour, and place of sale, and may be substantially in the following form:
State of Utah, County of Salt Lake,
In Salt Lake City,
I have in my possession the following described estray animals, which, if not claimed and taken away, will be sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder at the Animal Shelter in Salt Lake City on , the day of , 20 , at the hour of .
(description of animals)
Said estrays were taken up by me in said city on the day of , 20 .
Director, Animal Services
(Ord. 21-14, 2014)
If at any time before the sale of any estrays, such animals shall be claimed and proved to be the property of any person, the animal services director shall deliver them to the owner upon receiving from the owner the cost of impounding, keeping and advertising the same. If the animals are not so claimed and taken away, the director shall, at the time and place mentioned in the notice, proceed to sell the same, one at a time, to the highest cash bidder, and shall execute and deliver a bill of sale transferring said animals to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, which bill of sale shall be substantially in the following form:
I hereby certify that in pursuance of the law regulating the disposal of estrays and trespassing animals, I have this day sold to for the sum of $ , he/she being the highest bidder, head of , described as follows, to wit:
(description of animals)
Witness my hand this day of , 19 .
Director, Animal Services
The director shall immediately file a copy of such bill of sale with the county clerk or forward the same to him/her by registered mail. The copy so filed with the clerk shall be preserved for a period of two (2) years and shall be open to inspection during all reasonable hours without charge. Such bill of sale shall transfer and vest in such purchaser the full title to the animals thus sold. (Ord. 69-99 § 9, 1999: Ord. 24-89 § 1, 1989)