The mission of Salt Lake City Corporation's website is to provide a two-way communication link with City government on a global scale via the internet. The goals of the website are to provide direct and convenient access to government information and to promote Salt Lake City on a worldwide basis. (2019 Compilation)
A. Information, Activities: Salt Lake City publishes information regarding government and government sponsored activities and events on its website. The City also provides electronic links to other locations on the website, which are relevant to Salt Lake City and its customers.
B. Content: Content of Salt Lake City's website is determined at the sole discretion of Salt Lake City Corporation.
C. Prohibited Usage: The City's site shall not be used for personal or political purposes. (2019 Compilation)
A. Commercial Advertising Prohibited: Commercial advertising on the City's website is prohibited.
B. Underwriting, Contributions Require Approval: Underwriting and/or in kind contributions for the City's home page must be approved prior to solicitation by the web project team and the Mayor.
C. Acknowledgement Of Contributors: Contributors shall be acknowledged in writing and/or a link to their website.
D. Link, Logo, Reference: The only credit allowed for underwriting or in kind support is a link, logo or reference to the underwriter's name. (2019 Compilation)