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Salt Lake City Overview
Salt Lake City, UT Code of Ordinances
Salt Lake City, UT Policies and Procedures Manual
   A.   Plan Development: The City shall develop an Information Technology Master Plan, which shall address the following: software compatibility with City systems, hardware compatibility with City infrastructure, reduction of system duplication, security of networks, fostering innovation, increasing public engagement, and efficiency and effectiveness in information management systems.
   B.   Systems Steering Committee: The City shall empanel an internal working group, hereafter referred to as the Systems Steering Committee, to develop and maintain the Information Technology Master Plan.
   C.   Committee Operation: The makeup and operation of the Systems Steering Committee shall be detailed in chapter 1 of this title. (2019 Compilation)
   A.   Generally: The Systems Steering Committee shall be responsible for developing an Information Technology Master Plan and for prioritizing information system acquisition, development and use consistent with the plan.
   B.   Project Recommendations: The Systems Steering Committee shall be responsible for making recommendations to the Administration and the City Council for capital IT projects.
   C.   Govern Responsibilities: The IT Steering Committee shall develop procedures to govern its responsibilities under this chapter.
   D.   Coordination, Integration Of Systems: The IT Steering Committee shall develop procedures for coordination and integration of systems. Potential interface and compatibility issues will be agreed upon in advance of any change or implementation and will be addressed through the IT Systems Steering Committee as an agenda item for discussion. (2019 Compilation)
   A.   Approval By Mayor; Submittal: The Mayor or his/her designee, upon recommendation by the IT Steering Committee and Chief Information Officer, shall approve the IT Master Plan and shall submit to the City Council a prioritized list of technology projects for consideration during the annual budget process.
   B.   Consistency With Plan: Those responsible under this chapter shall cooperate to assure that City information systems and decisions are consistent with the plan. (2019 Compilation)
52-2-5: SCOPE:
   A.   Primary Objective: The City recognizes there are efficiencies that can be realized by coordinating IT activities and resources. The primary objective of this chapter is to ensure coordination of and collaboration on IT related activities in the City.
   B.   Unique, Specialized Systems: IT systems unique to a specific department that fill a specialized function unique to that department or those which operate independently of the City's network are exempt from this chapter.
   C.   Exemptions: Systems that are mandated by Federal or State rules, regulations, statutes or law are exempt from this chapter.
   D.   Regular Reviews: The Chief Information Officer shall regularly review information management systems and decisions to assure consistency with the plan.
   E.   Notification Of Inconsistency: If or when the Chief Information Officer determines that an information system or decision is inconsistent with the plan, he or she shall notify the affected City department.
   F.   Modification: Upon notification by the Chief Information Officer, a City department shall modify a system or decision or shall request a review of the Chief Information Officer's determination by the IT Steering Committee.
   G.   Follow Recommendation; Review Request: A City department shall follow the recommendation of the IT Steering Committee or request a review of the matter by the Mayor's Chief of Staff or his/her designee.
   H.   Disaster, Emergency Situations: The requirements of this chapter shall not apply to information management activities and decisions made during a disaster or in an emergency situation.
   I.   Prior Management Decisions: Information management decisions made prior to the publication of this chapter are not subject to review under this chapter. (2019 Compilation)