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Salt Lake City Overview
Salt Lake City, UT Code of Ordinances
Salt Lake City, UT Policies and Procedures Manual
52-1-1: PURPOSE:
In accordance with chapter 2, "Information Technology Master Plan", of this title, an Information Technology Steering Committee has been established. The purpose of this committee is to:
   A.   Provide IMS the guidance, direction and financial oversight needed to effectively use technology to enhance the goals and objectives of the City and better serve the public.
   B.   Increase efficiency and effectiveness by looking at the technology needs of the City as a whole.
   C.   Ensure the security of the City's networks and information.
   D.   Eliminate duplication of systems.
   E.   Ensure technology decisions meet the needs of the department and the City as a whole.
   F.   Ensure compatibility with the strategic Information Technology Master Plan of the City.
   G.   Plan for IT projects requiring a significant capital investment. (2019 Compilation)
The committee consists of:
   A.   Thirteen (13) members.
   B.   The Department Director or Chief of each department. At the Department Director/Chief's discretion, he or she may delegate this responsibility to a qualified member of their staff.
   C.   The Mayor's Chief of Staff or his or her designee.
   D.   The Chief Information Officer.
   E.   The Executive Director of City Council or his or her designee is also invited to fill a position on the committee.
   F.   The Executive Director of the Library or his or her designee is also invited to fill a position on the committee. (2019 Compilation)
   A.   Chair: The Chief Information Officer shall serve as the Chair of the committee. The Chair of the committee is responsible for the following:
      1.   Schedule meetings in accordance with the policies and procedures.
      2.   Approve the agenda for the meeting.
      3.   Conduct the meeting.
   B.   Vice Chair: The Vice Chair of the committee shall be appointed by the committee.
      1.   The Vice Chair shall serve for the period of one calendar year, January through December.
      2.   The Vice Chair is responsible for the following:
         a.   Ensure meeting minutes are complete and accurate.
         b.   Conduct the meeting in the absence of the Chair. (2019 Compilation)
   A.   Meeting Attendance: Committee members must attend each Steering Committee meeting or send a representative.
   B.   Assignments And Duties: Committee members' specific assignments and duties will be as assigned and accepted by the committee. (2019 Compilation)
IMS shall provide support staff to the committee. As such, they will:
   A.   Minutes: Keep and prepare meeting minutes for review and approval by the Vice Chair.
   B.   Other Assigned Duties: Perform other duties as assigned. (2019 Compilation)
52-1-6: MEETINGS:
   A.   Generally: The committee shall meet quarterly.
      1.   All meetings are open to City personnel and invited guests.
      2.   Meetings shall be scheduled in January, April, July and October.
      3.   Additional meetings can be called as needed by any member of the committee.
      4.   The committee member may make the request verbally, via e-mail, or in writing to the Chair or Vice Chair.
      5.   The Chair or Vice Chair shall then schedule a meeting at the first opportunity to have a quorum assembled.
      6.   Ad hoc meetings can be held via telephone conference call or e-mail.
   B.   Quorum:
      1.   A minimum of nine (9) members of the committee must be present to seat a quorum.
      2.   A quorum must be seated to set priorities for IMS.
      3.   Quorum members participating via teleconference are considered to be present during the meeting.
      4.   The Chair and Vice Chair shall meet prior to the committee meeting to develop the agenda.
   C.   Submission Of Projects:
      1.   Each project will be assigned a sponsor, typically from the submitting department.
      2.   Projects will be presented in writing to the Committee Chair and will contain a business case of adequate detail to allow the Steering Committee to assess and prioritize the work and shall include cost and personnel resource estimates as well as funding sources.
      3.   The Committee Chair shall review the submission for completeness and accuracy prior to setting the submission on an agenda.
      4.   Submissions will be distributed electronically to members of the committee prior to the agenda date.
      5.   The project sponsor may be asked to make a presentation to the committee on the project at the Steering Committee meeting.
   D.   Review Of Projects:
      1.   The committee will review and discuss the submission and accept a motion from the committee to take one of the following actions:
         a.   Approve the project.
         b.   Return the project to the department for revision or further information.
         c.   Table the project for later action.
         d.   Deny the project.
         e.   Other action as suggested in the motion.
      2.   Members of the committee may second the motion and call for a vote on the motion.
   E.   Voting:
      1.   The committee shall vote on specific motions entered and seconded by committee members.
      2.   Each committee member is allowed to cast a single vote.
      3.   Committee members may abstain from voting.
      4.   Members may enter an absence vote or assign their vote to another committee member by informing the Committee Chair of their choice via e-mail, in writing or verbally.
      5.   A simple majority vote of the committee members present is required for an affirmative vote.
      6.   In the event of a tie vote, at the discretion of the Committee Chair, one of the following options may be used:
         a.   Resolve the impasse by further discussion and calling for an additional vote.
         b.   Send the submission back to the department for further analysis, clarification or revision.
         c.   If the full committee is not present, table the submission until such time as the full committee can be seated.
   F.   Appeals:
      1.   Submissions denied by the committee can be appealed. Any member of the committee may request an appeal.
      2.   The request for an appeal must be made to the Committee Chair within one week of the decision. The appeal may be requested in writing, via e-mail or verbally.
      3.   The Chair will work with the representative making the request to create a detailed staff report that shall include a discussion of the advantages, disadvantages and financial impact of the proposed project.
      4.   The staff report will then be forward to the Mayor's Chief of Staff or his/her designee for review and a final decision. The Mayor's Chief of Staff or his/her designee may or may not request a briefing to clarify or discuss the issues. (2019 Compilation)
Changes or revisions to this procedure require a vote of the committee. (2019 Compilation)