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Salem Overview
Codified Ordinances of Salem, OH
   (a)   Church or Public Buildings.
      (1)   Church or public building bulletin boards not exceeding thirty-two square feet in area.
   (b)   Signs in RA Districts.
      (1)   In the RA Residential District there may be one wall sign attached to the building, projecting not more than twelve inches, not exceeding twenty-four square feet in area, and relating only to the name or use of the building.
      (2)   Post signs. At approved conditional uses per Section 1171.02 there may be a post sign.
         A.   No post sign shall extend downward nearer than two feet to the ground pavement.
         B.   No portion of a post sign shall be over six feet in height.
         C.   No portion of a post sign shall extend closer than ten feet to a lot line.
         D.   There shall be only one post sign for each building; regardless of the number of businesses conducted in such building.
         E.   A business located on a lot fronting on intersecting streets may have a post sign on each street provided the frontage on each street is a minimum of fifty feet.
         F.   The maximum square foot area for each face of a post sign shall not exceed a total area of eight square feet per face of or a total of sixteen square feet for all faces.
         G.   No post sign exceeding three feet in height above the established grade shall be erected, within the area of a corner lot that is included between the corner lots of intersecting streets and a straight line connecting them at points thirty feet distant from the intersection of the property line.
         H.   Where a front yard of less than fifteen feet exists, a post sign may be erected. The maximum square foot area of the post sign shall not exceed four square feet per face or a total area of eight square feet for all faces. The post sign shall not extend closer than five feet from the front line or ten feet to a side lot line. No portion of a post sign shall extend into the required setback of five feet from the front lot line or ten feet from a side lot line.
            (Ord. 970218-10. Passed 6-3-97.)
   (c)   Signs in the C-3 District.
      (1)   Wall signs.
         A.   No wall sign shall extend beyond the building more than twelve inches.
         B.   The total square foot area of wall signs shall not exceed two and one-half square feet of sign area per lineal foot width of the face of the building on which they are placed.
         C.   No wall sign shall be so erected as to cover the doors or windows of any building or otherwise prevent free ingress or egress to or from any window, door or any fire escape of any building.
         D.   The top edge of a wall sign shall not extend above the building on or to which it is attached or supported.
      (2)   There shall be any clock, calendar, temperature indicator or similar device mounted as a projecting sign or free-standing sign, provided, however, that such device shall not contain any advertising information and that the total square foot area of the faces of such device shall not exceed two and one-half square feet of sign area per lineal foot of width of the face of the building to which it is attached or in front of which it is placed. In the event the device is attached to a corner of a building, the wall intersecting the corner having the smallest square foot area shall be used in the calculation of the maximum allowable area of the device.
      (3)   Projecting signs shall be allowed in District C-3 (historic downtown). Projecting signs must follow all existing size restrictions and regulations as set out in this Chapter. Projecting signs shall not extend beyond the street side edge of the sidewalk. Calculation of the square footage of a projecting sign attached to the corner of a building shall be pursuant to Paragraph (c)(2) of this Section as listed above.   
      (4)   All new signs or replacement signs in District C-3 must apply for a permit from the Salem Zoning Office. In addition, sign design plans must be submitted and approved by the Design Review Board to ensure standards in the historic district are upheld. Such approval shall be issued by a certificate of appropriateness pursuant to Section 1149.08 . These ordinances will be subject to any and all building and zoning changes in the future. (Ord. 150317-12. Passed 11-4-15.)
   (d)   Signs in C-1, C-2, C-4, M-1 and M-3 Districts.
      (1)   Roof signs.
         A.   There may be roof signs when displaying no advertising matter except pertaining to the business conducted in the building or on the premises.
         B.   The total square foot area of roof signs shall not exceed two and one-half square feet of sign area per lineal foot width of the face of the building on which they are placed over.
      (2)   Wall signs.
         A.   No wall sign shall extend beyond the building more than twelve inches.
         B.   The total square foot area of wall signs shall not exceed two and one-half square feet of sign area per lineal foot width of the face of the building on which they are placed.
         C.   No wall sign shall be so erected as to cover the doors or windows of any building or otherwise prevent free ingress or egress to or from any window, door or any fire escape or any building.
         D.   The top edge of a wall sign shall not extend above the building on or to which it is attached or supported.
      (3)   Projecting signs.
         A.   The maximum permitted area of all faces of a projecting sign shall not exceed two and one-half square feet per lineal foot width of the face of the building on which they are placed, and in no case shall any projecting sign contain more than two individual sign faces.
         B.   A projecting sign shall not extend beyond the top of the wall on which it is placed or higher than thirty feet.
         C.   No projecting sign shall extend downward nearer than eleven feet to the ground, sidewalk or pavement.
      (4)   Marquee signs.
         A.   Marquees may extend eight feet into a front yard. Marquees shall be not less than eleven feet above the ground at its lowest level.
         B.   A sign may be placed upon a marquee provided such sign does not extend more than three feet above and flush with the bottom of such marquee.
         C.   The maximum permitted area of all faces of a marquee sign shall not exceed two and one-half square feet per lineal foot width of the face of the building on which they are placed, and in no case shall any marquee sign contain more than two individual sign faces.
      (5)   Awning signs.
         A.   Awnings extending over the right-of-way of the City of Salem shall comply with Section 901.11(b) and (c).
         B.   The total square foot area of awning signs shall not exceed two and one-half square feet of sign area per lineal foot width of the face of the building on which they are placed.
      (6)   Free-standing signs.
         A.   No free-standing signs shall extend downward nearer than eleven feet to the ground or pavement.
         B.   There shall be only one free-standing sign for each building; regardless of the number of businesses conducted in such building.
         C.   A business located on a lot fronting on intersecting streets may have a free-standing sign on each street provided the frontage on each street is a minimum of 100 feet.
         D.   No free-standing sign shall extend closer than ten feet to a lot line. No portion of a free-standing sign shall extend into the required setback of ten feet from a lot line.
         E.   Free-standing signs shall not be over thirty feet in height.
         F.   The maximum square foot area for all faces of a free-standing sign shall not exceed one square foot per lineal foot of property occupied by the establishment, measured along the property line of the street which the building faces. In the case of corner lots, the measurement shall be taken along the property line of the street which the building faces.
      (7)   Post signs.
         A.   No post sign shall extend downward nearer than two feet to the ground or pavement.
         B.   No portion of a post sign shall be over six feet in height.
         C.   No portion of a post sign shall extend closer than ten feet to a lot line.
         D.   There shall be only one post sign for each building; regardless of the number of businesses conducted in such building.
         E.   A business located on a lot fronting on intersecting streets may have a post sign on each street provided the frontage on each street is a minimum of fifty feet.
         F.   The maximum square foot area for each face of a post sign shall not exceed a total area of eight square feet per face of or a total of sixteen square feet for all faces.
         G.   No post sign exceeding three feet in height above the established grade shall be erected, within the area of a corner lot that is included between the corner lots of intersecting streets and a straight line connecting them at points thirty feet distant from the intersection of the property line.
         H.   Where a front yard of less than fifteen feet exists, a post sign may be erected. The maximum square foot area of the post sign shall not exceed four square feet per face or a total area of eight square feet for all faces. The post sign shall not extend closer than five feet from the front lot line or ten feet to a side lot line. No portion of a post sign shall extend into the required setback of five feet from the front lot line or ten feet from a side lot line.
      (8)   Ground signs.
         A.   The total square foot area of a ground sign shall not exceed thirty-two square feet.
         B.   No portion of a ground sign shall extend closer than ten feet to a lot line.
         C.   No portion of a ground sign shall be over six feet in height.
         D.   There shall be only one ground sign for each building; regardless of the number of businesses conducted in the building.
         E.   No ground sign exceeding three feet in height above the established grade shall be erected, within the area of a corner lot that is included between the corner lots of intersecting streets and a straight line connecting them at points thirty feet distant from the intersection of the property line.
   (e)   Signs in an M-2 District.
      (1)   Ground signs.
         A.   In the M-2 District, there may be any sign allowed in subsection (d) hereof and ground signs; provided that no ground sign shall exceed 400 square feet in area; not more than one ground sign shall be erected on any one lot or tract of land, or one sign for each 400 feet of street frontage when located at least 400 feet apart on such lot or tract of land; and no ground sign when erected on a lot fronting on intersecting streets shall be erected within fifty feet of the intersection of the streets.
         B.   No ground sign shall be at any point over twenty-five feet above the ground level. The ends of all such signs shall be at least six feet distant from any wall or fence or any obstruction that would prevent a clear passage around the ends and shall be at least ten feet distant from any lot line.
            (Ord. 970218-10. Passed 6-3-97.)
   (f)   Signs in all RS Districts.
      (1)    Wall Signs.
         A.   No wall sign shall extend beyond the building more than twelve inches.
         B.   The total square foot area of wall signs shall not exceed two and one-half square feet of sign area per lineal foot width of the face of the building on which they are placed.
         C.   No wall sign shall be so erected as to cover the doors or windows of any building or otherwise prevent free ingress or egress to or from any window, door or any fire escape of any building.
         D.   The top edge of a wall sign shall not extend above the building on or to which it is attached or supported.
      (2)   There shall be any clock, calendar, temperature indicator or similar device mounted as a projecting sign or free-standing sign, provided, however, that such device shall not contain any advertising information and that the total square foot area of the faces of such device shall not exceed two and one-half square feet of sign area per lineal foot of width of the face of the building to which it is attached or in the front of which it is placed. In the event the device is attached to a corner of a building, the wall intersecting the corner having the smallest square foot area shall be used in the calculation of the maximum allowable area of the device.
      (3)   Projecting signs shall be allowed in all RS Districts. Projecting signs must follow all existing size restrictions and regulations as set out in this Chapter. Projecting signs shall not extend beyond the street side edge of the sidewalk. Calculation of the square footage of a projecting sign attached to the corner of a building shall be pursuant to Paragraph (f)(2) of this Section as listed above.   
      (4)   All new signs or replacement signs in all RS Districts must apply for a permit from the Salem Zoning Office. In addition, sign design plans must be submitted and approved by the Design Review Board to ensure standards in the historic district are upheld, if the RS property is in an historic district. Such approval shall be issued by a certificate of appropriateness pursuant to City Ordinance 1149.08. These ordinances will be subject to any and all building and zoning changes in the future.
         (Ord. 171205-66. Passed 3-6-18.)
   (a)   Free-Standing Signs.
      (1)   Only one free-standing sign shall be permitted within a shopping center development consisting of two or more individual businesses or an office complex development consisting of two or more individual businesses. Such free-standing sign shall serve all businesses within such development.
      (2)   No free-standing sign shall extend closer than eleven feet to the ground or pavement and shall not be over thirty feet in height.
      (3)   No free-standing sign shall extend closer than ten feet to a lot line. No portion of a free standing sign shall extend into the required setback of ten feet from a lot line.
      (4)   The maximum square foot area for all faces of a free-standing sign shall not exceed one square foot per lineal foot of property occupied by all the businesses measured along the property line of the street which the buildings face. In the case of corner lots, the measurement shall be taken along the property line of the street which the buildings face.
         (Ord. 071107-68. Passed 11-7-07.)
   (b)   Wall Signs.
      (1)   No wall sign shall extend beyond the building more than twelve inches.
      (2)   The total square foot area of wall signs shall not exceed two and one-half square feet of sign area per lineal foot width of the face of the building on which they are placed.
      (3)   No wall sign shall be so erected as to cover the doors or windows of any building or otherwise prevent free ingress or egress to or from any window, door or any fire escape of any building.
      (4)   The top edge of a wall sign shall not extend above the building on or to which it is attached or supported.
         (Ord. 970218-10. Passed 5-3-97.)
   (a)   Portable Signs. Portable signs are prohibited except that:
      (1)   There may be such portable signs on parking lots as permitted by the Zoning Officer as being necessary to the satisfactory operation of the lot; and
      (2)   Each filling station may have one portable sign not exceeding twelve square feet of total sign area restricted solely to stating the price of gasoline; and
      (3)   Retail establishments may have one portable sign not to exceed six square feet located within the indention of the outer wall of the building.
         (Ord. 930921-110. Passed 12-21-93.)
   (b)   Paper Posters and Certain Signs. Paper posters applied directly to the wall or building or pole and letters or pictures in the form of advertising, printed or applied directly on the wall of a building are prohibited. Temporary signs may be displayed in or attached to the inside of show or display windows.
(Ord. 920728-85. Passed 10-20-92.)
   (a)   Any sign which exists at the time of adoption of these Sign Regulations which does not conform to the provisions specified herein shall be regarded as a pre-existing or nonconforming sign.
   (b)   Signs which were existing at the time of the adoption of these Sign Regulations, but which were erected in compliance with previously adopted regulations shall be considered as pre-existing signs which may be continued as long as they are kept in good repair and maintained in safe condition.
   (c)   Signs which were erected prior to the adoption of these Sign Regulations but which were not in compliance with or were considered nonconforming by previously adopted regulations shall be considered as nonconforming signs.
   (d)   All pre-existing or nonconforming signs are considered by these Sign Regulations to be incompatible with the intent and specifications of these Sign Regulations. Such nonconforming signs may be continued subject to the following provisions:
      (1)   All pre-existing and nonconforming signs shall be kept in good repair and be maintained in safe condition.
      (2)   Any pre-existing or nonconforming signs which are structurally altered, enlarged, relocated, replaced, reprinted (excluding normal touch up repainting or routine maintenance repainting and the replacing or changing of removable sign panels), shall thereafter comply with all of the requirements and provisions specified in these Sign Regulations.
      (3)   Any pre-existing or nonconforming signs which are part of an establishment which discontinues in its operation for a period of ninety consecutive days shall thereafter comply with these Sign Regulations.
         (Ord. 920728-85. Passed 10-20-92.)
   (a)   Any sign which exists at a Nonconforming Commercial Business in a Residential District at the time of adoption of these Sign Regulations which does not conform to the provisions specified in the use district herein shall be regarded as a nonconforming sign.
   (b)   Any nonconforming sign at a Nonconforming Commercial Business in a Residential District shall be kept in good repair and be maintained in safe condition. Normal maintenance shall include repainting, except the graphic message, and routine maintenance repairs.
   (c)   The following signs shall be permitted at approved Nonconforming Commercial Businesses in Residential Districts:
      (1)   Wall signs subject to the provisions of Section 1195.05(d)(2)A., B., C. and D.
      (2)   Post signs subject to the provisions of Section 1195.05(d)(7)A., B., C., D., E., F., G. and H.
         (Ord. 920728-85. Passed 10-20-92.)