(a)   Construction Signs. Construction signs shall be permitted in any location where current, on-going construction projects are in progress.
      (1)   Construction signs shall not be illuminated.
      (2)   One construction sign having not more than two sign faces, shall be permitted per construction site.
      (3)   The maximum permitted sign area of a commercial or industrial construction sign shall be sixty-four square feet, and in no case shall any individual sign contain more than thirty-two square feet per sign face.
      (4)   Residential construction signs shall have a maximum permitted sign area of twelve square feet, and in no case shall any individual sign contain more than six square feet per sign face.
      (5)   Construction signs may identify the name of the building or project under construction, the name of the architect, engineer, contractor, project costs, completion date, and agencies associated with the project.
      (6)   Construction signs shall be located on the same property as the specific project under construction, and shall be located in the required yard; or shall be placed on the structure being built or renovated. In no case shall any such construction sign be located within the public right-of-way.
      (7)   Construction signs shall be permitted only while the work is in progress and shall be removed upon completion or abandonment of the project.
         (Ord. 970218-10. Passed 6-3-97.)
   (b)   Real Estate Signs.
      (1)    Real estate signs shall not be illuminated.
      (2)   Temporary signs not exceeding eight square feet in area advertising the sale, lease or rent of real estate when located only upon residential property to which the sign refers, which signs shall be removed upon sale, lease or rent of the property.
      (3)   Temporary ground signs advertising future use or development of property on which such signs are located may be maintained subject to the provisions of this section, provided such signs do not exceed thirty square feet in area or remain longer than six months.
      (4)   “For Rent”, “For Lease” and “For Sale” signs in commercial and industrial districts for new buildings, when located upon existing commercial and industrial property to which the sign refers, shall not exceed forty-eight square feet or remain more than ninety days after the building is complete.
      (5)   “For Rent”, “For Lease” and “For Sale” signs not exceeding twenty-four square feet in area, when located upon existing commercial and industrial property to which the sign refers, which signs shall be removed upon sale, rent or lease of property.
      (6)   One sign designating an “Open House” event may be located on private residential property with permission of the property owner. The private residential property used for the sign location must be located near the street on which the open house event is located. The sign shall not exceed eight square feet in size and shall contain information pertinent to the location of the home for sale and the date and time of the open house event. Said sign, for the open house event may be placed for a maximum of three days only, which shall include two days before and the day of the open house event. The sign is to be removed from its location the same calendar day after the scheduled open house event is concluded.
         (Ord. 080715-46. Passed 7-15-08.)
   (c)   Political Signs.
      (1)   Political signs shall not be illuminated.
      (2)   Political signs having not more than two individual sign faces shall be permitted only in the period beginning forty-five days before an election to seven days following the election. Should any signs remain after this period, the City of Salem may remove such signs, and charge the expenses for such removal to the owner.
      (3)   The maximum permitted sign area of a political sign shall be sixty-four square feet, and in no case shall any individual sign contain more than thirty-two square feet per sign face.
      (4)   No political sign shall be placed upon utility poles or trees located within the City right-of-way.
   (d)   Traffic and Governmental Signs. For the purpose of these regulations, "sign" does not include signs erected and maintained pursuant to and in discharge of any governmental function, or required by law, ordinance, or governmental regulation.
   (e)   Home Occupation Signs. Where a home occupation is permitted, a nameplate containing the dwelling owners name and service provided shall be permitted, provided such sign is mounted flat against the wall of the dwelling, is not illuminated and does not exceed one square foot in size. Commercial, business or trade names shall not be permitted.
   (f)   Residential and Miscellaneous Signs.
      (1)   Residential signs not exceeding one square foot in area and bearing only property numbers, post box numbers or names of occupants of premises.
      (2)   Emblems, flags or insignia of any local government, or the temporary displays of a religious, charitable or civic organization.
      (3)   Informational or directional signs such as "Parking", "Entrance", "Exit", "Service", "Parts", "Shipping", "Receiving" and the like, provided that they meet the requirements of these sign regulations, and further provided that:
         A.   The number of information or directional signs shall be the minimum number necessary to provide information and/or direction; as approved and authorized by the Zoning Officer.
         B.   All such signs shall be either mounted on the wall of the establishment with which they are related, or shall be free-standing which do not exceed three feet in height.
         C.   The maximum permitted sign area shall be the minimum necessary to provide the information and/or direction, and in no case shall be more than six square feet per individual sign face.
         D.   All informational or directional signs shall not be located in such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision at an intersection; or at a point of ingress or egress to the establishment or any adjacent property.
      (4)   A business may have temporary advertising signs consisting of banner or similar type material not to exceed a total of 50 square feet. Temporary signs shall not be attached or supported by a tree, utility pole, trash receptacle, bench, or a vending machine. Temporary advertising signs shall not be installed as to cover the doors or windows of any building nor extend closer than ten feet to a lot line. Temporary advertising signs shall not be used in place of or in addition to a main business identification sign.
(Ord. 970218-10. Passed 6-3-97.)
     (g)    Portable Signs for Commercial Use. On any property where an authorized commercial business is operating, temporary portable signs may be placed on the sidewalk directly in front of the business while the business is in operation. Each business may place one sign which shall be placed within the confines of the lineal feet of the business that directly contacts the sidewalk. Such signs may be placed only from dawn until dusk as determined by the time of sunrise and sunset while the business is open and operating. Such signs shall be placed so that they do not impede pedestrian traffic on the sidewalk nor limit or obstruct the view of motorists traveling on any adjacent roadway. No such sign shall be placed within fifteen (15) feet of any street corner created by two adjacent roadways. All such signs shall specifically be limited to the advertisement of products or services directly associated with the business connected to the sidewalk area in which they are placed. Any person placing such signs shall do so at their own risk. Any damages, injury or liabilities associated with such signs shall be born by the party that placed it who shall indemnify and hold the City harmless from any action and damages that may occur pursuant to the placement of said sign.
(Ord. 171205-65. Passed 3-6-18.)