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Off-Street Parking and Loading
1199.01    Off-street parking requirements.
1199.02   Computing parking spaces.
1199.03   Location of required parking spaces.
1199.04   Minimum improvement and maintenance standards.
1199.05   Off-street loading requirements.
Off-street parking facilities - see Ohio R.C. 717.05 et seq.
Loading space defined - see P. & Z. 1135.01(a)(44)
Parking space defined - see P. & Z. 1135.01(a)(57)
   Off-street parking spaces shall be provided as follows:
2 for each unit.
Rooming and boarding houses, sororities and fraternities
1 for each 200 sq. ft. of floor area.
Private club or lodge
1 for each 300 sq. ft. of floor area.
Church or temple
1 for each 4 seats in the main auditorium.
(1) High school, colleges and universities
10 per classroom;
(2) Elementary schools
2 per classroom.
2-3/10 for each bed.
Sanitarium or institutional home
1 for each 3 beds.
Funeral homes
20 for each chapel plus 1 for each funeral home vehicle plus 1 for each family residing on the premises.
Auditoriums, theaters and other places of public assembly
1 for each 5 seats.
Community center, library, museum or similar public or semi-public building
1 for each 250 sq. ft. of floor area in the building.
Hotel or motel
5 plus 1 space for each sleeping room or suite.
Medical office; buildings in which20% or more of the gross area isoccupied by members of the healingprofession
1 for each 200 sq. ft. of the gross area used for this purpose.
Manufacturing or industrialestablishment; research or testinglaboratory, creamery, bottling plant,warehouse or other similar establishments   
2 for every 3 employees on the maximum shift,plus space to accommodate all trucks and other vehicles used in connection therewith.
All nonresidential buildings except those above specified    
1 for each 300 sq. ft. of floor area, except in a C-3 District.
(Ord. 711103-112. Passed 5-1-73; Ord. 730918. Passed 1-15-74.)
   In computing the number of required off-street parking spaces the following rules shall apply:
   (a)    "Floor area" means the gross floor area of the specific use, excluding any floor or portion thereof used for parking, as herein defined.
   (b)    Where fractional spaces result, the parking spaces required shall be the nearest whole number.
   (c)    In the case of mixed uses, the parking spaces required shall equal the sum of the requirements of the various uses computed separately.
   (d)    Whenever a building or use constructed or established after January 1, 1963 is changed or enlarged in floor area, number of employees, number of dwelling units, seating capacity or otherwise, parking spaces shall be provided on the basis of the enlargement or change. Whenever a building or use existing prior to January 1, 1963 is reconstructed or is enlarged to the extent of twenty percent (20%) or more in floor area such building or use in its entirety shall then and thereafter comply with the parking requirements set forth herein. Any enlargement or change in use of less than twenty percent (20%) of the gross floor area shall be provided with parking based on the enlargement or change.
      (Ord. 711103-112. Passed 5-1-73.)