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River Forest Overview
River Forest, IL Code of Ordinances
Signs shall be permitted in the ORIC district as follows:
   A.   Sign Types Permitted:
      1.   All signs permitted in any district without a village permit as provided in section 4-5-6 of this chapter.
      2.   Awning and canopy signs.
      3.   Monument signs.
      4.   Projecting signs, but only as authorized as part of a planned development.
      5.   Temporary signs, but only as authorized in section 4-5-6 of this chapter or for construction signs.
      6.   Wall signs.
      7.   Drive-through sign, but only as authorized as part of a planned development.
   B.   Number of Signs Permitted Per Lot:
      1.   All signs permitted in section 4-5-6 of this chapter; plus
      2.   One wall sign per zoning lot frontage for buildings with a single ground floor tenant, or one wall sign per ground floor business tenant fronting the public right of way; plus
      3.   One monument sign per street frontage; plus
      4.   One on site directory sign per zoning lot frontage.
   C.   Maximum Gross Surface Area of Signs Permitted:
      1.   Total Sign Area: The total area of all signs on a zoning lot shall not exceed one square foot per linear foot of zoning lot frontage on a public street; provided, however, that signs allowed without permits, shall not be counted toward the total allowance gross sign surface area permitted on a zoning lot.
      2.   Individual Sign Area Limitations: The following individual sign area limitations shall apply to all signs:
         a.   Awning and Canopy Signs: Not to exceed sixty square feet per sign face. No sign belonging to an individual tenant of a multi-tenant building shall cover more than five percent of the wall to which it is affixed.
         b.   Monument Signs: Not to exceed one hundred square feet per sign face, nor more than two hundred square feet total.
         c.   Wall Signs: Not to exceed one hundred square feet per sign, or not to exceed covering more than five percent of the wall to which it is affixed, whichever is less.
   D.   Maximum Height of Signs Permitted:
      1.   Signs without Permits: As provided in section 4-5-6 of this chapter for signs permitted pursuant to that section.
      2.   Awning and Canopy Signs: Twenty feet; all awning and canopy signs shall be at least eight feet above grade. Awning and canopy signs for individual tenants of a multi-tenant building shall be at the same height on the building to which they are affixed.
      3.   Monument Signs: A maximum height of ten feet.
      4.   Wall Signs: Thirty feet. Wall signs for individual tenants of a multi-tenant building shall be at the same height on the building to which they are affixed. No wall sign shall cover any architectural features of the building to which it is attached (architectural features shall include, but not be limited to: pediment, cornice, belt course, pier, windows, pilaster, roof, decorative stone or tile inlay, kick plate/bulkhead, raised or colored brick pattern and corbel).
   E.   Minimum Setback Required:
      1.   Signs Without Permits: As provided in section 4-5-6 of this chapter for signs permitted pursuant to that section.
      2.   Monument Signs: Three feet from "right of way" and six feet from all other lot lines. All monument signs shall be located outside of the "sight triangles".
   F.   Illumination:
      1.   Signs Without Permits: Signs permitted pursuant to section 4-5-6 of this chapter shall be illuminated only as permitted in that section.
      2.   Awning and Canopy Signs: Shall be illuminated using a direct light source. Direct illumination shall be aimed at the exterior of the awning/canopy.
      3.   Monument Signs: Monument signs shall be backlit, directly lit or internally illuminated. All letters must be individually affixed. Any direct light source shall be concealed from view from the right of way. The sign area backing shall not be internally illuminated.
      4.   Wall Signs: Letters shall be individually affixed to walls of a building or utilize a mounting system which gives the appearance of individually affixed letters and be either internally illuminated or backlit.
   4-5-11: Monument Signs
(Ord. 3392, 9-12-2011; amd. Ord. 3825, 11-30-2020)
   A.   A "temporary sign" is any sign in any nonresidential district that is not designed or intended to be placed permanently.
   B.   Any owner or tenant desiring to erect or maintain a temporary sign shall submit a temporary sign permit application. An application may only be made by the owner or tenant of the property on which the temporary sign will be erected and maintained. A separate application must be submitted for each temporary sign an owner or tenant desires to erect and maintain. The applicant shall be responsible for the installation, maintenance and removal of a temporary sign pursuant to a permit issued by the village.
   C.   No temporary sign shall be erected or maintained without a permit. No temporary sign shall be maintained beyond the date and time set forth in the permit permitting the temporary sign to be erected and maintained.
   D.   The permit fee for temporary signs shall be one hundred dollars per application.
   E.   Temporary signs shall not exceed thirty-two square feet in area.
   F.   Only one temporary sign shall be allowed for each temporary sign permit application. No applicant may display a temporary sign more than three times a year. A separate permit application is required for each temporary sign request.
   G.   Temporary signs are limited to a display duration not to exceed ninety calendar days.
   H.   All temporary signs must remain in good condition throughout the display period. The applicant is responsible for maintaining the temporary sign. Corrective action must be taken immediately by the applicant if there exists any problems or defects with the appearance, condition or maintenance of the sign and/or support hardware. Temporary signs must be constructed of durable, weather resistant materials (canvas, nylon, etc.) with sufficient strength and resilience to maintain an acceptable appearance for the duration of its display and shall be securely affixed on all sides/corners.
   I.   No temporary sign may be located higher than the roofline of the building to which it is attached or, if attached to a permanent sign, higher than the sign. There must be no encroachment of a temporary sign into the public right of way.
   J.   Temporary signs may not block any public signs or public infrastructure and shall be placed not less than eight feet from the nearest edge of a right of way or property line.
   K.   River Forest units of government may install temporary streetlight banners on village owned streetlights. Said banners shall be limited to a display not to exceed one hundred eighty days and the display may be extended for an additional one hundred eighty days with approval of the village. One temporary sign permit application shall be required for each street or parking lot at which the temporary streetlight banners will be installed. All other temporary sign regulations listed in this section shall apply to temporary streetlight banners. (Ord. 3484, 4-22-2013; amd. Ord. 3825, 11-30-2020)
   A.   Maintenance: Legal nonconforming signs, meaning a nonconforming sign lawfully erected which has since become nonconforming, may be maintained subject to the following regulations:
      1.   No nonconforming sign shall be expanded or altered to prolong the life of the sign.
      2.   No nonconforming sign structure shall be changed to another nonconforming sign structure except that the copy, message or graphic of a nonconforming sign may be changed.
      3.   The nonstructural component of a multi-tenant sign on which the copy, message or graphic is displayed, such as a plastic or metal panel or insert, may be replaced to accommodate a change in tenant.
      4.   If the copy, message or graphic of a nonconforming sign cannot be changed without altering a structural component, then such change is not permitted. Structural components include any part of a sign attached directly to the ground or to a building or structure, any part of the supporting structure of a sign without which the sign fails to maintain its structural integrity, and any part of a sign's electrical or lighting equipment.
      5.   No nonconforming sign shall be relocated in whole or in part unless, when relocated, it conforms to all of the provisions of this chapter.
      6.   If a nonconforming sign is damaged or destroyed to the extent of fifty percent of its replacement value, the sign must be repaired or replaced in conformance with all provisions of this chapter.
   B.   Abatement, Abandonment And Discontinuance: If a legal nonconforming sign is discontinued or abandoned for a period of one hundred eighty days, the rights to legal nonconforming status shall have expired and any subsequent use of such a sign shall comply with all regulations of the zoning district in which such a sign is located. The period of such discontinuance caused by government action, acts of God or other acts without any contributing fault by the user, shall not be included in calculating the length of discontinuance for this section.
   C.   Removal: Illegal nonconforming signs, meaning a nonconforming sign unlawfully erected or maintained, shall be removed. (Ord. 3392, 9-12-2011; amd. Ord. 3825, 11-30-2020)
   A.   Construction Sign: Such signs shall not exceed sixty-four (64) square feet in surface area in a commercial district or approved planned development area. The limit for surface area is applicable on each street frontage.
Such signs are permitted as standalone signs or mounted on construction fences in a commercial district, subject to the following:
      1.   Temporary construction fence wrap signs require approval by the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator may impose conditions on approval of temporary construction fence wrap signs.
      2.   Copy, message or graphics of a temporary construction fence wrap signs is limited to twenty-five percent (25%) of the surface area of the construction fence.
      3.   Temporary construction fence wrap signs are limited to a display of the lesser of eighteen (18) months, or such shorter time period as the Zoning Administrator allows, after initial approval by the Zoning Administrator for the sign ("initial display period"). If construction of an applicable building begins within the initial display period, a sign may continue to be displayed for an additional nine (9) months after the expiration of the initial display period. If construction does not commence within the initial display period, the sign shall be removed within seven (7) calendar days after the expiration of the initial display period.
      4.   The wrap material shall be of a durable, weather resistant material like canvas, nylon or vinyl coated fabric.
      5.   Temporary construction fence wrap signs shall not be displayed at the same time as a construction sign, if the construction wrap sign contains any copy, message or graphics.
   B.   Permit Fee: The cost of the permit fee shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00) per application. (Ord. 3781, 9-23-2019; amd. Ord. 3825, 11-30-2020)
   A.   The Zoning Administrator may issue the following minor variations from the requirements of this chapter following the procedures for minor variations in section 10-5-4 of this code to the extent practicable:
      1.   Up to a one percent (1%) increase in individual sign area limitations for all permanent sign types except for wall signs.
      2.   An increase in the area of a wall sign in excess of the maximum square footage of wall sign area permitted in the district in which the sign shall be located, but less than or equal to five percent (5%) of the wall to which the sign shall be affixed.
   B.   The Zoning Board of Appeals shall have jurisdiction to hold public hearings and make recommendations to the Village President and Board of Trustees for the following major variations from the requirements of this chapter, pursuant to its powers granted in section 10-5-4 of this code, and following the procedures therein to the extent practicable, and the Village President and Board of Trustees may thereafter approve such major variations, in their discretion:
      1.   An increase greater than one percent (1%) in individual sign area limitations for all sign types with the exception of wall signs.
      2.   An increase in the area of a wall sign in excess of the maximum square footage of wall sign area permitted in the district in which the sign shall be located and in excess of five percent (5%) of the wall to which the sign shall be affixed.
      3.   An increase in the total area of all signs permitted on a zoning lot.
   C.   A planned development may include relief from any of the requirements of this chapter. (Ord. 3817, 7-13-2020; amd. Ord. 3825, 11-30-2020)