It shall be unlawful for anyone to operate on or over the streets of the city after dusk any motor vehicle unless both (two) headlights are on and burning.
('79 Code, § 23-24) Penalty, see § 70.99
It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or run over the asphalt or concrete streets of the city, any traction engine, threshing engine or other vehicle, either horse drawn or motor driven, with cleats or lugs on the tires of the wheels, except that where it is necessary for any of the above described engines or vehicles to cross an intersection of any of the above-mentioned streets, the drivers of said engines or vehicles must place planks of sufficient width in front of the wheels in such a manner as to protect the street from being damaged or scarred by the wheels.
('79 Code, § 23-25) Penalty, see § 70.99
It shall be unlawful for any person to drive any truck, wagon, automobile or other vehicle upon the asphalt or concrete streets of the city with wheels locked.
('79 Code, § 23-26) Penalty, see § 70.99
All emergency vehicles traveling the public streets of the city shall not travel at a speed greater than is reasonably safe under the circumstances when within the city and shall at all times when acting in an emergency, give audible signal by bell, siren or exhaust whistle and further by an authorized blinking red signal visible to the public.
('79 Code, § 23-30) (Ord. A-533, passed 12-14-64) Penalty, see § 70.99
It shall be unlawful for any person in the city to operate on or over any of the streets of the city a traction engine, threshing engine, or other engine or machine which will damage or impair the city streets, for the purpose of hauling freight or any purpose of transportation.
('79 Code, § 14-40) Penalty, see § 70.99
At the sound of the city fire alarm all persons operating motor or other vehicles on the city streets must take their vehicles immediately to a part of the street where said vehicle will not cause a delay or interfere with the operation of the city fire truck or any member of the Fire Department. No person shall start or resume the operation of a motor or other vehicle on the streets so long as said operation will interfere with the operation of the fire truck or the duties of any of the members of the Fire Department.
('79 Code, § 14-30) Penalty, see § 70.99