   Immediately upon the granting of a permit for a parade or motorcade, the City Manager shall send a copy thereof to the following:
   (A)   The Mayor;
   (B)   The Commissioners;
   (C)   The Fire Chief;
   (D)   The Police Chief;
   (E)   The Street and Sanitation Directors.
('79 Code, § 14.1-7) (Ord. 76-13, passed 8-17-76)
   Any permit for a parade or motorcade issued pursuant to this subchapter may be summarily revoked by the City Manager at any time when by reason of disaster, public calamity, riot or other emergency, the City Manager determines that the safety of the public or property requires such revocation. A copy of the revocation is labeled Exhibit B and on file in the office of the City Clerk. Notice of such action revoking a permit shall be delivered in writing to the holder of the permit by personal service or by certified mail. The holder of a parade or motorcade permit which is summarily revoked by the City Manager may appeal such summary revocation to the City Commission by filing a notice of appeal within five days after the revocation to that body for hearing at its next meeting or at a special meeting called for the purpose of hearing the matter of appeal of a summary revocation of a parade or motorcade permit.
('79 Code, § 14.1-8) (Ord. 76-13, passed 8-17-76)
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT. That area in the downtown area bound by the south side of Water Street from the intersection of Lancaster Avenue and Water Street to the intersection of Collins Street and Water Street, and bound on the north side of Irvine Street from the intersection of North Street to the intersection of Collins Street, and all of Main Street from the west side of Lancaster Avenue to the east side of the intersection of Main Street and Collins Street.
   DESIGNATED TRUCK ROUTE. That route established by the City Board of Commissioners for trucks larger than two ton pick-up trucks.
   THROUGH TRUCK TRAFFIC. Truck traffic passing through the central business district of the downtown area of the city without bona fide stops for pickups, delivery or emergency repairs.
(Ord. 91-51, passed 12-17-91)
   (A)   Designated truck routes shall be posted at city limits and along the routes of U. S. 25 both north and south bound and Kentucky 52 east and west bound, Kentucky 876 (Eastern By-Pass) shall be the designated route for all through trucks within the city. Signs of the designated truck routes shall be posted in conspicuous places for easy observation by all persons traveling the above routes.
(Ord. 91-51, passed 12-17-91)
   (B)   A truck route for through vehicles is hereby established and identified as the Eastern By-pass extending from the intersection of I-75 and by-pass to the intersection of Kentucky Route 52 and the by-pass. This section applies to commercial truck through traffic entering the city from I-75, Kentucky 52 (south or east), Boggs Lane, (South) U.S. 25 and U.S. 421 with a destination requiring an exit on the above-mentioned streets.
('79 Code, § 23-9) (Ord. 75-6, passed 5-20-75)
   Truck routes, see Ch. 73, Sched. III