3-1-1: State Statutes Adopted
3-1-2: Licenses Required
3-1-3: Application For License
3-1-4: License Fees
3-1-5: Part Time Licenses
3-1-6: License Restrictions
3-1-7: Closing Hours
3-1-8: Search Of Licensed Premises
3-1-9: Posting License
3-1-10: Revocation And Suspension Of License
3-1-11: Soda Water Beverages (Rep. by Ord. 2023-03, 6-8-2023)
3-1-12: Penalty
3-1-13: Nude Dancing In Licensed Establishments Prohibited
The provisions of chapter 125, Wisconsin statutes, relating to the sale of intoxicating liquors and fermented malt beverages, except sections 125.04(11), 125.66(3), 125.04(5), 125.09(6), 125.69, 125.56(2), 125.62, 125.61, 125.68(12) and 125.14(2&3), exclusive of any provisions thereof relating to the penalty to be imposed or the punishment for violation of said statutes, are hereby adopted and made a part of this chapter by reference. (Ord., 10-2-1995)
A. When Required: No person, except as provided by section 3-1-1 of this chapter, shall distribute, vend, sell, offer or keep for sale at retail or wholesale, deal or traffic in, or, for the purpose of evading any law or ordinance of the village, give away any intoxicating liquor and fermented malt beverage or cause the same to be done, without having procured a license or permit as provided in this chapter, nor without complying with all the provisions of this chapter and all statutes, ordinances and regulations of the state and village applicable thereto.
B. Separate License Required For Each Place: A separate license shall be required for each premises where intoxicating liquor and fermented malt beverages are kept, sold or offered for sale; and no license shall be issued to any person for the purpose of possessing, selling or offering for sale any intoxicating liquor or fermented malt beverage in any dwelling house, flat or residential apartment. (Ord., 11-7-1978; amd. 1981 Code)
Application for a license issued under chapter 125, Wisconsin statutes, shall be made as required in section 125.04(3), Wisconsin statutes. Each application shall be accompanied by the cost of publication required under section 125.04(3), Wisconsin statutes. Opportunity shall be given by the village board to any person to be heard for or against the granting of any license. Upon the approval of the application by the village board, the village clerk shall issue the applicant a license. Each license shall be numbered in the order in which issued and shall specifically state the premises for which issued, the date of issuance, the fee paid, and the name of the licensee. Except as provided in section 3-1-5 of this chapter, all licenses shall remain in force until July 1 next after the granting thereof, unless sooner revoked in the manner provided herein. No license shall be transferable, either as to license or location, except as provided by section 125.04(3), Wisconsin statutes, and except that the village board may authorize a transfer of location, if the licensed premises shall become unsuitable for occupancy. (Ord., 10-2-1995)