2-1-1: Official Map
2-1-2: Street And Sidewalk Grades
2-1-3: Construction And Repair Of Streets, Sidewalks, Curb And Gutter, And Driveways
2-1-4: Street Excavations
2-1-5: Building Materials In Streets
2-1-6: Moving Buildings
2-1-7: Littering Streets Prohibited
2-1-8: Snow And Ice Removal
2-1-9: Signs And Awnings
2-1-10: Vehicle Restrictions In Park Or Cemetery, On Public Ways
2-1-11: Parking Restrictions
2-1-12: Use Of Village Property To Conduct Business
2-1-13: Presence On Public Grounds
2-1-14: Loitering In Cemeteries
2-1-15: Trees And Shrubs
A. Purpose: These "official map" provisions are established in the village for the purpose of servicing and promoting the public health, safety, convenience, economy, orderliness and general welfare of the community; to further the orderly layout and use of land; to stabilize the location or real property boundary lines; to facilitate adequate provision for transportation, parks, playgrounds and stormwater drainage; and to facilitate the further subdivision of larger tracts into smaller parcels of land.
B. Authority: The provisions of this section are enacted under the authority granted by section 62.23(6) of the Wisconsin statutes.
C. Official Map Adopted: There is hereby adopted an "official map" which is on file in the village clerk-treasurer's office bearing the date of April 20, 1981. This map is designated as the "official map of the village of Reedsville" along with all changes or additions adopted pursuant to this section or to section 62.23(6), Wisconsin statutes. All notations, references and other information shown on the official map shall be as much a part of this section as though the matters and information thereon were fully described herein.
D. Building Permit: No building or structure shall hereafter be located, erected, moved, reconstructed, converted or structurally altered within the village unless a building permit has been applied for and issued. Application for a building permit shall be made to the village clerk-treasurer on forms prescribed by her. The village clerk-treasurer may require an applicant for a building permit to submit a plot plan which must show accurately the location of any proposed building or structure with reference to any street, highway, parkway, school site or park as shown on the official map.
No permit shall hereafter be issued for any building in the bed of an existing or proposed street, highway, parkway, school site or park shown on the official map. No permit shall be issued unless a street, highway or parkway provides access to the proposed structure.
E. Administration And Enforcement:
1. Administration: It shall be the duty of the village board, through its agent, the village clerk-treasurer, to administer the provisions of this section in accordance with the requirements, procedures and provisions of section 62.23(6), Wisconsin statutes.
2. Appeals: The village board shall have the power to review any administrative decision of the village clerk-treasurer under this section and to grant relief from the requirements of this section under the provisions of sections 62.23(6)(d), (e), (f) and (g) of the Wisconsin statutes.
3. Changes And Additions: The village board may change or add to the official map; provided however, that no such changes or additions shall become effective until a public hearing and all procedures contained in sections 61.35 and 62.23(6)(B), Wisconsin statutes, are adhered to. Changes and/or additions made by duly approved subdivision plats of certified surveys shall not require a public hearing if the change or additions do not affect any land outside the area being platted.
F. Effect Of Map: The placing of any street, highway, parkway, park or school site line or lines upon the official map shall not in and of itself constitute or be deemed to constitute, the opening or establishment of any land for such purposes.
G. Recording: The Village Clerk-Treasurer shall file a certificate with the Register of Deeds of Manitowoc County showing that the Village has established, changed or added to the official map immediately after adoption by the Village Board.
H. Penalty: Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) and not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) and the costs of prosecution for each violation or in default of payment of such forfeiture and costs shall be imprisoned in the County Jail until payment thereof, but not exceeding thirty (30) days.
No damages shall be allowed for the taking by any governmental agency for street, highway and parkway purposes, any building or structure erected in violation of this section. (Ord., 4-20-1981)