Fences, walls and hedges are permitted in any yard, or along the edge of any yard, provided that no fence, wall or hedge in a front yard area shall exceed three feet in height and be two feet from the property line. Four feet tall fence is permitted if it is chain link (without privacy slats), rod iron or vinyl. Four feet tall fences shall have minimum three inch vertical space openings and cyclone chain link shall have standard opening with the tips bent over. Fences may be a maximum six feet high from the front corner of the house to the rear yard. Corner lots are considered having two front yards per Section 1278.08. Trees, shrubs and hedges that are maintained may be higher than six feet as long as they meet the sections of this Code.
(Ord. 1991-69. Passed 12-2-91; Ord. 2021-022. Passed 5-3-21.)