1430.01 Standards adopted.
1430.02 File and distribution copies.
1430.03 Definitions.
1430.04 Fees.
1430.05 Amendments.
Air pollution control - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3704
Exhaust from vehicles - see TRAF. 438.21
Smoke detection and alarm devices - see B. & H. Ch. 1462
Smoke detectors - see B. & H. 1478.09
There is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference as if set out at length herein, for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for air pollution control, that certain ordinance known as the Air Pollution Control Ordinance of the City of Akron, Ohio, being Title Nine, Chapter 97, of the Akron City Code, as amended to the effective date of this section, subject to the modifications provided in Section 1430.05.
Copies of the Air Pollution Control Ordinance adopted in Section 1430.01 are on file with the Clerk of Council for inspection by the public and in the County Law Library. In addition, the Clerk of Council has copies available for distribution to the public at cost.
The following terms, as used in the Air Pollution Control Ordinance adopted in Section 1430.01 have the meanings respectively ascribed to them:
(a) Appeals Board means the Board of Health of the Ravenna City Health District.
(b) City of Akron means the City of Ravenna.
(c) Department of Health means the Board of Health of the Ravenna City Health District.
(d) Director of Health means the Health Commissioner of the City of Ravenna.