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   (A)   Maintenance Agreement Required For Various Forms Of Attached Single-Family Dwellings: The applicant shall submit a copy of a maintenance agreement covering the following items listed below. A maintenance agreement must be recorded prior to receiving the certificate of occupancy for any unit. Applicants should contact the lending institution of their choice to review the maintenance agreement proposed to be recorded. The items that must be mentioned in the maintenance agreement are as follows:
      1.   Purpose of the agreement. Included in this area should be comments with reference to the protection of the value and desirability of the property. The conditions, covenants and restrictions of the agreement shall stay with the real property and will run with the land in perpetuity. Therefore, the agreement must be recorded.
      2.   The legal description of the property.
      3.   The maintenance agreement must define the scope of the maintenance; what is to be maintained; i.e., roof, foundation, walkways, parking areas, etc.
      4.   A provision must be included for insurance coverage with reference to the common area and the common improvements. The insured amount must be sufficient to cover the replacement value of the common area improvements and the common improvements.
      5.   Allocation of costs per unit (monthly, semiannual or annual homeowners' dues).
      6.   Define method for notification of levying assessments and liens.
      7.   Lien foreclosure plan.
      8.   Mortgage protection clause.
      9.   A stipulation that no alterations to the exterior of the building can be made without approval of all owners.
      10.   No accumulation of garbage, rubbish or offensive material shall be permitted.
      11.   Define how a dispute will be settled in the event of a disagreement by the owners with reference to assessments, maintenance, etc.
   (B)   Separate Utility Hookups Required: Separate utility hookups are required for all attached single-family units. (Ord. 1474, 1-8-1991)
   (A)   Purpose: The purpose of this section is to control the installation of satellite dish antennas. It is recognized that the unrestricted use of these installations will be contrary to the City's efforts to stabilize economic and social aspects of neighborhood environments and the City's efforts to promote safety and aesthetic considerations, family environments and a basic residential character within the City. It is the intent of this chapter to permit antennas where they can be installed without creating an adverse economic, safety and aesthetic impact on neighboring property owners and the overall community.
   (B)   General: The regulations set forth in this chapter shall apply to satellite dish antennas as defined by section 10-1-4 of this title. Satellite dish antennas shall be permitted uses in any zone in the City provided such installations meet the requirements set forth herein. If such installation cannot meet the requirements set forth herein, then such installations shall be processed as a variance as provided in sections 10-3-5 and 10-3-6 of this title.
   (C)   Development Standards: The following development standards shall apply to all satellite dish antennas:
      1.   Setbacks: Satellite dish antennas shall not be located within any required front, side or rear yard setback.
      2.   Height: The maximum height of any satellite dish antenna shall be thirteen feet (13'). Satellite dish antennas that are roof mounted, or those which exceed thirteen feet (13') in height above natural grade, shall be processed as a variance as described herein.
   (D)   Screening:
      1.   A solid fence or wall (wood, brick masonry, or slatted chainlink or some combination thereof) shall be installed around all sides visible from the public right of way when a satellite dish is so located as to be visible from the public right of way, or
      2.   Landscaping screening and/or trees of sufficient growth to screen the majority of the satellite dish antenna from the public view when the satellite dish is visible from the public right of way.
   (E)   Application: An application for a satellite dish antenna installation shall be filed with the building division and shall include the following:
      1.   Location map drawn to scale showing the location of antenna, height of antenna as measured from the natural grade, and setback distances.
      2.   Site plans showing the location of existing trees and other natural features, buildings on the site, the location and design of proposed landscaping and screening materials or varieties of plants and other landscape features including fences.
      3.   Additional information, plans, and drawings as deemed necessary by the building or planning division to assist in the evaluation of the design adequacy and a building permit application fee established and amended by resolution of the city council.
   (F)   Satellite Dish Antenna Installations Within A Historic District: All installations of satellite dish antennas within a historic district shall meet the requirements described herein for any installation within a historic district. Such application shall also be subject to review and recommendation by the historic advisory committee.
   (G)   Nonconforming Satellite Dish Antennas: Nonconforming satellite dish antennas erected prior to the effective date of this amendment shall be brought into compliance with all development standards of the applicable zoning district regulations as described herein, no later than five (5) years after the said effective date.
   (H)   Severability: If any section, subsection, phrase or clause of this chapter is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decisions shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter. The city council hereby declares that it would have passed this chapter and each section, subsection, phrase or clause thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more subsections, phrases or clauses be declared unconstitutional. (Ord. 1474, 1-8-1991)
   (A)   General Provisions: This section shall be known as the MOBILEHOME PARK ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PLACERVILLE.
   (B)   Purpose: The purpose of this section is to comply with section 65852.7 of Government Code that requires all cities and counties within California to deem a mobilehome park, as defined in section 18214 of the Health And Safety Code, a permitted land use on all land planned and zoned for residential land use as designated by the city's general plan; provided, however, that a city, county, or a city and county may require a use permit. This section also furthers the legislature's intent to eliminate the distinctions between mobilehome park developments and conventional forms of residential land use. Furthermore, the purpose of this section is to allow for the establishment of mobilehome parks within the residential zones of the city upon review and approval of a conditional use permit by the Placerville planning commission.
   (C)   Enforcement:
      1.   The city of Placerville's mobilehome park regulations are intended to complement and be subordinate to state law. The state law governing mobilehome parks is entitled the "mobilehome parks act" and may be found in division 13, parts 2.1 and 2.3 of the California Health And Safety Code.
Mobilehome park regulations are contained in the California Code Of Regulations, title 25, division 1, chapters 2 and 2.2. The city of Placerville does not assume responsibility for the enforcement of the regulations contained therein and all mobilehome parks within the city remain subject to the jurisdiction of the California housing and community development department in its role as the enforcement agency for the above described state laws.
      2.   Mobilehomes located within areas of special flood hazard are required to be in compliance with title 4, chapter 9, "Flood Damage Protection", of this code.
   (D)   Definitions:
    LOT: As defined by section 18210 of the Health And Safety Code, means any area or tract of land or portion of a mobilehome park designated or used for the occupancy of one manufactured home, mobilehome, or recreational vehicle.
   MOBILEHOME: A mobilehome, as defined in section 18008 of the Health And Safety Code, or a manufactured home, as defined in section 18007 of the Health And Safety Code, a structure that was constructed prior to June 15, 1976, is transportable in one or more sections, is eight (8) body feet or more in width, or forty (40) body feet or more in length, in the traveling mode, or, when erected on site, is three hundred twenty (320) or more square feet, is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a single-family dwelling with or without a foundation system when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems contained therein.
   "Mobilehome" does not mean:
      1.   A recreational vehicle, as defined in section 799.29 of the Civil Code and section 18010 of the Health And Safety Code;
      2.   A commercial coach; or
      3.   Factory built housing, as defined in section 19971 of the Health And Safety Code.
   MOBILEHOME PARK: As defined in section 18214 of the Health And Safety Code, means an area of land where two (2) or more lots are rented or leased, held out for rent or lease, or were formerly held out for rent or lease and later converted to a subdivision, cooperative, condominium, or other form of resident ownership, to accommodate manufactured homes or mobilehomes. (Ord. 1649, 7-10-2012)
   (E)   Mobilehome Park Conditional Use Permit Submittal Requirements:
      1.   An application for conditional use permit approval for the mobilehome park shall be filed with the development services department. (Ord. 1649, 7-10-2012; amd. Ord. 1654, 6-25-2013)
      2.   The application for the use permit shall include, in addition to the requirements of sections 10-3-3 and 10-3-6 of this title, the following:
         (a)   A site location map indicating the location of the proposed park in relation to the surrounding area or region.
         (b)   A site plan indicating the following:
            (1) Park name, date, north point, scale, boundaries and area (square feet and acres) of the site.
            (2) The number of proposed mobilehome spaces.
            (3) Names and addresses of record owner, engineer or surveyor.
            (4) Location, names, and present width and grades of adjacent or abutting streets.
            (5) Contour lines shall have the following intervals:
               A.   One foot (1') contour intervals for ground slope between zero percent (0%) and five percent (5%);
               B.   Two foot (2') contour intervals for ground slope between five percent (5%) and ten percent (10%);
               C.   Five foot (5') contour intervals for ground slope greater than ten percent (10%).
            (6) Existing topography, including trees, rock formations and other unusual features of the site, and at least one hundred feet (100') beyond its boundaries.
            (7) Proposed changes to topography involving grading cut and fill quantities.
            (8) Location of all mobilehome spaces; radii of all curves and central angles.
            (9) Location of all existing structures identified by type and indicating which are proposed to be removed and which will remain.
            (10) Approximate width and location of all existing easements.
            (11) Location of existing overhead utility lines and poles on site and on peripheral streets.
            (12) Approximate location of all areas subject to inundation of stormwater overflow, and location, width, and direction of flow of all watercourses.
            (13) Individual trees with a diameter of more than seven and one-half inches (71/2"), measured twenty four inches (24") above existing grade, shall be identified by type, circumference, and dripline. Any trees proposed for removal shall also be indicated.
            (14) Screening detail of mobilehome park along full length of its street frontage at street side setback lines.
            (15) Landscape plan for mobilehome park street frontage.
            (16) Sign plan for mobilehome park identification sign.
            (17) Utility plan (electric, water and sanitary sewer).
            (18) Vehicular access to the mobilehome park from the public street.
   (F)   Standards:
      1.   Development:
         (a)   Minimum Mobilehome Park Area: Five (5) acres.
         (b)   Density: Residential density of a mobilehome park shall not exceed the allowable density of the underlying residential zone, except as permitted under the city's density bonus ordinance for approved residential development projects incorporating a density bonus, and state law.
         (c)   Screening Wall: Along the mobilehome park's public street frontages, a minimum six foot (6') in height screening wall or fence shall be provided and maintained, subject to planning commission approval.
         (d)   Landscaping: The setback back area along the mobilehome park's public street frontages shall be landscaped with street trees and other plant materials, and equipped with an automatic irrigation system, subject to planning commission approval.
         (e)   Landscape Maintenance: All vegetation and landscaping subject to the conditional use permit approved by the planning commission shall be maintained free of physical damage or injury from lack of water, excess chemical fertilizer or other toxic chemicals, blight, or disease, and such vegetation of those that show signs of such damage or injury at any time shall be replaced by the same. A landscaping maintenance agreement between the applicant and the city shall be required to ensure the ongoing maintenance of landscaping.
         (f)   Identification Signs: Mobilehome park identification signs shall be consistent with subsection 10-4-17(G)7, "Residential Signs", of this chapter.
         (g)   Grading And Drainage: Grading and drainage facilities shall conform to title 8, chapter 7, "Grading, Erosion And Sediment Control", of this code and the current edition of the "El Dorado County Drainage Manual".
         (h)   Traffic Impact Analysis: A traffic impact analysis shall be required if the park consists of forty (40) or more units.
      2.   Access Standards:
         (a)   Access: Primarily, access to the mobilehome park must be from a city or county road or a private road built and maintained to applicable city of Placerville standards.
         (b)   Sight Distances: The minimum sight distance shall be ten (10) times the posted speed limit on the existing road. Sight distances shall be measured from the driver's seat of a vehicle that is ten feet (10') behind the curb or edge of shoulder line with the height of the eye three and one-half feet (31/2') above the pavement to an object two feet (2') high. Where necessary, the park land bordering the intersection shall be cleared of all growth and sight obstructions to achieve the required visibility.
         (c)   Centerline Of A Street: The centerline of any street within a park intersecting an existing public street shall be at least one hundred twenty five feet (125') from the centerline of any other street intersecting that public street.
         (d)   ADA Accessible Path: An ADA accessible path of travel shall be provided from the mobilehome park to the public right of way.
         (e)   Guest Parking: In addition to occupant parking, off street guest and service parking shall be provided within the boundaries of the park at a ratio of one space for each four (4) mobilehome lots. (Ord. 1649, 7-10-2012)
   (A)   Purpose: The purpose of this section is to regulate lighting to balance the safety and security needs for lighting with the city's desire to preserve the nighttime skyscape and to ensure that light trespass and glare have a negligible impact on surrounding property, especially residential. It is not the intent of this section to require exterior lighting of an entire site or property, but rather to only provide lighting standards and criteria in areas where exterior lighting is necessary to provide for the health and safety of the community.
   (B)   Definitions: For the purpose of this section, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this subsection:
    FOOT-CANDLE: A unit of illumination produced on a surface, all points of which are one foot (1') from a uniform point of one candle.
   FULL SHIELDING: A technique or method of construction which causes all light emitted from an outdoor light fixture to be projected below an imaginary horizontal plane passing through the lowest point on the fixtures from which light is emitted.
   GLARE: A light emitting from a luminaire with an intensity great enough to reduce a viewer's ability to see and, in extreme cases, causing momentary blindness.
   HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE (HID) LAMP: An exterior lighting type which produces light by passing an electrical current through a gas. HID lamps include mercury vapor, high pressure sodium (HPS), low pressure sodium (LPS), and metal halide.
   LIGHT POLLUTION: An artificial light which causes a detrimental effect on the environment, astronomical research or enjoyment of the night sky or causes undesirable glare or unnecessary illumination of adjacent property.
   LIGHT TRESPASS: The shining of light produced by a luminaire beyond the boundaries of the property on which it is located.
   LUMINAIRE: A complete lighting unit consisting of a light source and all necessary mechanical, electrical, decorative, and support parts.
   SHIELDING: A technique or method of construction which causes light emitted from an outdoor light fixture to be projected below an imaginary horizontal plane passing through fixtures. (Ord. 1582, 1-22-2002)
   (C)   Site Plan Review Required: Unless otherwise exempt by this section, all outdoor light fixtures for new multi-family residential and nonresidential development shall be subject to review and approval in conjunction with any land use and development permits for a project. Any retrofit or amendment to an existing multi-family residential or nonresidential site and/or building with a value greater than twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) or twenty five percent (25%) of its assessed value as shown on the most recent tax rolls, whichever is less and whose exterior lighting is deemed by the development services director to have a measurable impact on abutting property or views from street rights of way shall require planning commission approval and may be subject to the criteria set forth herein. (Ord. 1582, 1-22-2002; amd. Ord. 1654, 6-25-2013)
   (D)   Exemptions: The following types of outdoor lighting fixtures are exempt from the requirements of this section as specified below and are subject to compliance with all other provisions of this title:
      1.   All outdoor light fixtures existing and legally installed prior to the effective date hereof are exempt from the provisions of this section, provided, however, that no replacement, structural alterations, or restoration of outdoor light fixtures shall be made unless it thereafter conforms to the provisions of this section. However, exemptions shall be granted to this conformance standard if:
         (a)   Utilization of conforming outdoor light fixtures would have the effect of decreasing the lighting levels to below the minimum illumination levels required by this section, and the additional cost necessary to meet the minimum illumination levels would pose an unreasonable financial burden; and/or
         (b)   Utilization of conforming outdoor light fixtures would negatively impact the aesthetic quality/architectural design of the property or immediate area by mixing substantially different styles and types of fixtures/poles.
      2.   All outdoor light fixtures producing light directly by the combustion of fossil fuels, such as kerosene lanterns or gas lamps.
      3.   Temporary lights used for holiday decorations.
      4.   Construction or emergency lighting, provided such lighting is temporary and is discontinued immediately upon completion of construction work or abatement of said emergency.
      5.   Lighting of temporary uses and special events permitted consistent with the provisions of this title.
      6.   Low wattage, noncommercial incandescent, or fluorescent luminaries typically considered "porch lights" in association with multi-family residential uses.
   (E)   Outdoor Lighting Standards:
      1.   Shielding Required: Except as otherwise exempt, all outdoor lighting fixtures for new multi-family residential and nonresidential development shall be constructed with full shielding. Where the light source from an outdoor light fixture of a nonresidential development is visible beyond the property line, shielding shall be required to reduce glare so that neither the light source nor its image from the reflective surface shall be directly visible from any point five feet (5') or more beyond the property line.
In single-family residential zoning districts, outdoor lighting shall be located and/or shielded in a manner to ensure that the intensity and direction of lighting does not constitute a nuisance to abutting residential dwellings or abutting street rights of way.
      2.   Minimum/Maximum Level Of Illumination: The minimum and maximum levels of illumination permitted are listed below. A photometric study listing the number, type, height, and level of illumination of all outdoor lighting fixtures shall be required in conjunction with the development permit application and prior to issuance of a building permit or site improvement plans to ensure compliance with these provisions.
         (a)   Minimum lighting for sidewalks, walkways, parking areas, and other similar areas shall not average less than 0.5 foot- candle, measured at ground level.
         (b)   The maximum level of illumination on any lighted area shall not exceed an average greater than ten (10) foot- candles, measured at ground level.
         (c)   In order to prevent severe contrasts in illumination levels in parking areas, the ratio of the average level of illumination to the minimum level of illumination shall not exceed four to one (4:1).
         (d)   In order to minimize light trespass on abutting property, illumination measured on the property line of a subject parcel shall not exceed 0.3 foot-candle, measured on a vertical plane at six feet (6') in height along the property line.
      3.   Maximum Height Of Outdoor Light Fixtures: The maximum height of freestanding outdoor light fixtures for new multi- family residential development and nonresidential development abutting a single-family residential zoning district or use shall be twenty feet (20'). The maximum height for freestanding outdoor light fixtures in nonresidential zones shall be twenty five feet (25').
      4.   Type Of Illumination: All new outdoor lighting fixtures shall be energy efficient. Energy efficient lights include all high intensity discharge (HID) lamps (high pressure sodium, low pressure sodium, and metal halide).
Outdoor light fixtures used to illuminate flags, statues, or any other objects mounted on a pole, pedestal, or platform shall use a very narrow cone of light for the purpose of confining the light to the object of interest and minimize light trespass and glare.
      5.   Hours Of Illumination: Automatic timing devices shall be required for all new outdoor light fixtures on multi-family residential and nonresidential development with off hours (exterior lights turned off) between eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. and six o'clock (6:00) A.M. Exceptions are that outdoor lights may remain on in conjunction with the hours of operation of the corresponding use, for security purposes, or to illuminate walkways, roadways, equipment yards, and parking lots.
   (F)   Lighting Prohibited: The following outdoor light fixtures shall be prohibited as specified below. Existing light fixtures legally permitted or authorized prior to adoption hereof may be maintained.
      1.   Uplighting/backlit canopies unless otherwise approved by the planning commission in conjunction with a site plan review.
      2.   Neon tubing or band lighting along building structures as articulation, unless otherwise approved by the planning commission in conjunction with a site plan review.
      3.   Flashing lights.
      4.   Illumination of entire building. Building illumination shall be limited to security lighting and lighting of architectural features authorized by the planning commission in conjunction with the required development permit(s).
      5.   Any light that imitates or causes visual interference with a traffic signal or other necessary safety or emergency light.
      6.   Mercury vapor lights.
   (G)   Variances: Variances from the provisions of this section shall be processed in accordance with the criteria and procedures specified in sections 10-3-5 and 10-3-6 of this title.
   (H)   Severability: If any provision of this section is invalid, all valid parts that are severable from the invalid part remain in effect. If a part of this section is invalid in one or more applications, the part remains in effect in all valid applications that are severable from the invalid applications. (Ord. 1582, 1-22-2002)
   (A)   Purpose: The purpose of this section is to provide minimum standards to safeguard life, health, property, and the public welfare in keeping with the unique aesthetic and historic character of the city of Placerville by regulating and controlling the size, height, design, quality of materials, construction, location, electrification, and maintenance of all permanent and temporary exterior signs and sign structures and to accomplish the following results:
      1.   To promote and maintain healthy commercial centers and property values for effective communication as to the nature of goods and services available and the avoidance of wasteful and unsightly competition in signs;
      2.   To protect and enhance the character of residential neighborhoods, open views and vistas and property values by prohibiting incompatible or unsafe signs;
      3.   To encourage signs which are well designed and pleasing in appearance and to provide latitude for variety, design, spacing and location and to provide a reasonable and comprehensive system for the control of signs consistent with the goals and policies of the city general plan;
      4.   To attract and direct persons to various activities and enterprises in order to provide for the maximum public convenience;
      5.   To enhance the economic value of the entire community through the regulation of the size, location, design and illumination of all signs;
      6.   To preserve and enhance the historic and scenic character of the city and of the state designated scenic highway corridors.
   (B)   Definitions:
    A-BOARD: A temporary portable sign capable of standing without support or attachment. An A-board sign includes an A-frame sign.
   ABANDONED BUSINESS: One that has not operated on a regular and active basis for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days or more, during which the business advertised has not carried on those activities which are necessary and incidental to the operation of a business of like type or character.
   ACCESSORY SIGN: A sign that identifies the business or organization located on the premises or advertises or informs about business, products, or services sold or rendered on the premises.
   ADVERTISING STRUCTURE: Any structure or device erected for the purpose of supporting any sign or other advertising or informational media in the framework of the sign.
   ALTERATION: Any change in the size, shape, method of illumination, copy, construction, or supporting structure of the sign.
   ANIMATED SIGN: Any sign that uses movement or a change of lighting to depict action or create a special effect or scene.
   AWNING SIGN: A sign painted upon or affixed to an awning. For the purposes of this section, an awning sign shall be considered a wall sign.
   BANNER: Any sign of lightweight fabric, plastic or similar material that is mounted to a pole or building and generally temporary in nature. National flags, state or municipal flags shall not be considered banners.
   BILLBOARD: A sign that advertises a business commodity or activity which is sold, offered or conducted other than on the premises where such sign is located.
   BUILDING FACE OR WALL: All window and wall area of the building in one plane or elevation.
   BUSINESS FRONTAGE: The lineal front footage of a building or portion thereof devoted to a specific business or enterprise, and having an entrance/exit open to the general public.
   CANOPY SIGN: Any sign that is a part of or attached to an awning, canopy or other fabric, plastic or structural protective cover over a door entrance, window, or outdoor service area. For the purposes of this section, a canopy sign shall be considered a wall sign.
   COMMERCIAL CENTER: A site with three (3) or more nonresidential occupants, businesses, or uses or a site occupying more than one acre in area.
   COMMUNITY WIDE SPECIAL EVENT: A temporary commercial or noncommercial activity for the sale and/or promotion of goods, services or entertainment activities. A communitywide special event is one that benefits, promotes, entertains or educates the community as a whole in contrast to one or several individual interests.
   CONSTRUCTION SIGN: A sign with information of those individuals or businesses directly associated with a construction project on the premises.
   DIRECTIONAL SIGN: A sign utilized only for the purposes of indicating the location or direction of any object, place or area.
   DIRECTORY SIGN: A sign displaying the name of each occupant of a building who is engaged in a business, profession, or occupation, provided such sign does not exceed two (2) square feet.
   DISPLAY AREA: See definition of Sign Area.
   ENTITY: A business, person or persons, owner or lessee or their heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns for whom a sign is proposed. Each business is considered a separate entity.
   FLASHING SIGN: A sign incorporating intermittent electrical impulses to a source of illumination or revolving in a manner which creates the illusion of flashing or which changes color or intensity of illumination. This definition does not include electronic time, date and temperature signs.
   GRADE (ADJACENT GROUND ELEVATION): The lowest point of elevation of the finished surface of the ground at the base of the sign or the lowest point of elevation of the finished surface of the ground between the base of the sign and the property line if there is less than five feet (5') distance from said sign.
   GROUND SIGN: A permanent sign which is supported upon one or more uprights or braces on the ground and not attached to any building, with an overall total height that does not exceed ten feet (10') above grade.
   HEIGHT OF SIGN: The vertical distance from the grade to the highest point of the sign.
   ILLEGAL ON PREMISES SIGN: This term means any of the following:
      1.   Any on premises sign erected without first complying with all ordinances and regulations in effect at the time of its construction and erection or use;
      2.   Any on premises sign that was legally erected, but whose use has ceased, in that the business identified or advertised has been abandoned;
      3.   Any on premises sign which is a danger to the public, creates or causes a nuisance or is unsafe.
   ILLUMINATION, EXTERNAL: A source of illumination directed toward a sign so that the light falls upon the exterior surface of the sign.
   ILLUMINATION, INTERNAL: A source of illumination on the surface of a sign from within a sign. A neon sign shall be considered an internally illuminated sign.
   INCIDENTAL SIGN: A sign intended primarily for the convenience and direction of the public on the premises which does not advertise but is informational only and does not contain any commercial messages. Incidental signs include those which denote hours of operation, entrances and exits, no parking, loading only, telephone, and other signs required by law.
   MARQUEE: A permanent roof structure attached to and supported by the building and projecting outward from the building or over a public right of way.
   MARQUEE SIGN: A sign attached to a marquee. For the purposes of this section, a marquee sign shall be considered a wall sign.
   MASTER SIGN PLAN: A sign plan for a "commercial center" defined herein. Master sign plan also includes any sign plans or sign packages previously reviewed and approved by the planning commission.
   MONUMENT SIGN: See definition of Ground Sign.
   NONCONFORMING SIGN: An existing sign lawful at the time of enactment hereof which does not conform to the requirements of this section. Any sign or signs upon property for which the business has ceased for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days or more.
   PENNANT: Any lightweight plastic, fabric, or other material, whether or not containing a message of any kind, suspended from a rope, wire, or string, usually in series, designed to move in the wind.
   POLE SIGN: A sign erected on one or more uprights supported from the ground the height of which is greater than ten feet (10') and which is not a part of any building or structure other than a structure erected solely for the purpose of supporting a sign.
   POLITICAL SIGN: Any temporary sign which supports the candidacy or a candidate for public office or urges action on any other matter on a ballot of primary, general or special election.
   PROJECTING SIGN: Signs other than wall signs which are attached to and project from a structure or building face usually perpendicular to the building face.
   REAL ESTATE SIGN: A sign indicating that the premises upon which the sign is located or any portion thereof is for sale, lease or rent.
   ROOF SIGN: Any sign erected and constructed wholly on and over the roof or a building supported by the roof structure.
   SETBACK: The distance from the front property line to the nearest part of the applicable building, structure or sign measured perpendicularly to the property line.
   SIGN: Any device, fixture, placard, or structure that uses any color, form, graphic, illumination, symbol, or writing to advertise, announce the purpose of or identify the purpose of a person or entity or to communicate information of any kind to the public.
   SIGN AREA: The area of a sign face or sum of sign faces computed by means of the smallest square, circle, rectangle, triangle or combination thereof that encompasses the extreme limits of the writing, representation, emblem, canister or display together with any material or color forming an integral part of the background of the display, but not including architectural features, bracing, framework or pole structure.
   SPECIAL EVENT: A temporary commercial activity for the sale, promotion or marketing of goods or services. A special event shall not exceed twenty one (21) consecutive days nor occur more than twice per calendar year per business, entity or occupancy.
   STREET FRONTAGE: The street that a structure upon property fronts or abuts.
   TEMPORARY SIGN: A sign which is temporary in nature and is not permanently affixed to an object or structure. Temporary signs include: flags (not including flags of nations or states); banners; searchlights; sandwich boards; A-boards; sidewalk signs; curb signs; captive balloons, and other air, windblown or inflatable devices.
   WALL SIGN: Any sign attached parallel to but within six inches (6") of a wall, painted on a wall surface of or erected and confined within the limits of an outside wall of any building or structure which is supported by such wall or building.
   WIND SIGN OR DEVICE: Any sign or device in the nature of banners, flags, balloons, or other objects fastened in such a manner as to move upon being subject to pressures by wind or breeze.
   WINDOW SIGN: Any sign, picture, symbol or combination thereof designed to communicate information about an activity, business commodity, event, sale, or service that is placed inside a window or upon the window panes or glass and is visible from the exterior of a window.
   (C)   Exempt Signs: The following signs are exempt from this section provided that such exempt signs are not placed, constructed, or located in any manner to cause hazard or nuisance to persons or property:
      1.   Signs placed or authorized by an official of the city of Placerville in the performance of public duty;
      2.   Memorial tablets, cornerstones or similar plaques;
      3.   Flags of national, state or local governments;
      4.   Temporary political signs not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet in area in commercial districts nor more than eight (8) square feet in residential districts provided the signs are erected no more than sixty (60) days prior to, and removed within fifteen (15) working days following the election for which they were intended. Political signs are not permitted on public property, rights of way, nor attached to trees or natural features;
      5.   Nameplates indicating the name, address and profession of the occupant not exceeding two (2) square feet in area;
      6.   Small incidental signs displayed strictly for direction, safety or convenience of the public including signs that identify restrooms, public telephones, parking area entrances and exits, freight entrances provided said signs do not exceed more than four (4) in number on any parcel or two (2) per street frontage whichever is greater; (Ord. 1585, 5-14-2002)
      7.   One temporary on premises nonilluminated real estate or construction sign not exceeding four (4) square feet in residential districts or sixteen (16) square feet in commercial and industrial districts provided said sign is removed within fifteen (15) days from the sale, lease or rental of the property or upon the completion of the project. Subdivisions of five (5) or more parcels may have one on site sign not exceeding thirty two (32) square feet in area displaying information about the subdivision for a period not to exceed two (2) years. In the event that the subdivision is constructed in phases or if unsold lots remain beyond two (2) years, the development services director may grant reasonable time extensions for the real estate sign; (Ord. 1585, 5-14-2002; amd. Ord. 1654, 6-25-2013)
      8.   Signs painted or placed upon windows in conjunction with nonresidential use, provided that no more than twenty five percent (25%) of the window area is covered;
      9.   Temporary off premises, directional, open house, or real estate signs provided such signs do not exceed four (4) square feet in area, are located upon private property, and are temporarily erected during the actual function for which the sign is used;
      10.   One temporary on site nonilluminated sign not exceeding thirty two (32) square feet in area to promote charitable fundraising events for nonprofit and charitable organizations. No more than two (2) such events may be promoted in this manner per parcel per calendar year;
      11.   Murals (pictures, paintings or similar graphics applied directly to a wall) provided that no mural or portion thereof identifies a business, entity, occupancy or premises;
      12.   Seasonal decorations placed no earlier than fifty five (55) days before and removed no later than twenty one (21) days after the seasonal event, provided that no seasonal decoration or portion thereof identifies a business entity, occupancy or premises;
      13.   A sign in conjunction with a grand opening or closing provided that such sign shall not exceed thirty two (32) square feet, or be displayed for a period in excess of thirty (30) days. The sign shall not be placed upon any roof or extend above any roofline or parapet and must be attached or affixed to a solid wall;
      14.   Balloons under eighteen inches (18") in diameter on private property provided that the tether or anchor of said balloons does not exceed ten feet (10') in length nor interfere with pedestrians, public or private utilities, nor attached to trees or other natural feature.
   (D)   Prohibited Signs; Exception: The following signs shall be prohibited except as may be permitted herein:
      1.   Flashing signs;
      2.   Signs that have or consist of any moving, rotating or otherwise animated part, except such sign that gives public service information such as time, date, temperature and weather;
      3.   A-board signs, sandwich board, sidewalk menu signs, or any other freestanding temporary sign;
      4.   Dilapidated, abandoned signs or dangerous to health and safety;
      5.   Signs or other advertising devices affixed to a fence, utility pole or structure, rock or other natural feature;
      6.   Mobile signs or signs attached to a motor vehicle or trailer which is parked with the intent to advertise to the traveling public;
      7.   Pennants and banners;
      8.   Balloons over eighteen inches (18") in diameter;
      9.   Commercial billboards or other commercial off premises advertising signs;
      10.   Wind signs, inflatable signs or devices, or captive balloons;
      11.   A public address system or sound device used in conjunction with any sign or advertising;
      12.   A sign of either internal or external illumination which when lighted causes a dangerous effect on motorists or pedestrians or causes a nuisance to adjacent properties;
      13.   Roof signs;
      14.   Internally illuminated canopies or fascias unless otherwise approved by the planning commission. (Ord. 1585, 5-14-2002)
   (E)   Special Event Signage: Temporary signs in conjunction with a "special event" or "community wide special event", as defined herein, shall be subject to review and approval by the development services director. Said request shall be made on an application filed with the development services department and shall be accompanied by an application fee set forth by resolution of the city council.
   (F)   Sign Permits:
      1.   Sign Permit Required: No sign regulated by this section shall be erected or displayed unless a sign permit has been issued by the development services department. Signs exempt from the provisions of this section shall not require a sign permit. Permits shall not be required for minor maintenance and repair to existing signs or for changes in sign copy for conforming signs.
      2.   Required Information For A Sign Permit: For the purposes of review by the development services department, a drawing to scale shall be submitted which indicates fully the material, color, texture, dimensions, shape, relation and attachment to the building and/or other structures, structural elements of the proposed sign, and the size and dimensions of any other signs located upon the building or property. (Ord. 1585, 5-14-2002; amd. Ord. 1654, 6-25-2013)
      3.   Application Fees: The sign permit application must be accompanied by an application fee. Such fee shall be set by resolution of the city council, no part of which is refundable.
   (G)   Regulations For On Premises Signs: On premises signs shall comply with requirements and criteria set forth herein. Signs for commercial centers defined herein shall comply with subsection (H) of this section.
      1.   General Regulations:
         (a)   Number Of Signs: Unless otherwise authorized herein, each separate entity or occupancy shall be permitted to have two (2) signs which shall be limited to not more than one pole, one projecting, or one ground sign. Such signs shall comply with the specific requirements for each type of sign set forth herein.
         (b)   Aggregate Area Of Signs: Unless otherwise authorized herein, the aggregate area of on premises signage shall not exceed two (2) square feet of sign area for each one lineal foot of business frontage for each business, entity, or occupancy, unless authorized by the planning commission, under the provisions of the master sign plan or conditional use permit referenced herein.
      2.   Pole Signs; Regulations And Transferability:
         (a)   Pole signs permitted herein must be approved by the planning commission in accordance with section 10-3-6, "Conditional Use Permit And Variance Procedure", of this title and shall be subject to the following criteria:
            (1) Pole signs approved after the effective date hereof are not transferable unless the purpose and use for which the pole sign was approved remains for uses or sites that cater to the highway traveling public.
            (2) Pole signs permitted herein must be set back from the front property line one foot (1') for each foot of sign height, unless otherwise approved by the planning commission.
            (3) Pole signs shall only be permitted for uses or sites that cater to the highway traveling public in nonresidential zones.
            (4) Pole signs shall not exceed the structure height restriction of the zone in which the pole sign is placed. In reviewing and/or approving pole signs, the planning commission, or city council upon appeal, shall limit the height and area of pole signs to the minimum level necessary to serve the purpose for which the sign is intended. The applicant shall have the burden to submit evidence which demonstrates the necessity for the height and area requested.
            (5) The pole(s) or support structure shall be decoratively treated in such a manner using materials and colors which are complementary to the site or surrounding area.
         (b)   In reviewing a permit for a pole sign, the commission shall consider the appropriateness of the sign to the site, topography, surrounding area, setbacks, aesthetics, business needs, existing or proposed signage, alternatives, and other factors. The commission shall have the discretion to approve, approve with modifications, or deny a permit for a pole sign.
         (c)   Pole signs shall either be nonilluminated or internally illuminated. Internally illuminated pole signs shall have an opaque background and shall be designed so that only the lettering or advertising copy is visible at night.
      3.   Ground Signs:
         (a)   The ground sign shall have an architecturally compatible support structure cover consisting of at least fifty percent (50%) but not greater than one hundred twenty five percent (125%) of the width of the ground sign.
         (b)   The permitted area of a ground sign is one-half (0.5) square foot of sign area per lineal foot of street frontage, forty (40) square foot display area maximum in commercial zones, and twenty four (24) square feet in other nonresidential zones.
         (c)   Maximum height of a ground sign is ten feet (10') above grade in commercial zones and six feet (6') in nonresidential zones.
         (d)   Internally illuminated ground signs shall have an opaque background and shall be designed so that only the lettering or advertising copy is visible at night. Externally illuminated signs shall utilize light fixtures which are fully shielded and designed to focus light only on the sign surface.
      4.   Projecting Signs:
         (a)   Projecting signs shall not exceed the height of the wall or parapet upon which they are placed.
         (b)   Projecting signs shall not project more than four feet (4') beyond the building or wall upon which they are placed.
         (c)   Projecting signs must be a minimum of eight feet (8') above the ground or sidewalk. Projecting signs less than twelve feet (12') in height above the ground or sidewalk shall be placed in a manner which avoids safety conflicts with vehicles, pedestrians or other objects.
         (d)   The permitted area of a projecting sign is one-half (0.5) square foot per linear foot of street frontage, thirty two (32) square feet maximum.
         (e)   Internally illuminated projecting signs shall have an opaque background and shall be designed so that only the lettering or advertising copy is visible at night. Externally illuminated signs shall utilize light fixtures which are fully shielded and designed to focus light only on the sign surface.
      5.   Wall Signs:
         (a)   Wall signs shall only be permitted in nonresidential zones, except as otherwise permitted herein.
         (b)   The area of a wall sign or combination of wall signs shall not exceed two (2) square feet of sign area for each one linear foot of business frontage for businesses that have up to fifty feet (50') of business frontage and an additional sixty seven hundredths (0.67) of a square foot for businesses with street frontage greater than fifty feet (50'), not to exceed a total aggregate area of two hundred (200) square feet.
         (c)   In addition to the regulations of this subsection (G)5, businesses which have more than one "street frontage", as defined herein, may place one additional (2 maximum) wall sign on premises provided the combined area of the signs does not exceed the area set forth in subsection (G)5(b) of this section.
         (d)   Internally illuminated wall signs shall have an opaque background and shall be designed so that only the lettering or advertising copy is visible at night. Externally illuminated signs shall utilize light fixtures which are fully shielded and designed to focus light only on the sign surface.
      6.   Historic Signs:
         (a)   A sign having historical significance, as determined by the planning commission by minute order, shall not be deemed an illegal or nonconforming sign subject to the removal provisions of this section.
         (b)   Historic signs are not subject to the sign area limitations set herein for entities, occupancy, or businesses with historic signs.
         (c)   Illumination of historic signs shall be subject to review and approval by the planning commission.
      7.   Residential Signs:
         (a)   One nonilluminated ground or wall sign not exceeding ten (10) square feet is permitted per entry or driveway for single-family subdivisions and multi-family developments.
         (b)   Illuminated signs are not permitted in residential zones unless otherwise approved by the planning commission. (Ord. 1585, 5-14-2002)
   (H)   Master Sign Plan: New signage for any site having three (3) or more nonresidential occupants or those wishing to deviate from the standards herein shall submit a master sign plan to the development services department. Such plan must be approved by the planning commission prior to issuance of any permit for signs. Major changes, as defined in subsection 10-4-9(P) of this chapter, to any master sign plan previously reviewed and approved by the planning commission shall also require planning commission approval. (Ord. 1585, 5-14-2002; amd. Ord. 1654, 6-25-2013)
      1.   Applications For Approval: Applications for approval of a master sign plan shall be submitted to the planning division and shall include the following:
         (a)   A master sign plan, drawn to scale, delineating the site proposed to be included within the signing program and the locations of all signs;
         (b)   Drawings, sketches and color samples/renderings indicating the dimensions and sign area for proposed signs;
         (c)   Drawings and/or sketches indicating the exterior surface details of all buildings on the site on which wall signs, and directory signs, or projecting signs are proposed; and
         (d)   A statement of the reasons for any requested modifications to the regulations or standards of this section.
      2.   Findings: A master sign plan may include more than one ground or pole sign per parcel or other deviations from the standards of this section, provided that the total sign area for the site or commercial center shall not exceed the maximum aggregate area permitted in subsection (G) of this section, unless the planning commission, or city council upon appeal, makes a finding based upon a preponderance of evidence that unique site characteristics, topography, business needs or other factors exist, in which case it may authorize greater sign area. In approving a master sign plan, the planning commission shall also find:
         (a)   That the plan's contribution to the design quality of the site and surrounding area will be superior to the quality that would result under the regulations and standards of this section; and
         (b)   That the proposed signs are compatible with the style and/or character of existing improvements on the site and are well related to each other.
      3.   Reasonable Conditions: The commission, or city council upon appeal, may require any reasonable conditions necessary to carry out the intent of the master sign plan requirements.
      4.   Appeal: Any interested party may appeal the decision of the planning commission to the city council whose decision shall be final.
      5.   Master Sign Plan Exceptions:
         (a)   Change in copy or content for any signs;
         (b)   General maintenance and repair of signs; (Ord. 1585, 5-14-2002)
         (c)   Minor changes as determined by the development services director to an approved master sign plan providing that the minor changes are consistent with the intent of the approved master sign plan. (Ord. 1585, 5-14-2002; amd. Ord. 1654, 6-25-2013)
      6.   Application Fee: A master sign plan must be accompanied with an application fee adopted by resolution of the city council.
   (I)   Prohibited Locations: At intersections, no sign shall create a visual obstruction within a vertical space between thirty inches (30") and ten feet (10') above the curb. The obstruction restriction area includes all land in a triangular area extending from a point fifteen feet (15') in from an intersection to a distance of fifty feet (50') from the intersection along the street property line.
   (J)   Variances: Variances from the provisions of this section shall be processed in accordance with the criteria and procedures specified in sections 10-3-5 and 10-3-6 of this title.
   (K)   Uniform Sign Code: All signs subject to this section shall comply with the standards and requirements of the latest adopted version of the uniform sign code. Where this section may conflict with the USC the stricter of the applicable regulations shall apply.
   (L)   General Requirements For Abatement: A sign or sign structure placed or maintained contrary to this section may be abated as follows:
      1.   A sign which imposes an immediate peril to the safety of people or property may be summarily removed or abated by the city without the necessity of prior notice or hearing. The property owner is responsible for the removal of such a sign. (Ord. 1585, 5-14-2002)
      2.   Temporary or portable signs or other signs prohibited by this section shall be subject to removal within ten (10) days of notice by the development services director to the occupant of the property on which the sign is located. The development services director shall remove or cause to be removed any such temporary or portable sign which has not been removed within the same time period specified in the notice. (Ord. 1585, 5-14-2002; amd. Ord. 1654, 6-25-2013)
      3.   The director of public works may summarily remove a sign which is an encroachment in the public right of way without an encroachment permit issued under title 8, chapter 3 of this code.
      4.   A political sign not posted in accordance with this section shall be removed by the candidate, property owner or person advocating the message on the sign and, upon their failure to do so within the time required herein, by the city.
      5.   Each person who erects or maintains a sign which is subject to removal under subsection (L)1, (L)2, or (L)3 of this section is jointly and severally liable for the cost of removal. The city shall have lien rights for the cost of removal pursuant to section 1-4B-1 of this code and shall keep possession of such sign until the owner redeems it by paying the city the cost of removal. The city may dispose of such sign thirty (30) working days after removal without further liability to the owner.
      6.   An illegal or abandoned sign may be abated and the expense of abatement shall be a lien against the property and a personal obligation against the property owner pursuant to section 1-4B-1 of this code. The abatement procedure is that set forth in subsection (O) of this section. (Ord. 1585, 5-14-2002)
   (M)   Reconstruction Of A Partially Damaged Nonconforming Sign: A nonconforming sign which has been more than fifty percent (50%) destroyed, and the destruction is other than sign copy, and which cannot be repaired within thirty (30) days shall not be restored except in full conformity with the regulations of this section unless a variance is granted to legalize nonconforming aspects of the sign. If the damage is fifty percent (50%) or less, the nonconforming sign may be restored provided that restoration is started within thirty (30) days and diligently pursued until completion. The extent of damage or partial destruction shall be based on the ratio of: 1) the estimated cost of repairing the sign to its condition prior to such damage or partial destruction to 2) the estimated cost of duplicating the entire sign. Estimates for this purpose shall be made by or reviewed and approved by the development services director. (Ord. 1585, 5-14-2002; amd. Ord. 1654, 6-25-2013)
   (N)   Alteration Or Relocation Of A Nonconforming Sign: A nonconforming sign whose owner requests permission to relocate, alter or remodel the sign, other than change the sign copy, shall only be permitted to do so if the relocation, alteration or enlargement will result in elimination of the nonconformity and compliance with all of the requirements of this section, unless variance or master sign package approval is granted to legalize nonconforming aspects of the sign.
   (O)   Abatement Of Illegal Or Abandoned Signs:
      1.   Scope And Authority: This subsection is enacted to implement chapter 2.6 of division 3 of the California Business And Professions Code.
      2.   Designation Of Illegal On Premises Signs:
         (a)   The city council may declare, by resolution, as public nuisances and abate all illegal on premises signs located within the city of Placerville. The resolution shall describe the property upon which or in front of which the nuisance exists, by giving its assessor's parcel number and its street address, if known. Any number of parcels of private property may be included in one resolution.
         (b)   Prior to adoption of the resolution by the city council, the city clerk shall send not less than a ten (10) working days' written notice to all persons owning property described in the proposed resolution by way of registered mail. The notice shall be mailed to each person on whom the described property is assessed on the last equalized assessment roll available on the date the notice is prepared. The notice shall state the date, time and place of the hearing, and generally describe the purpose of the hearing and the nature of the illegality of the display. (Ord. 1585, 5-14-2002)
      3.   Posted Notice: After adoption of the resolution, the development services director shall institute abatement procedures pursuant to title 1, chapter 4B of this code.
   (P)   Enforcement: The provisions of this section shall be administered by the development services director or designee.
   (Q)   Revocation Of Sign Permits, Master Sign Plans And Conditional Use Permits:
      1.   Duties Of The Planning Commission: Upon determination by the development services director that there are reasonable grounds for revocation of a sign permit, or a temporary sign permit, or other discretionary approval authorized by this section, a revocation hearing shall be set by the approving or issuing authority which took final previous action on the permit. (Ord. 1585, 5-14-2002; amd. Ord. 1654, 6-25-2013)
      2.   Notice Of Public Hearing: Notice shall be given in the same manner required for a public hearing to consider approval.
      3.   Hearing: The person or body conducting the hearing shall hear testimony of city staff, the owner of the sign for which the permit was granted if present, and any other interested persons. The hearing may be continued without additional public notice.
      4.   Required Findings: The person or body conducting the hearing shall revoke the permit upon making one or more of the following findings:
         (a)   That the permit was issued on the basis of erroneous or misleading information or misrepresentations; or
         (b)   The terms or conditions of approval of the permit have been violated or other laws or regulations have been violated; or
         (c)   That there has been a discontinuance of the exercise of entitlement granted by the permit for ninety (90) working days.
      5.   Decision And Notice: Within ten (10) working days of the conclusion of the hearing, the person or body that conducted the hearing shall render a decision, and shall mail notice of the decision to the owner of the sign for which the permit was revoked and to any other person who has filed a written request for such notice.
      6.   Effective Date; Appeals: A final decision by a body other than the city council to revoke a discretionary permit shall become final ten (10) days after the date of decision unless appealed to the city council within said ten (10) day period. Any decision by the city council shall be final and not subject to appeal.
      7.   Right Cumulative: The city's right to revoke a discretionary permit, as provided in this section, shall be cumulative to any other remedy allowed by law.
   (R)   Violations: Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this section shall be guilty of an infraction and shall be subject to fines pursuant to subsection 1-4A-3(A) of this code.
   (S)   Severability: If any provision of this section is invalid, all valid parts that are severable from the invalid part remain in effect. If a part of this section is invalid in one or more applications, the part remains in effect in all valid applications that are severable from the invalid applications. (Ord. 1585, 5-14-2002)
   (A)   Purpose: The purpose of this section is to establish regulations for the keeping of hen chickens in residentially zoned parcels while protecting the public health and safety, and the health and safety of the chickens, through specific standards regarding sanitation, space, and proper animal husbandry.
   (B)   General: It is unlawful to keep, possess, or maintain chickens on any parcel of property located in the city, except in accordance with the regulations, standards, and restrictions prescribed in this section. Roosters are not permitted on any developed lot used exclusively for residential purposes unless subject to the exemptions under subsection (E) of this section, or as permitted by conditional use permit under subsection (G) of this section.
   (C)   Applicability: The restrictions and regulations herein shall only apply to the keeping of chickens in single-family residentially zoned parcels not otherwise permitted in the particular zone district or as exempted under subsection (E) of this section.
   (D)   Development Standards:
      1.   A maximum of six (6) hen chickens may be kept on a developed lot used exclusively for residential purposes; and, provided further, that the keeping of hen chickens shall not create a health or nuisance problem.
      2.   All chickens shall be provided a coop, or other enclosure, and adhere to the following performance standards:
         (a)   Any enclosure or other accessory structure exceeding one hundred twenty (120) square feet shall not be constructed without first obtaining a building permit.
         (b)   Nesting boxes in enclosure required. The interior of any enclosure shall include nesting boxes of three (3) to five (5) square feet for each chicken.
         (c)   Any enclosure shall be a minimum of twenty five (25) square feet.
         (d)   Enclosures must have four (4) walls and a roof and be constructed of suitable material. Any enclosure shall be maintained in good repair.
         (e)   Enclosures shall maintain at least twenty feet (20') from any property line and from any structure used for human habitation. Any enclosure shall be restricted to either the rear or side yard and shall not be visible from a public street.
         (f)   Enclosures shall at all times be maintained in a clean, sanitary condition, and free from offensive odors. An odor is offensive if it can be detected at the adjoining property line.
         (g)   The interior of enclosures shall include chicken roost(s), feeder(s), water, and adequate ventilation at all times.
         (h)   All chicken feed shall be secured and stored in airtight containers and shall not be accessible by other animals, wild or domestic.
         (i)   No hen chickens shall be slaughtered on any developed lot used exclusively for residential proposes.
         (j)   Chickens shall be controlled and maintained within the confines of the owner's property at all times to protect the animals from injury, restrict entrance of other animals and predators, and prevent the escape of animals.
   (E)   Exceptions To Restrictions: This section shall not apply to the following:
      1.   To any parcel of property zoned for agricultural uses by provisions of the Placerville zoning ordinance in accordance with the general plan; or to any property zoned estate residential (RE) or single-family acre residential zone (R-1A).
      2.   Where keeping, harboring, or maintaining hen chickens would constitute a valid nonconforming use under the applicable provisions of the Placerville zoning ordinance.
   (F)   Treatment Of Animals: All animals shall be treated in a humane manner at all times. Persons engaged in animal abuse, or otherwise in violation of sections 597 and/or 597.1 of the California Penal Code, shall be subject to enforcement and penalties under the applicable provisions of this code and/or title 6 - Animals of the El Dorado County code.
   (G)   Conditional Use Permit Required: Any person seeking to deviate from the regulations and standards set forth in this section may only engage in the keeping of chickens upon approval of a conditional use permit. (Ord. 1682, 10-11-2016)