No structure shall be constructed unless open spaces for automobile parking, and truck loading and unloading, are permanently provided and maintained for the benefit of residents, employees, customers and visitors, within or outside of buildings or in a combination of both, in compliance with all the following requirements:
   (A)   1.    Applicability: A new use, structure, addition, or alteration on existing parcels shall be allowed only if it does not increase or create a parking deficiency as determined in this section.
      2.   Parking District: The requirements of this section shall also apply to the city parking district, except that any owner of property within the downtown parking district may request to pay an "in lieu fee" instead of providing the required parking as provided in section 10-4-5 of this chapter.
   (B)   The required parking shall be provided on the parcel or contiguous parcel where the use is located. For nonresidential uses, the required parking may be provided on a parcel no farther than three hundred feet (300') from the boundaries of the parcel where the use is located, providing that the parcel is under the same ownership, within the city, in the same zone, or in a less restrictive zone and that no major thoroughfare lies between the use and any of the required parking. The required loading shall be provided on the parcel where the use is located and no farther than twenty feet (20') from the building to be served.
   (C)   The layout of parking stalls, loading berths, and parking aisles shall comply with all the following requirements:
      1.    The required parking stalls, loading berths, and parking aisles may not be located on any street right of way.
      2.    The required parking stalls, loading berths, and parking aisles, if outdoors, may be located on the required side and rear yards, and within the required front yards up to three feet (3') from the street right of way.
      3.    Each parking stall shall have a minimum size of nine feet by eighteen feet (9'x18') when free of obstructions such as columns or walls; ten feet by eighteen feet (10'x18') where columns or walls are located adjacent to space; each loading berth shall have a minimum size of twelve feet by twenty five feet (12'x25') whether indoors or outdoors.
      4.    Parking aisles shall have a minimum width of twelve feet (12') when stalls are parallel to the aisle or up to an angle of forty degrees (40°); seventeen feet (17') when stalls are at an angle between forty degrees (40°) and seventy degrees (70°); and twenty four feet (24') when stalls are at an angle between seventy degrees (70°) and ninety degrees (90°).
      5.    Parking stalls and aisles shall have a maximum grade of ten percent (10%). If the grade is over five percent (5%) then the required width of a parking stall shall increase to ten feet (10').
      6.    Each parking stall and aisle shall have a minimum eight foot (8') vertical clearance; each loading stall and access thereto shall have a minimum fifteen foot (15') vertical clearance.
      7.    Each parking stall and loading berth shall have vehicular access to the street, without passing over other parking stalls. (Ord. 1474, 1-8-1991)
      8.    Each parking stall, except those serving one- and two- family dwellings, shall have vehicular access to the street without backing into the public travelway or potential travelway; an exit shall be provided in the direction of the traffic flow when parking stalls are laid out at an angle of less than ninety degrees (90°) with the aisle. Any parking stalls or aisles that are to be located in the public right of way shall be approved or conditionally approved by the planning commission and obtain an encroachment permit from the development services department. Exception: Vehicles on the streets listed below may back into the public travelway or potential travelway when a conditional use permit is obtained in accordance with section 10-3-6 of this title: (Ord. 1474, 1-8-1991; amd. Ord. 1654, 6-25-2013)
         (a) Reservoir alley.
      9.    Up to twenty percent (20%) of the parking stalls can be for compact cars. These stalls shall have a minimum size of seven feet by seventeen feet (7'x17'). All compact parking stalls shall be marked or so indicated as "Compact Parking Only". Where a compact space is located adjacent to columns or walls, the stall shall be ten feet (10') in width.
      10.    Tandem parking is allowed if all the following conditions are met:
         (a) The subject parcel is located within the downtown parking district.
         (b) The parking spaces are designated and marked for employees only. The applicant shall provide data on the maximum number of employees per shift.
         (c) A space of nine feet by eighteen feet (9'x18') shall be provided for each tandem space.
         (d) The spaces shall be paved per city standards.
         (e) The applicant shall obtain a conditional use permit from the city planning commission per sections 10-3-3, 10-3-4, and 10-3-6 of this title. The applicant shall submit a scaled drawing of the proposal to the planning commission for review and approval. (Ord. 1474, 1-8-1991)
   (D)   Improvements: Improvements listed below shall be completed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy by the building division:
      1.    Each driveway, parking stall, loading berth; all parking lots; new and used vehicle sales lots; except those serving one-family dwellings, shall be graded, drained, and surfaced with a minimum of two inches (2") of asphaltic concrete over four inches (4") of aggregate base, as per city standards.
      2.    A minimum four foot (4') high solid fence, wall or thick hedge shall be permanently maintained between any residential zone and a parking area serving a commercial use, where such area is contiguous to such a zone. (Ord. 1582, 1-22-2002)
   (E)   Minimum Parking Spaces: The following minimum number of parking stalls shall be required, to serve the uses or buildings listed:
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)
No additional parking shall be required for an ADU, except when located on a street determined to be sub-standard, a minimum of two off-street parking spaces shall be provided for the primary dwelling. The loss of on-site parking resulting from the conversion of a garage, car port, or loss of parking area shall be replaced to maintain a minimum of two off-street parking spaces.
Automotive service center
1 space each 500 square feet maintenance area. 1 space each 200 square feet office/retail area
Beauty shop, barbershop
2 for each operating chair
Bowling establishment
8 for each lane
Eating or drinking establishment
1 for each 4 seats of maximum seating capacity
Employee housing, large
On site parking shall be provided according to the following schedule. For group quarter facilities, a minimum of 1 parking space for every 3 authorized beds. For individual unit facilities, a minimum of 2 parking spaces shall be provided for each unit or space
Employee housing, small
2 spaces
Fast food eating and drinking establishments
1 for each 50 square feet of floor area, plus 1 space for every 4 seats of maximum indoor and outdoor seating capacity, with a minimum of 5 required
General office, bank, studio, retail repair and service
1 for each 200 square feet of floor area, measured to the nearest 200 square feet
11/2 for each bed
Medical office
1 space each 150 square feet of floor area
Miniature golf course
2 for each hole
Multiple uses
The sum of the requirements for each individual use
Packing, manufacturing, processing service or research facilities
1 parking space per 500 square feet of gross floor area or 1 space per employee of maximum working shift, whichever is the greater of the 2
Place of assembly or worship, mortuary
1 for each 4 seats of maximum seating capacity
Pool and billiard tables, golf driving ranges, pinball machines and other indoor recreational uses
2 for each recreational unit, such as a table, range or machine or court, or 1 space for each 100 square feet of floor area measured to the nearest 100 square feet, whichever is the lesser of the 2
Rest homes, sanatoriums, and convalescent hospitals
1 space for each 3 employees and 1 space for each 3 beds
Retail furniture, appliance stores and similar uses
1 parking space per each 250 square feet of gross floor area, measured to the nearest 250 square feet
Retail sales
1 for each 200 square feet of floor area, measured to the nearest 200 feet
Rooming or boarding house, motel, hotel
1 for each rental unit
   Nursery schools
1 space for every 500 square feet
   Elementary schools
2 spaces for each classroom
   High schools
7 spaces for each classroom
15 spaces for each classroom
Shopping centers
1 space for each 200 square feet of floor space. A "shopping center", for the purpose of this section, is defined as an area upon which there are situated multiple retail or service type business enterprises in which the total floor space is at least 20,000 square feet
Fast food restaurants shall not be considered part of a shopping center and shall provide parking at a ratio as specified under fast foods of this section
Single-family residence
2 spaces
1.5 spaces per dwelling unit
Single room occupancy facility
1 stall per 3 single room occupancy units, plus 1 additional stall if on site management office is required per subsection 10-4-8(F) of this chapter
Wholesale or bulk storage
1 parking space per 1,500 square feet of gross floor area or 1 for each employee of maximum working shift, whichever is the greater of the 2
   (F)   Loading Berths: Loading berths shall be provided, in addition to parking stalls, as follows:
Total Square Footage Of Building Space (Gross Floor Area)
Loading Spaces Required
Commercial and industrial buildings:
   3,000 to 20,000
   20,001 to 50,000
   50,001 and over
Warehouse and storage areas:
   Each 7,000
Hospitals, institutions, hotels and office buildings:
   10,000 to 50,000
   50,001 to 100,000
   100,001 and over
(Ord. 1474, 1-8-1991; amd. Ord. 1627, 9-9-2008; Ord. 1664, 9-23-2014; Ord. 1667, 10-28-2014; Ord. 1714, 1-23-2024)