§ 17-1703. Prompt Payment of Subcontractors. 247
   (1)   Any subcontractor retained by a Vendor under a Procurement Contract should be paid promptly by the Vendor at the completion of its part of the project or upon submission of properly executed invoices. All Procurement Contracts shall include provisions, in form approved by the City Solicitor, obligating the Vendor to carry out the following subcontractor "prompt payment" requirements:
      (a)   After a Vendor receives payment from the City, and a properly executed invoice, for labor, services, or materials furnished by a subcontractor retained by the Vendor, the Vendor shall pay the subcontractor within the same time period that the City was required to pay the Vendor (the "Prompt Payment Period").
      (b)   If a Vendor fails to make payments to a subcontractor within the Prompt Payment Period, the Vendor shall pay interest on any outstanding amounts at the rate of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month or part of a month, beginning at the expiration of the Prompt Payment Period, except as follows:
         (.1)   If the subcontractor has submitted an invoice to the Vendor and the invoice is incorrect, defective or otherwise improper, the Vendor shall within ten (10) days after receiving the invoice notify the subcontractor that it must resubmit a corrected invoice. If the Vendor fails to so notify the subcontractor within such ten (10) day period, the invoice will be deemed correct as to form.
         (.2)   The Vendor may refuse to pay a subcontractor within the Prompt Payment Period if the Vendor in good faith believes that the subcontractor failed to perform its obligations to the Vendor in a proper manner, but only if the Vendor, within the Prompt Payment Period, provides written notice to the subcontractor detailing the subcontractor's failure to perform properly.
      (c)   The obligation of the Vendor to pay subcontractors promptly shall be passed along to all subcontractors and sub-subcontractors at any tier.
   (2)   Alternative Subcontractor Payment Procedure. In lieu of the process outlined in subsection 17-1703(1), a Vendor must give its Subcontractors the choice of entering into a Subcontractor Payment Directive Agreement where the Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation ("PIDC") or other funds administrator and the Subcontractor have an agreement to pay all or part of a Subcontractor's approved invoices.
   (3)   Agreements between a Vendor and a Subcontractor and a subcontractor and a sub-subcontractor at any tier, may include provisions for the resolution of any disputes arising under these "prompt payment" requirements.



   Amended, Bill No. 160370 (approved June 28, 2016).