As used in Chapter 14-1000 (Historic Preservation) and § 14-504(5) (Queen Village): Features including mass, height, appearance, volume, and the texture, color, nature, and composition of materials.
See § 14-601(4)(d) (Detention and Correctional Facilities).
(a) As used in § 14-704(4) (Flood Protection) and § 14-704(2) (Steep Slope Protection): Any construction, reconstruction, modification, extension, expansion, or substantial improvement of structures; filling; dredging; mining; grading; paving; excavation; drilling operations; or storage of equipment or materials; land excavation; land clearing; land improvement; or any construction thereof.
(b) For all other purposes: The erection or relocation of a structure, an alteration to an existing structure that results in a change in gross floor area, or a lot adjustment.
(a) As used in Chapter 14-1000 (Historic Preservation): A geographically definable area possessing a significant concentration, linkage, or continuity of buildings, structures, sites, or objects united by past events, plan, or physical development. A district may comprise an individual site or individual elements separated geographically but linked by association, plan, design, or history.
(b) For all other purposes: One of the base or overlay zoning districts identified in Chapter 14-400 (Base Zoning Districts) or Chapter 14-500 (Overlay Zoning Districts) and depicted on the Official Zoning Map.