In this Chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
(1) Department. The Department of Streets.
(2) Portable On-Demand Storage Unit ("PODS"). Any container or other portable structure that is intended to be or is used for the temporary storage of personal property; is typically rented to owners or occupants of real property for their temporary use; and is typically delivered and removed by truck.
(3) Street. Every way or place, of whatever nature, open to the use of the public as a matter of right, for purposes of vehicular travel, including but not limited to, highways and roadways. The term shall not be deemed to include a roadway or driveway upon grounds owned by private persons, colleges, universities, or other institutions.
(1) No person shall park or place, or cause to be parked or placed, a PODS unit upon any street, unless a permit has first been obtained from the Department in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter.
(2) No person shall park or place, or cause to be parked or placed, a PODS unit upon any sidewalk, alley or designated fire lane or in violation of any provision of the Traffic Code.
(3) A PODS unit shall be used only for the storage of personal household items and shall not be used to store solid waste, construction materials, demolition debris, recyclable materials, business inventory, commercial goods, goods for property other than the property for which the permit has been issued or any illegal or hazardous material, nor shall such a unit be used for human or animal occupation.
(4) The provisions of this Chapter are not intended to apply to the use or placement of construction dumpsters under Section 11-610.
Prior to the issuance of a permit for the placement or parking of a PODS unit upon any street, the applicant must provide to the Department, on a form prepared by the Department, the following:
(1) The name, address and telephone number of the applicant;
(2) The name, address and telephone number of the owner or lessee of the property for which the permit is being requested;
(3) The name, address and telephone number of the owner of the PODS unit;
(4) The address of the property for which the PODS unit has been requested;
(5) The dimensions of the PODS unit and the intended location of the unit;
(6) The delivery and removal dates of the PODS unit;
(7) An insurance certificate providing general liability insurance by the company supplying the PODS unit in an amount to be determined by the Office of Risk Management; and
(8) Any other information deemed necessary or appropriate by the Department in order to implement this Chapter.
(1) Only one PODS unit shall be permitted by any single permit issued under this Chapter.
(2) No more than one (1) permit for a PODS unit shall be issued for any single property address within a twelve (12) month period.
(3) No PODS unit shall be parked or placed upon any street for more than five (5) consecutive days, and no extensions shall be granted.
(4) The Department may, in its discretion, refuse to issue a permit for a PODS unit where the placement of such unit would interfere with traffic flow.
(5) Every PODS unit parked or placed upon a street shall have legibly inscribed upon the unit, in letters not less than two (2) inches high, identification consisting of the commercially painted name or business logo, address and telephone number of the unit's owner.
(6) The Department is authorized to promulgate regulations necessary or appropriate to implement the provisions of this Chapter, which may provide for fees for the issuance of permits pursuant to this Chapter. 155
155 | Amended, Bill No. 080163 (approved June 4, 2008). |