§ 12-503. Effective Date.
   (a)   These charter provisions shall become effective on the first Monday of December, 1965, except that the provisions relating to the selection of the members of the Board of Education shall become effective immediately. 327
   (b)   The amendments to Sections 12-201, 12-202, 12-203, 12-204, 12-206 and 12-207, relating to the method of selection and term of office of members of the Board of Education, and relating to the Educational Nominating Panel, shall become effective on the first Monday of January, 2000. Members of the Board of Education who hold office on December 31, 1999 shall continue to hold office until their successors are appointed pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-201, as amended.
   (c)   A person who serves as a member of the Board of Education prior to the amendment of Section 12-201 may be appointed to the Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-201, as amended, provided that any person who served as a Board member for ten or more years shall not be eligible for further appointment to the Board.
   (d)   The amendments to Sections 12-100, 12-201, 12-202, 12-204, and 12-207, and the amendment adding a new Section 12-311, all as set forth in Resolution No. 180112, approved March 8, 2018, shall become effective upon approval by the voters, and shall apply to all appointments or removals made on or after the effective date, including appointments to fill vacancies. 328



   Renumbered by Code editor. The amendments adding subsections (b) and (c) failed to provide for a subsection (a). The former entire section has been renumbered as subsection (a).
   Added by approval of the voters at the election held on May 15, 2018, and certified on June 4, 2018. See Bill No. 171109-A (approved March 23, 2018); Resolution No. 180112 (adopted March 8, 2018).