§ 12-207. The Educational Nominating Panel; Duties and Procedure.
   (a)   The Mayor shall appoint and convene the Educational Nominating Panel (1) as soon as practicable after the Mayor's term of office begins, but not later than February 1 of that year, except that if the General Assembly enacts legislation permitting the election of members of the Board on a non-partisan basis, the Mayor shall appoint and convene the Educational Nominating Panel not later than May twenty-fifth of every odd-numbered year, and (2) whenever a vacancy occurs in the membership of the Board of Education.
   (b)   The Panel shall within forty (40) days submit to the Mayor three names of qualified persons for every place on the Board of Education which is to be filled. If the Mayor wishes an additional list of names, the Mayor shall so notify the Panel within ten (10) days. Thereupon the Panel shall within ten (10) days send to the Mayor an additional list of three qualified persons for each place to be filled. The Mayor shall within twenty (20) days make an appointment by providing to Council, for its advice and consent, a name from the list or, as provided in the following subsection, certify a nomination from either list for each place to be filled. 318
   (c)   If the General Assembly of the Commonwealth shall have previously enacted enabling legislation permitting members of the Board of Education to be elected on a non-partisan basis, not later than September fifteenth of the odd-numbered year in which the legislation was enacted or the ensuing odd-numbered year, the Mayor shall select nine names from either one or two lists of 27 names submitted by the Educational Nominating Panel according to the procedure set forth in subsection (b) and, subject to the advice and consent of Council, shall certify those nine names to the county board of elections as the Mayor's nominations for members of the Board of Education. In certifying the names of the nominees to the county board of elections the Mayor shall designate three of the Mayor's nominees as candidates for terms of two years, three for terms of four years and three for terms of six years. The ballots or ballot labels shall not contain any party designation for any of the candidates nominated by the Mayor, and under each name there will be a space permitting the voter to write in the name of any other person. In every instance the Mayor's candidate will be elected if, but only if, the candidate receives more votes than any other candidate whose name is written in. In every subsequent odd-numbered year, three members of the Board shall be nominated by the Mayor from names submitted to the Mayor by the Educational Nominating Panel and elected in the same manner provided by this subsection, and whenever a vacancy occurs the procedure for filling it shall be similar whether the vacancy be filled at a special election proclaimed by the Mayor or at a municipal election. 319
   (d)   The Educational Nominating Panel shall invite business, civic, professional, labor, and other organizations, as well as individuals, situated or resident within the City to submit for consideration by the Panel the names of persons qualified to serve as members of the Board of Education. The Panel shall take appropriate steps to publicize the invitation and the selection process, including by advertising at least to the same extent as the City is required to advertise invitations to bid on City contracts pursuant to Section 8-200(2) of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter. 320
   (e)   Nothing herein provided shall preclude the Panel from recommending and the Mayor from appointing or nominating persons who have previously served on any board of public education other than the Board of Education created by these charter provisions.



   Amended by approval of the voters at the election held on May 15, 2018, and certified on June 4, 2018. See Bill No. 171109-A (approved March 23, 2018); Resolution No. 180112 (adopted March 8, 2018).
   Amended by approval of the voters at the election held on May 15, 2018, and certified on June 4, 2018. See Bill No. 171109-A (approved March 23, 2018); Resolution No. 180112 (adopted March 8, 2018). Amended by approval of the voters at the election held on May 17, 2022, and certified on June 6, 2022. See Bill No. 220002 (approved February 25, 2022); Resolution No. 220010 (adopted February 24, 2022).
   Amended by approval of the voters at the election held on May 15, 2018, and certified on June 4, 2018. See Bill No. 171109-A (approved March 23, 2018); Resolution No. 180112 (adopted March 8, 2018).