§ 12-206. Educational Nominating Panel; Method of Selection.
   (a)   The Mayor shall appoint an Educational Nominating Panel consisting of thirteen (13) members. Members of the Panel shall be registered voters of the City and shall serve for terms of four years from the dates of their appointment.
   (b)   Nine members of the Educational Nominating Panel shall be the highest ranking officers of City-wide organizations or institutions which are, respectively:
      (1)   a labor union council or other organization of unions of workers and employees organized and operated for the benefit of such workers and employees,
      (2)   a council, chamber, or other organization established for the purpose of general improvement and benefit of commerce and industry,
      (3)   a public school parent-teachers association,
      (4)   a community organization of citizens established for the purpose of improvement of public education,
      (5)   a federation, council, or other organization of non-partisan neighborhood or community associations,
      (6)   a league, association, or other organization established for the purpose of improvement of human and inter-group relations,
      (7)   a non-partisan committee, league, council, or other organization established for the purpose of improvement of governmental, political, social, or economic conditions,
      (8)   a degree-granting institution of higher education whose principal educational facilities are located within Philadelphia, and
      (9)   a council, association, or other organization dedicated to community planning of health and welfare services or of the physical resources and environment of the City.
   (c)   In order to represent adequately the entire community, the four other members of the Educational Nominating Panel shall be appointed by the Mayor from the citizenry at large.
   (d)   In the event no organization as described in one of the clauses (1) through (9) of subsection (b) exists within the City, or in the event there is no such organization any one of whose officers is a registered voter of the City, the Mayor shall appoint the highest ranking officer who is a registered voter of the City from another organization or institution which qualifies under another clause of the subsection.
   (e)   A vacancy in the office of member of the Educational Nominating Panel shall be filled with the balance of the unexpired term in the same manner in which the member was selected who died, resigned, or was removed.
   (f)   The Educational Nominating Panel shall elect its own officers and adopt rules of procedure.