General Provisions
   70.001   Short title
   70.002   Definitions
   70.003   Traffic accident reports
   70.004   Engine and compression brakes
Enforcement, Obedience to Traffic Regulations
   70.015   Authority of Police, Fire Department officials
   70.016   State codes adopted
Traffic Control Devices
   70.030   Authority to install traffic-control devices
   70.031   City Council to designate crosswalks; establish, mark traffic lanes
Turning Movements
   70.045   Turning markers, buttons, and signs
   70.046   Authority to place restricted turn signs
   70.047   Obedience to no-turn signs
   70.048   U-turns
   70.049   Stop and yield intersections
One-Way Streets and Alleys
   70.060   Authority to designate one-way streets and alleys
   70.061   Authority on streets during certain periods
Special Stops Required
   70.075   Stop intersections
   70.076   Authority to erect stop signs
   70.077   Stops at intersecting through highways; other intersections
   70.078   Stop when traffic is obstructed
Pedestrians’ Right and Duties
   70.090   Prohibited crossing
   70.091   Pedestrians on left
Miscellaneous Driving Rules
   70.105   Clinging to vehicles
Funeral, Other Processions
   70.120   Driving through funeral or other processions
   70.121   Drivers in a procession
   70.122   Funeral processions to be identified