5-1-1: Immoral Acts
5-1-2: Disturbing The Peace
5-1-3: Disorderly Conduct
5-1-4: Offenses Against Public Property
5-1-5: Offenses Relating To Streets And Sidewalks
5-1-6: Penalty
It shall be unlawful to commit any of the following acts:
   A.   Be, or be found, in a state of intoxication.
   B.   Be, or be found, in a state of vagrancy.
   C.   Maintain, keep or operate any building or place where intoxicating liquor is illegally kept, sold or given away.
   D.   Publicly, or in the hearing of others, curse, swear, or use profane, blasphemous, obscene, abusive or vulgar language.
   E.   Make any personal or insulting remark to or about anyone passing along the street or sidewalk.
   F.   Appear on any street or in a public place in a state of nudity or in any indecent or obscene dress.
   G.   Make any indecent exposure of the person, or commit any indecent or lewd act.
   H.   Sell or offer for sale any indecent, lewd or obscene book, picture, publication or thing.
   I.   Perform or present any indecent, immoral or obscene play, picture, publication or thing.
   J.   Print, write, stamp or paint anything obscene, indecent, immoral or vulgar.
   K.   Allow, suffer or permit in any house, room or place owned, controlled, or occupied, any prostitution or lewdness.
   L.   Solicit for immoral purposes.
   M.   Molest or annoy any female person in any public place or solicit her to ride in any motor vehicle.
   N.   Play, maintain, run or operate any game, punchboard, slot machine or any machine or device or contrivance of any kind for money or other things of value.
   O.   Allow, suffer or permit in any house, room or place owned, occupied, or controlled, any gambling or game of chance. (Ord. 19, 7-21-1970)
It shall be unlawful to commit any of the following acts:
   A.   Disturb the peace of any street, alley, public ground, religious or public assembly, public or private building or any neighborhood, private family or person, by loud or disagreeable noise, or by indecent, profane or obscene language, conversation or conduct, or by quarreling, assaulting, fighting, or by any other means.
   B.   Join any group or company of persons on any sidewalk or street so as to obstruct the free passage thereon, or the entrance to any public building, place of business or church.
   C.   Give a false alarm of fire or a false call for police or, without reasonable cause therefor, call for the service of any police officer, peace officer, or member of the fire department.
   D.   Refuse to assist any police officer or peace officer in making any arrest when thereto lawfully required by any peace officer or police officer, and no person shall rescue, or take from the custody of any police officer or peace officer nor prevent the arrest of any person, nor resist, oppose, obstruct or impede any member of the police force or peace officers in the discharge of his duty.
   E.   Falsely claim or represent to be an officer or, without authority, exercise or attempt to exercise any of the duties, functions or powers of an officer.
   F.   Discharge any cannon, gun, pistol, revolver, or firearm of any description, without first having obtained permission in writing from the mayor, unless the person doing the same is an officer acting within the duties of his office.
   G.   Carry any concealed weapon, either revolver, pistol, razor, dirk, knife, metal knuckles or other dangerous weapon.
   H.   Be concerned with, or join or participate in, any assemblage, meeting, concert, parade, procession or other exercise or display upon any street, alley, highway or public ground without written permit issued to one or more of the participants thereof by the mayor. (Ord. 19, 7-21-1970)
   A.   Purpose: The purpose of this section is to define and prohibit disorderly conduct within the corporate limits of the city.
   B.   Definitions: For use within this section, the following words are defined:
    CITY: Includes all of that area now within the corporate limits of the city of Oxford, Iowa, and further includes such areas as may be annexed in the future and at such time as they legally become a part of the corporate limits of the city of Oxford, Iowa.
   PERSON: Includes any individual, association of individuals, group of individuals, and including an organized or unorganized group of individuals.
   C.   Prohibited Acts: For purposes of this section, the following act or acts are deemed disorderly conduct and no person shall, within the limits of the city, commit such act or acts; and further, no person shall allow such act or acts to be committed within or upon any house or premises owned by him, or occupied or controlled by him:
      1.   Disturb the peace of any person or persons, or provoke a breach of peace, or use any unseemly profane, indecent or obscene language, or be guilty of any violent or offensive conduct or assault, beat or strike another or make or cause to be made loud noises of any nature which may disturb or annoy any persons in the vicinity.
      2.   Permit or allow in any house, apartment, hotel, motel building or room, therein controlled by him, any drunkenness, lewd or obscene or indecent conduct or behavior, or permit lewd or disreputable persons, either male or female, together, and be entertained with food or drink on such premises.
      3.   Conduct himself in a lewd, indecent or immoral way, or engage with another person or persons in any boisterous, offensive conduct which is shocking or degrading to the public morals and decency.
      4.   Accost, address offensive remarks to, pester, or attempt to force any company upon any other person with whom he is unacquainted, or acts in an otherwise offensive manner toward such person on the streets or in any public place within the city.
      5.   Obstruct or encumber any street corner or other public place by loafing or lounging in or about the same after being requested to move on by any peace officer and, further, no person shall at any time, without proper authority, remove, alter, or change in any manner any street traffic or obstruction signs or other city or publicly owned property. (Ord. 23, 9-1-1970)