9-1-1: Purpose
9-1-2: Adoption Of Nationally Recognized Codes
9-1-3: Permits And Inspections
9-1-1: PURPOSE:
The purpose of this chapter is to, pursuant to Iowa Code section 380.10, adopt by reference the Johnson County building code, which includes amendments to and portions of the 2009 international building code and the 2009 international residential code, as published by the International Code Council and as adopted as Johnson County ordinance 04-29-10-Z1; the 2009 international mechanical code, as published by the International Code Council and as adopted as Johnson County ordinance 04-29-10-Z2; the 2009 uniform plumbing code, as published by the International Association Of Plumbing And Mechanical Officials and as adopted as Johnson County ordinance 04-29-10-Z3; the 2009 international fuel gas code, as published by the International Code Council and as adopted as Johnson County ordinance 04-29-10-Z4; and the 2014 national electrical code, as published by the National Fire Protection Association and as adopted as Johnson County ordinance 12-18-04-01, all as initially adopted and subsequently amended; and to provide for the protection of the health, welfare and safety of the citizens of Johnson County, Iowa; and to provide for the enforcement of these codes. It is further the purpose of this chapter that said standard codes, once adopted, shall be collectively referred to as the Oxford building code. (Ord. 2014-06, 2-10-2015)
Subsequent to a public hearing as required by Iowa Code section 380.10, and subject to the amendments described in Johnson County ordinances 04-29-10-Z1, 06-26-14-01, 04-29-10-Z2, 04-29-10-Z3, 04-29-10-Z4, and 12-18-04-01, the 2009 international building code and the 2009 international residential code, including appendix F Radon Control Methods and appendix G Swimming Pools, Spas And Hot Tubs, as published by the International Code Council; the 2009 international mechanical code, as published by the International Code Council; the 2009 uniform plumbing code, as published by the International Association Of Plumbing And Mechanical Officials; the 2009 international fuel gas code, as published by the International Code Council; and the 2014 national electrical code, as published by the National Fire Protection Association are hereby adopted by reference and along with said amendments shall be known as the Oxford building code. (Ord. 2014-06, 2-10-2015)
Permits and inspections shall be provided by Johnson County building inspection personnel pursuant to an agreement entered into between the city of Oxford and Johnson County, Iowa. In addition to the inspection fees charged in conjunction with the above referenced standard codes, as amended, the city of Oxford may charge an administrative fee of all building permit applicants. Said administrative fee, if any, shall be as set forth by the Oxford city council in a resolution. (Ord. 2014-06, 2-10-2015)