General Provisions
90.01 Definitions
90.02 Number of animals permitted; prohibited
90.03 Vaccination required
90.04 Tags
90.05 Running at large prohibited
90.06 Animal pens and premises kept clean
90.07 Obligation to prevent nuisances
90.08 Impounding procedures
90.09 Rabies notice
90.10 Muzzling proclamation
90.11 Removal of animal debris
90.12 Airport Terminal Building; animals prohibited
90.13 Exceptions
90.14 State law adopted
Nuisance Animals and Fowl at Large; Impounding
90.25 Pound authorized
90.26 Animals and fowl at large
90.27 Impounding and fees authorized
90.28 Animal Control Officer; duties
90.29 Disposition of impounded animals
90.30 Sale
90.31 Redemption of animal from purchaser
90.32 Breaking open or interfering with impoundment
Deer Feeding
90.45 Purpose
90.46 Findings
90.47 Prohibition
90.48 Exceptions
90.49 Effective date
Feeding Certain Non-Domestic Animals Prohibited
90.60 Findings and purpose
90.61 Definitions
90.62 Feedings of wild animals prohibited
90.99 Penalty