General Park and Beach Regulations
91.01 Closing hours
91.02 Liquor in parks and beaches; permit required; notice to Police Department
91.03 Fire in city parks
91.04 Removal of natural or vegetative material
91.05 Exemptions
Bathing Beaches
91.20 Beach season
91.21 Hours of supervised swimming
91.22 Rules and regulations
91.23 Lifeguards; conduct and authority
91.24 Liquor prohibited
91.25 Permit; exemption
Lake Kohlmier
91.40 Rules and regulations
91.41 Swimming restrictions
91.42 Watercraft restrictions
91.43 Motor restrictions
91.44 Motorized vehicle restrictions
91.45 Boat launch restrictions
91.46 Exemptions
91.99 Penalty
Curfew, see § 132.01
Fee Schedule, see Ch. 35, App. A
Loitering, see Ch. 96
Public property damage prohibited, see § 131.06