Chapter I: Boundaries, Wards and Powers
   1.1   Name and boundaries
   1.2   Wards
   1.3   Change in ward boundaries
   1.4   Powers of city
Chapter II: Officers
   2.1   Elective officers
   2.2   Appointive officers
   2.3   Qualifying
   2.4   Term of office
   2.5   Suspension
   2.6   Removal
   2.7   Removal from city or ward
   2.8   Filling vacancies
   2.9   Mayor
   2.10   Acting Mayor
   2.11   City Clerk-Treasurer
   2.13   City Attorney
   2.14   City Engineer
   2.15   City Administrator
   2.16   Mayor as head of Police Department
   2.17   Salaries
Chapter III: Elections
   3.1   Conduct of elections
   3.2   Regular city elections
   3.3   Special elections
   3.4   Filing fees
Chapter IV: City Council
   4.1   Council and quorum
   4.2   Powers
   4.3   Meetings
   4.4   Rules
   4.5   Records
   4.6   Ordinances and resolutions
   4.65   Emergency ordinances
   4.7   Official newspaper-publication-ordinance code
   4.8   Acquiring and selling property
   4.9   Contracts
   4.10   Plats
   4.11   Franchises
Chapter V: Taxes and Finance
   5.1   Fiscal year
   5.2   Property tax
   5.3   Board of Equalization
   5.4   Taxing powers
   5.5   Budget estimates
   5.6   Preparation of budget
   5.7   Budget approval
   5.8   Tax levy
   5.9   Funds
   5.10   Payments from treasury
   5.11   Annual reports
   5.12   Borrowing
   5.13   Certificates of indebtedness
   5.14   Temporary borrowing
   5.15   Adjustment of accounts
Chapter VI: Public Improvements
   6.1   Supervision of streets
   6.2   Vacating of streets
   6.3   Grade of streets
   6.4   Sidewalks
   6.5   Cleaning streets
   6.6   Authority to make improvements
   6.7   Ordering improvement
   6.8   Contracts
   6.9   Assessments authorized
   6.10   Initial proceedings
   6.11   Ordering work
   6.12   Levying assessment
   6.13   Corner lot assessment
   6.14   Sidewalk assessment
   6.15   Reassessment
   6.16   Installment of assessments
   6.17   Collection of assessments
   6.18   Validity of assessments
   6.19   Former assessments
   6.20   Assessment liens
   6.21   Appeal from assessment
Chapter VII: Condemnation
Chapter VIII: Boards
   8.1   Power to establish boards
   8.2   Board members and officers
   8.3   Powers of boards
   8.4   Eligibility
Chapter IX: Public Utilities Commission
   9.1   Commission-powers
   9.2   Commission-appointment
   9.3   Commission-removal
   9.4   Commission-compensation
   9.5   Officers
   9.6   Power to invest and borrow
   9.7   Powers in respect to land
   9.8   Employees
   9.9   Surveys, inspections, liens, and suits
   9.10   Books of accounts
   9.12   Rules and regulations
   9.13   Rates and charges
   9.14   Purchases
   9.15   Annual statement
   9.16   Utilities furnished city
Chapter X: Miscellaneous Provisions
   10.1   Validity of ordinances
   10.2   Continuance in office
   10.3   Effective date