General Provisions
   157.001   Purpose and legislative authority
   157.002   Assumption of validity of conditions or limitations
   157.003   Relationship to other laws
   157.004   Scope of chapter
   157.005   Adoption of Zoning Map
   157.006   Interpretation of Comprehensive Plan, this chapter, and Map
   157.007   Zoning Map
   157.008   Definitions
   157.009   Disclosure of interests
   157.010   Home occupation certificate
   157.011   Extension of zoning approvals to address housing crisis
   157.012   Setback encroachments for ADA ramps, structures, and equipment
   157.013   Solar energy
   157.014   Temporary trailer for sales and construction office during construction
Districts; Generally
   157.025   Establishment of districts
R-1 District
   157.040   Statement of intent
   157.041   Uses permitted
   157.042   Signs permitted
   157.043   Area regulations
   157.044   Setback regulations
   157.045   Frontage regulations
   157.046   Yard regulations
   157.047   Height regulations
R-2 District
   157.060   Statement of intent
   157.061   Uses permitted
   157.062   Signs permitted
   157.063   Area regulations
   157.064   Setback regulations
   157.065   Frontage regulations
   157.066   Yard regulations
   157.067   Height regulations
R-3 District
   157.080   Statement of intent
   157.081   Uses permitted
   157.082   Signs permitted
   157.083   Area regulations
   157.084   Setback regulations
   157.085   Frontage regulations
   157.086   Yard regulations
   157.087   Height regulations
R-4 District
   157.100   Statement of intent
   157.101   Uses permitted
   157.102   Signs permitted
   157.103   Area regulations
   157.104   Setback regulations
   157.105   Frontage regulations
   157.106   Yard regulations
   157.107   Height regulations
B-1 District
   157.120   Statement of intent
   157.121   Uses permitted
   157.122   Signs permitted
   157.123   Setback regulations
   157.124   Height regulations
Parks and Public Utility District (PPU)
   157.135   Statement of intent
   157.136   Uses permitted
Chesapeake Bay Preservation Overlay District
   157.150   Findings of fact
   157.151   Purpose and intent
   157.152   Definitions
   157.153   Areas of applicability
   157.154   Use regulations
   157.155   Lot size
   157.156   Required conditions
   157.157   Conflict with other regulations
   157.158   Interpretation of RPA boundaries
   157.159   Performance standards
   157.160   Water quality impact assessment
   157.161   Plan of development process
   157.162   Nonconforming uses and noncomplying structures
   157.163   Exemptions and exceptions
Old and Historic Occoquan District
   157.175   Definition
   157.176   Creation of boundaries
   157.177   Certificate of appropriateness required to erect, reconstruct, alter, restore, or raze a building
   157.178   Application for certificate of appropriateness
   157.179   Matters to be considered by the Board
   157.180   Issuance of certificate of appropriateness
   157.181   Right of appeal
   157.182   Appeal to Circuit Court
Off-Street Parking Standards
   157.195   Scope of subchapter
   157.196   General provisions
   157.197   Required parking
   157.198   Geometrics
   157.199   Disabled parking provisions
Nonconforming Uses, Lots, and Structures
   157.210   Purpose
   157.211   Nonconforming lots of record
   157.212   Nonconforming structures
   157.213   Nonconforming uses; permits required
Enforcement of Zoning by Zoning Administrator
   157.225   Right of entry
   157.226   Questions of interpretation
   157.227   Written order, requirement, decision, or determination by the Zoning Administrator
   157.228   Administrative modifications
Special Use Permits
   157.240   Generally
   157.241   Fee schedule
   157.242   Review and approval process
   157.243   Refiling following denial
   157.244   Withdrawal of an application
   157.245   Deferral of application by applicant
   157.246   Duration and expiration of permit
   157.247   Revocation of special use permits
Zoning Amendments
   157.260   Initiation of amendments
   157.261   Application requirements
   157.262   Generalized development plans (GDP)
   157.263   Proffer declaration
   157.264   Validity and conformance with proffered conditions
   157.265   Public hearing requirements
   157.266   Referral to Planning Commission
   157.267   Town Council action
   157.268   Refiling following denial
   157.269   Withdrawal of application
   157.270   Deferral of application by applicant
Outdoor Lighting Requirements
   157.285   General requirements and exemptions
   157.286   Definitions
   157.287   Use and zoning district specific requirements
   157.288   Site plan requirements
Signs; General Provisions
   157.300   Findings, purpose, and intent; interpretation
   157.301   Definitions
   157.302   Signs requiring a permit
   157.303   Signs not requiring a permit
   157.304   Prohibited signs
   157.305   Measurements of sign area and height
   157.306   Maintenance and removal
   157.307   General requirements
   157.308   Nonconforming signs
   157.309   Noncommercial signs
Sign Regulations by Use and District
   157.320   Residential district signs (R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4)
   157.321   Business district signs (B-1)
Statutory reference:
   Zoning, see VA Code §§ 15.2-2280 et seq.