(A)   Side. The minimum side yard shall be ten feet, and the total minimum width of the two required side yards shall be 25 feet. For corner lots, the side yard on the side facing the side street shall be 20 feet or more for both main and accessory buildings. Decks are not permitted in the minimum side yard area.
   (B)   Rear. The minimum rear yard, measured from the largest structure upon the premises, shall be 40 feet, of which no more than 15 feet may be occupied by a deck. However, the Zoning Administrator shall issue a zoning permit reducing the rear yard to 25 feet if the existing or planned building will not have any provision for a deck and a note is placed on all site plans, subdivision plans, building plans, and record plats associated with the property that no deck is permitted on the lot. No deck may be built in any rear yard subject to such a zoning permit. The Zoning Administrator shall issue a zoning permit for a deck larger than 15 feet, if the distance from the rear edge of the deck to the property line is at least 25 feet.
(1998 Code, § 66-67) (Ord. passed 9-5-2017) Penalty, see § 10.99