(A) Parking spaces shall be located on the same parcel as the principal use. However, with approval of the Zoning Administrator, the required parking may be provided on an adjacent or nearby parcel, provided a legally sufficient easement is approved by the Town Attorney and recorded among the county land records to ensure the perpetual availability of the parking spaces for the principal use.
(B) No structure or site shall be altered in any manner that would enable the structure or site to accommodate any increase in business capacity unless the requirements of this subchapter are satisfied with respect to such alteration and increase in capacity. Whenever a building or use is changed or enlarged in floor area, number of employees, number of dwelling units, seating capacity, or otherwise, to create a need under the requirements of this subchapter for an increase in parking spaces of 10% or more, such additional spaces shall be provided on the basis of the change or enlargement. Under no circumstances shall alterations to existing structures reduce existing parking below that which would be required for the entire structure as altered.
(C) All off-street parking facilities shall be used solely for the parking of vehicles by patrons, occupants, or employees of the use to which such parking is accessory. No motor vehicle repair work, except emergency service, no storage of merchandise, and no motor vehicles for sale, shall be permitted in association with any required off-street parking facilities.
(D) Required off-street parking spaces may be provided cooperatively for two or more uses, subject to arrangements that will assure the permanent availability of such spaces to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator. The amount of such combined space shall equal the sum of the amounts required for the separate uses; however, the Zoning Administrator may reduce the total number of parking spaces required by strict application of these requirements when it can be determined the same spaces may adequately serve two or more uses by reason of the hours of operation of such uses.
(E) If a question shall arise regarding the classification of a use for application of this subchapter, the Zoning Administrator shall determine the classification/basis of the number of spaces to be provided.
(G) For the purposes of this section, net floor space is equal to 75% of the gross floor area.
(1998 Code, § 66-229) (Ord. passed 9-5-2017) Penalty, see § 10.99