(A)   Any development or redevelopment exceeding 2,500 square feet of land disturbance shall be accomplished through a plan of development process prior to any clearing, grading, or filling of the site or the issuance of any building permit, to assure compliance with all applicable requirements of this subchapter.
   (B)   In addition to the requirements of this section and Chapters 155 and 156 of this code, the plan of development process shall consist of the plans and studies identified in this division (B). These required plans and studies may be coordinated or combined, as deemed appropriate by the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator may determine that some of the following information is unnecessary due to the scope and nature of the proposed development. The following plans or studies shall be submitted unless otherwise provided for in this chapter:
      (1)   A site plan in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 155 of this code or a subdivision plat in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 156 of this code, as necessary;
      (2)   An environmental site assessment;
      (3)   A landscaping plan;
      (4)   A stormwater management plan; and
      (5)   An erosion and sediment control plan in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 152 of this code.
   (C)   An environmental site assessment shall be submitted in conjunction with preliminary site plan or preliminary subdivision plan approval.
      (1)   The environmental site assessment shall be drawn to scale and clearly delineate the following environmental features:
         (a)   Tidal wetlands;
         (b)   Tidal shores;
         (c)   Nontidal wetlands connected by surface flow and contiguous to tidal wetlands or water bodies with perennial flow;
         (d)   A 100-foot buffer area located adjacent to and landward of the components listed in divisions (C)(1)(a) through (C)(1)(c) above and along both sides of any waterbody with perennial flow; and
         (e)   Other sensitive environmental features as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
      (2)   Wetlands delineations shall be performed consistent with the procedures specified in the current edition of the Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands, 1987, or as determined by the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE).
      (3)   The environmental site assessment shall delineate the site-specific geographic extent of the RPA.
      (4)   The environmental site assessment shall be drawn at the same scale as the preliminary site plan or subdivision plat and shall be certified as complete and accurate by a professional engineer. This requirement may be waived by the Zoning Administrator when the proposed use or development would result in less than 5,000 square feet of disturbed area.
      (5)   Any request for exemption from the buffer requirements for properties contained wholly within designated IDAs, as allowed by § 157.159(C)(4), must be submitted in writing with the assessment.
   (D)   A landscaping plan shall be submitted in conjunction with site plan approval or as part of subdivision plat approval. No clearing, grading, or filling of any lot or parcel shall be permitted without an approved landscaping plan.
      (1)   Contents of the plan.
         (a)   The landscaping plan shall be drawn to scale and clearly delineate the location, size, and description of existing and proposed plant material. All existing trees on the site six inches or greater DBH shall be shown on the landscaping plan. Where there are groups of trees, stands may be outlined instead. The specific number of trees six inches or greater DBH to be preserved outside the construction footprint shall be indicated on the plan. Trees to be removed to create a desired construction footprint shall be clearly delineated.
         (b)   Any required buffer area shall be clearly delineated, and any plant material to be added to establish or supplement the buffer area as required by this subchapter shall be shown.
         (c)   Within the buffer area, trees to be removed for sight lines, vistas, access paths, and BMPs, as provided for in this subchapter, shall be shown. Vegetation required by this subchapter to replace any existing trees within the buffer area shall also be shown.
         (d)   Trees to be removed for shoreline stabilization projects and any replacement vegetation required by this subchapter shall be shown on the landscaping plan.
         (e)   Grade changes or other work adjacent to trees that would affect adversely them. Specifications shall be provided as to how grade, drainage, and aeration will be maintained around trees to be preserved.
         (f)   Specifications for the protection of existing trees during clearing, grading, and all other phases of construction.
      (2)   Plant specifications.
         (a)   All plant materials necessary to supplement the buffer area or vegetated areas outside the construction footprint shall be installed according to standard planting practices and procedures.
         (b)   All supplementary or replacement plant materials shall be living and in a healthy condition. Plant materials shall conform to the standards of the most recent edition of the American Standard for Nursery Stock, published by the AmericanHort.
         (c)   Where areas that are to be preserved, as designated on an approved landscaping plan, are disturbed or encroached, replacement of existing trees and other vegetation will be achieved at a ratio of one planted tree to one removed. Replacement trees shall be of a similar species, a minimum of 12 feet in height and one and one-half inches DBH at the time of planting.
      (3)   Maintenance.
         (a)   The applicant shall be responsible for the maintenance and replacement of all vegetation as may be required by the provisions of this subchapter.
         (b)   In buffer areas and areas outside the construction footprint, plant material shall be tended and maintained in a healthy growing condition and free from refuse and debris for a period of one year after the developer has completed all real estate sales in the developed property. Unhealthy, dying, or dead plant materials shall be replaced during the next planting season, as required by the provisions of this subchapter.
   (E)   A stormwater management plan shall be submitted in accordance with Chapter 153 of this code in conjunction with site plan or subdivision plan approval. The stormwater management plan shall contain maps, charts, graphs, tables, photographs, narrative descriptions, explanations, and citations to supporting references as appropriate to communicate the information required by this subchapter.
      (1)   At a minimum, the stormwater management plan must contain the following:
         (a)   Location and design of all proposed stormwater control devices;
         (b)   Procedures for implementing nonstructural stormwater control practices and techniques;
         (c)   Pre- and post-development nonpoint source pollutant loadings with supporting documentation of all utilized coefficients and calculations; and
         (d)   For facilities, verification of structural soundness, including a professional engineer certification.
      (2)   All engineering calculations must be performed in accordance with procedures outlined in the current edition of the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook.
      (3)   The plan shall establish a long-term schedule for inspection and maintenance of stormwater management facilities including all maintenance requirements and persons responsible for performing said maintenance. If the designated maintenance responsibility is with a party other than the town, a maintenance agreement shall be executed between the responsible party and the town.
   (F)   An erosion and sediment control plan shall be submitted that satisfies the requirements of this subchapter and in accordance with Chapter 152 of this code, in conjunction with site plan or subdivision plan approval.
   (G)   Final plans for property within CBPAs shall be final plats for land to be subdivided or site plans for land not to be subdivided as required in Chapters 155 and 156 of this code.
      (1)   Final plans and plats for all lands within CBPAs shall include the following additional information:
         (a)   The delineation of the 100-foot RPA boundary for the retention of an undisturbed and vegetated 100-foot-wide buffer area, with permissibility of only water dependent facilities or redevelopment;
         (b)   The delineation of required buffer areas;
         (c)   All wetlands permits required by law;
         (d)   A maintenance agreement, as deemed necessary and appropriate by the Zoning Administrator, to ensure proper maintenance of BMPs in order to continue their functions;
         (e)   Measures to be taken for the protection of the resource protection areas (RPAs) during clearing, grading, and all other phases of construction. The following notations shall be included.
            1.   All existing vegetation within the RPA shall remain in its undisturbed natural state, except as allowed by this code.
            2.   Permissible development in the RPA is limited to water-dependent facilities, redevelopment, or other uses specifically allowed by this code.
         (f)   Gross acreages of the following physical land units shall be tabulated and computed by accurate planimetric methods at the final plan scale: 100-year floodplains; wetlands; existing water features (bodies of water, drainage channels, streams, and the like); and resource protection areas and resource management areas as specified by this subchapter; and
         (g)   Buildable areas allowed on each lot based on the performance criteria specified in the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area regulations; front, side, and rear yard setback requirements established pursuant to this chapter, and any other relevant easements or limitations regarding lot coverage shall be graphically depicted on the site plan.
      (2)   Installation and bonding requirements are as follows.
         (a)   Where buffer areas, landscaping, stormwater management facilities, or other specifications of an approved plan are required, no certificate of occupancy shall be issued until the installation of required plant materials or facilities is completed in accordance with the approved site plan.
         (b)   When the occupancy of a structure is desired prior to the completion of the required landscaping, stormwater management facilities, or other specifications of an approved plan, a certificate of occupancy may be issued only if the applicant provides to the town a form of surety satisfactory to the Zoning Administrator in an amount equal to the remaining plant materials, related materials, and installation costs of the landscaping or other specifications and/or maintenance costs for any required stormwater management facilities.
         (c)   All required landscaping shall be installed and approved by the first planting season following issuance of a certificate of occupancy, or the surety may be forfeited to the town.
         (d)   All required stormwater management facilities or other specifications shall be installed and approved within 18 months of project commencement. Should the applicant fail, after proper notice, to initiate, complete, or maintain appropriate actions required by the approved plan, the surety may be forfeited to the town. The town may collect from the applicant the amount by which the reasonable cost of required actions exceeds the amount of the surety held.
         (e)   After all required actions of the approved site plan have been completed, the applicant must submit a written request for a final inspection with the as-built site plan or subdivision plan. If the requirements of the approved plan have been completed to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator, such unexpended or unobligated portion of the surety held shall be refunded in accordance with Chapters 155 and 156 of this code. The Zoning Administrator may require a certificate of substantial completion from a professional engineer before making a final inspection.
   (H)   Administration of the plan of development process shall be in accordance with Chapters 155 and 156 of this code.
      (1)   If the final plan or any component of the plan of development process, as related to this chapter, is not approved by the Zoning Administrator and/or recommended conditions or modifications are unacceptable to the applicant, the applicant may appeal such administrative decision to the Planning Commission.
      (2)   The appeal shall be made in writing to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall review the appeal and determine if:
         (a)   The plan is in accordance with all applicable ordinances and includes the necessary elements to mitigate any detrimental impact on water quality, adjacent properties, and the surrounding area; or
         (b)   Such plan meets the purpose and intent of the performance standards in this subchapter.
      (3)   If the Planning Commission finds that the applicant’s plan does not meet the criteria stated in this section, it shall reject the plan. If the applicant’s plan is found to meet the criteria stated in this section, the Planning Commission shall approve the plan.
(1998 Code, § 66-202) (Ord. passed 9-5-2017; Ord. O-2022-01, passed 4-5-2022) Penalty, see § 10.99